Why is my Wah always on

  • Every time I turn on my KPA and select a rig with a Wah, I have to reset the Wah, because it is as if the pedal is in the mid position.

    If my FCB 1010 is connected, this is easy, I just cycle the Wah pedal once and it seems to reset every rig ok,

    But if my FCB1010 is NOT connected then every rig I select that has a Wah, is as if the Wah is already engaged and I have to disable it.

    I thought I used a preset for my wahs but maybe I messed them up.

    My basic Wah parameters are

    Pedal Mode : Bypass at toe
    Pedal Range: 20%
    Peak Range: 52%

    Is there a particular parameter that I should be adjusting to fix this.

  • I may be misunderstanding your description of what's happening but it sounds like the wah is operating as designed. If you choose "bypass at toe" the wah will be active unless there is a pedal connected and that pedal is in the toe position. I think that when the FCB1010 is not connected there's no way for the KPA to know that the pedal is in the toe position.


  • Logically, I think you are correct Brian.

    But shouldn't it default to off if there is no pedal connected. There is no reason for it to default to on as you can manually set it if you need it for a filter.
    I'm pretty sure that I didn't have this problem several systems ago but I cannot be sure and cannot get it to work now.

    Seems to me that I should be able to use it without a pedal or midi controller attached without having to manually disable all my wah fx.

    Yes Ingolf, I'm scratching my head too!!


    I may be misunderstanding your description of what's happening but it sounds like the wah is operating as designed. If you choose "bypass at toe" the wah will be active unless there is a pedal connected and that pedal is in the toe position. I think that when the FCB1010 is not connected there's no way for the KPA to know that the pedal is in the toe position.


  • I may be misunderstanding your description of what's happening but it sounds like the wah is operating as designed. If you choose "bypass at toe" the wah will be active unless there is a pedal connected and that pedal is in the toe position. I think that when the FCB1010 is not connected there's no way for the KPA to know that the pedal is in the toe position.


    You are correct, except at boot-up. At boot-up it appears that the KPA doesn't (or can't) read the wah pedal's position from the pedalboard, and it defaults it to (I assume) a position of 0 (which is probably heel at stop), so the wah gets turned on by default at boot-up if you're on a rig configured for wah that's not set to bypass @ stop, even if you have a pedalboard connected to the KPA.

    In Gizmo's case, since there's no pedalboard connected to it, the KPA would never get a pedal position update so it continues to be set to 0 and it turns the wah on when you switch to a rig that is configured for anything other than bypass @ stop.

    Assuming that the KPA can't query the pedalboard for its pedal position, I think a possible fix the developers could implement is to default the wah to OFF if the pedalboard hasn't sent the KPA the actual pedal position. This would work regardless of whether or not a pedalboard is connected to the KPA.

    Edited 12 times, last by VCuomo (November 17, 2013 at 10:52 PM).

  • Assuming that the KPA can't query the pedalboard for its pedal position, I think a possible fix the developers could implement is to default the wah to OFF if the pedalboard hasn't sent the KPA the actual pedal position. This would work regardless of whether or not a pedalboard is connected to the KPA.

    This is how I thought it would have been implemented. Clearly if there is no pedal attached then unless the wah is set to manual, it is not going to be used and should be turned off.

    I tried an experiment and plugged a pedal into a socket set for wah. I set the wah at full toe and checked that it had turned off.
    I then powered down the KPA and powered up again. My wah was now on again and sounded like it was set at full heel, which I assume is zero.

    So the default position does look like it is zero and not off.

    I think this should be changed as not all users will set the wah to "bypass @ stop"