Ok, I need help. (Pops Clicks, Digital Distortion)

  • Greetings everyone!

    I received my KPA 2 months ago and have been messing with it on my own stuff. I have been lurking on these forums for quite a while now using other peoples problems to trouble shoot my own. A lot of them have been a great help... There is one problem i am continuing to have and I cannot fix it. I am throwing myself at your mercy.

    My interface is a Digi 003 R+ lightpiped to a Digimax D8. (Using windows 7 x64 and Reaper as my DAW)

    Whenever i reamp with my kemper I get absurd amounts of pops and clipps AND digital distortion.

    I've tried:
    Factory Reset and wipe
    Using Spdif INS and OUTS only (on digi and kpa)
    Using Spdif Out on digi into kpa and XLR out of kpa in to my Digi
    Re-recording the Dry Signal using a Radial DI box instead of the KPA. (ended with the same results)
    Tried setting Reaper clock to SPDIF (and optical to spdif as well, Resulted in NO sound from the KPA at all)
    All of my levels are FLAT across the board there are no red lights flickering, just a random orange every now and then.
    Checked cab levels.

    I can run this exact DI and track through my Plugin guitar chain, and it has NONE of these errors on bounce. (Tested that too)

    Here's the end result through the KPA.

    Help me KPA kenobi(s), you're my only hope.

  • Which OS are you on on the Profiler? Check the manual for the dedicated reamping procedure and it's corresponding parameters implemented withe the latest release. Is your clean sense set properly? Does the DI track (recorded through the Profiler?) show audible clipping? Check if the input LED shows red when reamping.

    Can you please post your recording with the guitar tracks only? It's quite hard to evaluate the flaws in the guitar tracks with everything else thats going on in that track.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Thanks for the snappy response!

    I'm using the latest OS. I have read the manual and checked the corresponding connections and settings.

    I mentioned that everything was flat across the board. (Ie Clean sense, Dist Sense, Reamp sense all at 0.0)

    The Track does not show visible clipping.

    I also mentioned there were no red lights.

    Here's the Guitars Solo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10066138/Mp3…GuitarsONLY.mp3
    Here's the DI Solo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10066138/Mp3…RectodiONLY.mp3

  • I think it could be a sync problem. But as i do not know your hardware it's just a guess. Have you tried a completely analog connection between Profiler and DAW? The Profiler must be Master if a digital connection is applied, maybe the circumstance that you use the afore mentioned HW is the cause for syncing issues?

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • That's what i'm wondering too, if it's my 003R+ not wanting to play nice w/ the KPA. I've been completely unsuccessful at a 100% analog connection. The analog outs are set up in reaper, but i cannot get signal from them via my 003R+. I know this sounds kinda silly, but i've also not been able to figure out how to correctly set the KPA as a master since the only digital connection to my existing rig is the SPDIF. (Like i said earlier, I have set my clock to spdif in reaper, still happens. When i set the optical option to SPDIF in reaper, i lose audio completely from the KPA)

  • Ok, i guess there's a problem when you set the lightpipe sync to SPDIF as the connection gets lost. There's somewhat like two digital devices that need to be mastered by the Profiler. But have a look on the analog connection again, it must be getting to work. I'm out for now, (no more VADER i swear) will check back tomorrow.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • it should go:

    KPA >>Spdif>> Digi003R+ <<ADAT<<D8

    The problem im having however, is getting the KPA to play nice w/ the Digi. Like i said previously, i've tried setting the optical format of reaper to SPDIF (Which, i'm guessing would make it the master) results in zero signal from the KPA. I have set the "Clock source" option in reaper to SPDIF. and get the same results as linked above.

  • So i figured out my routing problem. I set the Clock source in reaper to SPDIF (had done before) Set the optical to SPDIF (this is where i was losing signal before) It will not produce audio through the KPAs SPDIF out if you do that. SO i went full Analog (Alternative IN from 003R+ Analog out, Main Out of KPA to a Line in on 003R+) with it set like that, and...

    Here's the guitars solo doing analog only. Seem a bit more fizzy to me, with substantially more low end..


    Anyways, i can work with this from here. Thanks for your help everyone!