Power head's amp sufficient to push a bass cab?

  • So basically, I'm wondering if the 600w class D amp in the Kemper is powerful enough to adequately drive say, an Ampeg 8x10 running a bass profile in a band rehearsal / live situation. My original plan was to run the Kemper rack into a Matrix GT1000FX, but now that I've had the rack for a bit & am realizing the portability advantages of the power head, I may have Sweetwater exchange it for me while I'm still in my return window. The thing is, the 2x12 I'd be running it through (a very nice Emperor cab) is 16 ohms mono, 8 stereo, which would put me at only 300 watts from the Kemper's mono amp. I would like the flexibility to run whatever setup I end up with to run into either a guitar or bass cab & be loud enough with a good amount of headroom as well. I know the Matrix can do this, I'm just wondering if the Kemper amp could stand up to the challenge.

  • It's true, 600 W can be limiting in certain situations. I'd say it depends on the drummer and on the venue.
    OTOH, unlike tube amps, a SS amp can be pushed hard before it distorts. The headroom in itself would not be a problem, while the absolute power could be in some circumstances.

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (December 10, 2013 at 3:59 AM).

  • So basically, I'm wondering if the 600w class D amp in the Kemper is powerful enough to adequately drive say, an Ampeg 8x10 running a bass profile in a band rehearsal / live situation.

    It's underpowered for bass, but the real problem is the ohmage, as the Kemper power amp only does 8 Ohm minimum, whereas like most single bass cabs the 8x10 is 4 ohms. You could probably get away with it for a quiet rehearsal, Mr Kemper did say "if you are careful", but I wouldn't tempt fate myself. The GT1000 (500W@4ohms) or even better it's bigger brother the GT1600 (800W@4ohms) would be a good match. Actually I was just about to buy the Powerrack when I read the ohmage limitation in the manual, quite the dealbreaker for me.

    Btw the Kemper is awesome for SVT-style bass, most of the profiles are bad to average but there's a commercial one by Sonic Underground called Crunch SVT that is true Blueline filth, I'm talking the real deal, his mp3 sample doesn't do it justice. And for less than 3 Euros, I converted my tube amp diehard bass player! Best bargain ever... :D :D


    Edited once, last by Bevosss (November 18, 2013 at 2:54 AM).

  • I just tested Matrix GT1000 a few days ago with my 8*10 bass cab which is 4 ohms. Because Matrix cannot be used with 4 ohms cab in bridged mono, I was a bit worried is only other half of the Matrix (500w) enough, but I couldn't be happier with the result. It boomed like hell. So no worries, for me at least. Matrix GT1000 is the power amp I'm gonna use, with both bass and guitar. And I play metal, by the way.

    Edited once, last by DD (November 18, 2013 at 9:30 PM).

  • I just tested Matrix GT1000 a few days ago with my 8*10 bass cab which is 4 ohms. Because Matrix cannot be used with 4 ohms cab in bridged mono, I was a bit worried is only other half of the Matrix (500w) enough, but I couldn't be happier with the result. It boomed like hell. So no worries, for me at least. Matrix GT1000 is the power amp I'm gonna use, with both bass and guitar. And I play metal, by the way.

    Good to hear, it's a pity Matrix couldn't design it to bridge 1000W@ 4 ohms, that would be some amazing headroom. They seem to have designed switchmode amps that behave more in the league of the heavy iron/boat anchors like Crown etc, from all accounts they punch far above their weight.

    FWIW my partner gigged in a trio rock band with an Eden 400W/Ampeg 8x10 head no problem, once she started playing metal-esque music with loud drums, samples and growls, the 400W didn't quite cut it...upgrading to the WT-550 gave her ample headroom though (550W@4ohms). So I'd say for loud bands, somewhere between 500-1000W@4ohms is the ballpark you want (or for tubes, 300W-6xKT-88/6550s). The more the better really, not so much for more volume as just to handle the huge transients accurately.

  • Well, Matrix also make higher wattage amps if you need more volume.
    Also, do not underestimate the loudspeakers' sensitivity: it makes a huge difference in SPL @ the same wattage and volume knob.
    For example, my Dragoon 2x12 is equipped with 2 Celestion Century rated @ 80 W. But their sensitivity is 102 dB, so with my M/B LOnestar Special @ 5 W they are loud as hell. I can't go further 1/3 volume up w/o the windows rattle and neigbour call the cops 8o