Wah/Expression pedal problem

  • Hey all,

    Since I got my Kemper, it's impossible for me to use any expression pedal without issues. I've try few of them including my trusty Boss FV-500H but nothing seems to work. Here's what I do:

    1. I plug the FV-500H in the pedal/switch input 2 of my KPA.

    2. In the system menu, I select Wah Pedal (type 2).

    As I'm doing this, I can see the LEDS around the control knob going up and down (from 0 to the max value of 16000 something) constantly. I can also hear that level fluctuation in the assigned effect (wah is going up down). I can't initialize the pedal level and the adjustment in the effect's parameter can't correct this behavior.

    My question is: What I'm I doing wrong? Is there a problem with my KPA?

    Thanks in advance.


    Edited once, last by Dirtstyler (December 22, 2013 at 11:06 PM).

  • How are you connecting it? Are you using a stereo cable (TRS)?

    It's a mono pedal according to descriptions. I would think you'd need a cable that goes from TRS on one side to two TS male connectors, and you'd plug those in the input/output. I would also think a standard TRS cable connected from the KPA to the FV-500H Expression Pedal input would also work, but I didn't find any documentation about that connection.

    The description of how it is working for you indicates to me that you're trying to connect it as mono when it needs stereo.

  • I've already tried everything mentioned above including switching pedals and cables. I use the EXP output of the FV500 which needs a standard 1/4 stereo jack (TRS). The FV500H is mono but I've tried before with the FV500L (the stereo version) and I encountered the same problem. It may also be important to know that as soon as I plug a TRS cable in any of the switch/pedal slots of the KPA and that I select a pedal type, the LEDS around the "value" are VERY unstable, they cap the max value and fluctuate randomly. That's what I meant by "go crazy". I'm suspecting the Kemper's footswitch module to be the culprit at this point.

  • A mono cable (TS) from FV500 EXP output to Kemper's pedal input? I've tried with other kind of expression pedals with the cable on them (Roland, M-audio) and they all use TRS cable. They also behaved the same way as it does right now with the FV500H or L. I've tried mono cables too out of curiosity and it didn't fix a thing.

  • I tried a Boss pedal and even the FCB with the uno chip and the expression pedals do not work well at all. It should just be plug and go but it isn't.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • according to the manual of the FV-500H it should be compatible to a EV-5, when using the 'EXP' output (like you did already).


    - connect with a full stereo (TRS) cable to EXP output of FV-500H (see manual of FV-500H)
    - set 'minimum volume' knob on FV-500H to 'minimum' (see manual of FV-500H)
    - set pedal type on KPA to 'type1' (= sensing on TIP)

    it should work then, when not: please contact support because it might be a hardware fault.


  • Hi there,

    i get some similar problems using the same pedal

    I created a thread ( nov 27th) : How can i use my external boss expression pedal FV500H either as a Volume pedal or a Wah Wah ?n "questions and answers about kpa" section of the forum



  • Hi Laurent,

    looks like a slightly different issue although. Your pedal seems to work on a hardware level, and your question is on a functional level. Dirt's questions seems to be further down into the hardware level.

    type1 = sensing on TIP (Roland)
    type2 = sensing on RING (Yamaha)

    a simple little test for the people who have problems with their pedals (DirtStyler / Laker)
    - connect a MONO cable (i.e. your guitar instruments cable) to the pedal input of the KPA, and select 'type 2' on the KPA

    is the input still jumping around? (it should be fixed '0')

    for the dexterous people (don't be afraid: you will not break anything here, and it is not dangerous)
    - connect a STEREO cable to the pedal input of the KPA, and select 'type 1'
    - short-circuit TIP + SLEEVE on other side of the cable (paperclip) -> input should be fixed '0'
    - short-circuit TIP + RING on the other side -> input should be fixed 'MAX'


  • hi guys..
    i just bought a source audio dual expression pedal and cannot assign the wah to work on either 'type' .the problem is when in toe position it shuts the volume down rather making a 'wah' sound
    as for pitch and modulation it works perfectly

    any idea how to solve this problem?

    many thanks

  • - connect a STEREO cable to the pedal input of the KPA, and select 'type 1'
    - short-circuit TIP + SLEEVE on other side of the cable (paperclip) -> input should be fixed '0'
    - short-circuit TIP + RING on the other side -> input should be fixed 'MAX'

    albert. When I short Tip + Ring -> fixed MAX, but the problem occurs when everything is supposed to be fixed to 0. When I short Tip + Sleeve -> seems like it wants to be at 0 but it's very unstable and the value fluctuates between 0 and MAX constantly. Thanks for the advice though.

  • ...

    albert. When I short Tip + Ring -> fixed MAX, but the problem occurs when everything is supposed to be fixed to 0. When I short Tip + Sleeve -> seems like it wants to be at 0 but it's very unstable and the value fluctuates between 0 and MAX constantly. Thanks for the advice though.

    hm.. OK

    is there any difference in behaviour between the pedal inputs ?

    would you mind to test a bit more?

    - please connect a TS (instrument / guitar / MONO) cable to the pedal input and leave the other side unconnected
    - select 'Switch (MONO) Tuner' on the KPA

    can you reliably switch the tuner mode by shorting TIP + SLEEVE now? (you should be able to toggle tuner mode between 'on' and 'off')

    when this doesn't work as expected: maybe your KPA has a hardware issue indeed, please contact support or PM me
    when it works as expected: your TRS cable may have a grounding/wire issue; did you try different TRS cable already ?

