Till´s Chimera Pack ( Till Schleicher )

  • meambobbo's analogy of the 2 treble boosters is quite interesting. That would be how I would put it. Tight spectrum.

    The more time i spent with all those different tube amps the more it becomes clear that most high gain amps get their characteric tone just by three basic components:

    Pre EQ -> Gain Stage -> Post EQ

    Just by experimenting with Pre and Post EQ you can get nearly everty tone out of every amp that creates its sound mainly through the preamp section. Tweaking the Pre EQ has similar effect as using specialized pickups. Modern hi gain amps basically follow the same rules as modern hi gain pickups. The key to a tight sound with high string separation is removing low frequencies before the gain stage. If might seem strange that the method for a punchy low end rhythm tone is actually cutting the bass but once you have learned this lesson it´s much easier to get what you want. Using tube screamers or treble boosters before the amp all follow the same approach, removing low end as as Pre EQ.

    After the Gain Stage you can compensate by adding low end again while the sound stays tight.

  • :thumbup:

    That´s how the "big guys" do/done it. Eddie VH, Dimebag, Vivian Campbell i think etc.
    That´s the only way - IMHO - to get a tight, focused Sound. TNT Guitarist Ronni Le Tekro did it with a FL2 with a specific setting in front of his amp, which gave him a locked Wha-Type-Sound.

  • I definitely agree. The boost pedals do a little bit more than just EQ (some will change your attack transients a bit), but not that much more. They're almost like EQ presets in this regard, with a very limited amount of control (1 tone knob, for instance); so they are "pre-dialed-in" to tighten up the distortion.

    I hope everyone knows that I was not dogging these profiles. They are excellent, like pretty much everything Tyler has put out to us. And there's a ton of variety - I still haven't posted an official review because all 24 of these deserve an in-depth session and personal tweaking. Also, since they're Chimera profiles, there's really not much else out there like this...at least not at this scale and quality.

    There are very, very few profiles I find I love without changing a single thing. In fact, the only one I can think of off-hand is the Morgan AC20. And I've bought other profiles that I can't say I'm extremely happy with, that are rather thin and have Definition at 10 on every profile, but even when you back it down, they still come off as a bit thin.

    For my guitars and tastes, I do find I have to back the Definition down a bit for these profiles. I find using pre-eq as a mid or upper mids boost gets me a tight tone with a good amount of bite but without harshness to sustained leads. Definition on the other hand, seems to focus more on the trebly side of the spectrum when cranked up very high.

    One other thing I should mention: some profilers will leave off any boosts and let you add them virtually with the KPA's effects (or using real pedals in front your KPA), but I find that the profiles that have these incorporated into the profile from the start sound better. Check out FRAENGGERS 5150 rigs - the + TS sounds better to me. Also, all but one of Lasse Lammert's rigs had a boost in front. So I like that as my starting point, then I'm usually reducing Definition a tad and using more mild pre-EQ to put the icing on the cake so to speak. I don't need to cut more bass. I might just make a small cut at some frequency, or a small boost somewhere, but it all depends on the profile, not a formulaic cut bass, boost treble type thing.

  • Just got Till's profiles. most of them were great just out of the box. Just lowered the definition for my strat and sounded real good. The factory profiles in the Kemper are good but I find Till's profiles a step above. Thanks for all the work you put into the profiles and looking forward to the next batch.. :thumbup:

  • Phenomenonel job on these profiles mate.

    I have been through so many to try and create "my sound", and with help of this ive finally found it. My American standard strat has never sounded this good.

    Anyway I concur with all that has already been said about this pack. It rocks and you do for making it Tyler.

    Taka care

  • but I find that the profiles that have these incorporated into the profile from the start sound better. Check out FRAENGGERS 5150 rigs - the + TS sounds better to me. Also, all but one of Lasse Lammert's rigs had a boost in front.

    Comparing a pack of profiles where 1 has a baked in OD and #2 no OD baked is not a great comparison.
    Let's assume you like the standard clean boost setting on a Tube Screamer (or similar OD pedal) going into a hi gain amp.
    Try to compare profiles:
    (1)Baked in Ibanez Tube Screamer Profile
    (2) no baked in OD, but a Kemper Green TS set to a similar boost
    (3) actual tube screamer going into KPA

    There are differences, but not as significant as one might think. Pretty close in a lot of cases...more of a slight 'feel' difference
    I love the flexibility of turning the OD on/off after the profile is made

  • Hey cranky,

    If you look at the two FRAENGGERS rigs I'm talking about, one is raw 5150 profile with Green Scream turned on in KPA and the other one is profiled TS > 5150 with no stomps in KPA.

    I don't know if it's always the case, but for that particular instance, I liked the profiled TS > 5150 than the Green Scream / "raw" 5150 profile. There could easily be other factors at play, such as the "TS" he used being different from the 808 that the Green Scream is modeled after, different amp settings, etc.

    If the tones were 100% identical, I'd agree that I prefer to want the raw profile, then use the KPA to dial in exactly the boost/filter stuff I want in front the profile. But if they're not, I just want the tone I think is better. Also, we don't have every stomp ever modeled in the KPA, so some boosts you have to bake into the profile if you want them.

    Try the two rigs out - do you think they're identical?

  • Hey everybody, if you are having trouble importing this pack into Rig Manager, you probably unpacked the zip file into a folder of the same name. It should be "Till's_Chimera_Pack_20131014". However, if you look closely, I renamed that folder - the apostrophe was one of the one Word will automatically use, which is more slanted than the one Windows Explorer and most programs use. The Rig Manager software can't deal with it. The simplest thing to do is to simply remove the apostrophe from the folder name. Then they'll import fine.

    All the rig files have apostrophes, but they're the "ok" kind, and Rig Manager will import with the apostrophe in there.

    Till, I suggest you change the name of the zip file you're sending out to prevent others from having this issue.

  • Hey everybody, if you are having trouble importing this pack into Rig Manager, you probably unpacked the zip file into a folder of the same name. It should be "Till's_Chimera_Pack_20131014". However, if you look closely, I renamed that folder - the apostrophe was one of the one Word will automatically use, which is more slanted than the one Windows Explorer and most programs use. The Rig Manager software can't deal with it. The simplest thing to do is to simply remove the apostrophe from the folder name. Then they'll import fine.

    All the rig files have apostrophes, but they're the "ok" kind, and Rig Manager will import with the apostrophe in there.

    Till, I suggest you change the name of the zip file you're sending out to prevent others from having this issue.

    Will do, thanks for investigating...

  • Bought the pack weeks ago. Play with it a lot reamping tracks. Very good tone for heavy music. I own a lot of commercial amps which sound quite poor for metal rhythms however cabs from Till's pack enabled me to rediscover some of the other profiles. So even if you don't find your tone or your favourite amp among Till's amps, you'll definitely cherish the cabs.
    So for metal players pack is highly recommended.

  • figured this out: i got the same issue at first...Chrome and Firefox.

    I did a view source, and found the links and clicked them. The links are all https, so it requires making a secure connection; however, your certificate wasn't trusted. So modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox will prompt the user to trust your certificate. Once I trusted it, I could play the clip that I clicked. Then I could also go back to your Chimera page, reload it and play the clips no problem.

    When trying to pull them up through the HTML 5 audio tag, the browser never prompts the user to trust the certificate, so it never loads them.

    So change the https to http on the links and you're all good. Unless you want some middle-man to intercept those publicly available clips ;) The NSA already has them in its infinity archive anyway. >8-(

    For those who want to hear the clips immediately, click here:…profile015c.mp3

    Then trust the certificate. Then reload the Chimera pack page, and they should play when you click the play icon on them.