Free Lasse Lammert Clean Profile: Soldano SLO100

  • Yeah thx for the explanation, this should be attached in some ways into the rig description , the tags are too short for this, I hope the librarian will solve this issue by adding more contextual metadatas .

    I really like when people describe the amp & profiling session when putting their rig into the RE, I try do do it this way, a good rig deserve a good thread with some explanations about the tones profiled, just like you did in the previous thread.

    I agree with the fact that a good profile should suit most guitars , like the Bogner Shiva from Sirius does , but IRL you often have to choose the right input (Hi/lo) & adjust EQ in order to get a great tone, depending on the guitar . I remember profiling my JTM and adjusting EQ quite a much on the combo. So I did a special rig for LP and one for SC, instant killer tone for me with the right guitar, but no universal rig.

    And yes I guess we all keep our secrets rigs and cabs , those we don't really want to share since they are so well tailored to our style and gear, they wouldn't sound as great in others hands/gear :whistling: Everyone has to find it's own tone and the KPA is the right tool to achieve the holy grail

  • Yeah, I agree.
    I usually try to put at least all the technical info in there, like speaker, cab, micing position etc.
    For my personal use I name the profiles according to that chain, this one would be "SloStilettoCleanR121" for example, but for others it'd probably be better to name them according to their application like "CleanScoopSurf" or so.
    The whole tagging thing really is a bit of a compromise at this point, that's why I added the description in that PDF for my rig pack

  • I disagree....;)
    but since tone is subjective and always a matter of taste, there'll NEVER be a sound/tone/profile that everyone thinks is the best, so I'm not surprised if there's someone who doesn't think this is the best clean SLO profile. Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated!

    Thanks for your open minded view and again for your nice work.
    Looking forward to get more of your fine rigs ...

  • I think I spent about 4 hours just playing with that profile today. Not even tweaking but just sitting in my comfy-chair, starring out the window and just playing guitar. This was like relaxiation-therapy. Easily the best clean profile imo :)

  • Lasse, THANK YOU!

    I have been looking for this clean tone for over a year - my fave clean tone tends to be a Twin into a 412 cab and I haven't been content with what I've found until now.

    Very Eric Johnson with a Strat, but even beefier. Big, broad, warm and no break up. This profile is now my go to clean tone. :)

    Cool, glad you like it.
    I'm loving it with a strat in the in between pickup positions