Problems with rig name length, especially for performance mode.

  • I recently posted this thread:

    Organising/renaming rigs in perf mode...long rig names = difficult

    It had no comments but I believe it to be important enough to post again here.

    Using some of Andy's great Fender Toolkit profiles as an example:
    AFF-61 Super C1 Clean3, 4 5, etc or AFF-61 Super C1 Cln5+, Cln6+ etc.

    In browse mode, if the rig name is over 21 characters and there are several profiles with similar names and where the last character is important, it is cut off and they all look the same so you don't know which one you are loading. (the last character could be a gain level for example)

    In performance mode, the slot names are truncated to 12 characters in the slot and 16 characters if you try to rename them. There's only so much space for characters (otherwise they'd be way too small), so once they are in a slot you see only the first 12 characters and they all look the same again. If you try to re-order them, you don't know which ones they are, and if you try to rename them, you only see the first 16 characters, so you STILL. don't know which ones they are.

    The only way around this I have found is to rename the rigs in browse mode...kind of a pain if there's lots with similar names

    Am I missing something or doe there need to be a different way to name rigs (especially multiple profiles with similar names)

  • perhaps I can provide a few useful hints.

    The number of characters that fit into the various display fields is depending on the width of the characters. Generally it's probably not ideal to put the most relevant identifier at the end of any long rig or preset name, because the rig screen in Browse mode might not be able to display it completely.

    In Performance mode we need to distinguish between slot name, rig name, and even performance name.

    The rig name gets displayed below the performance name and has got plenty of space there - actually even more space than on the rig screen. The rig name is automatically initialized, when you select a rig from the Browse pool for the slot. However as rigs in Performance mode are stored separately and are independent from their parent rigs in Browse mode, you can change all settings incl. rig name. Like in Browse mode rig names get changed in the Rig Menu selecting 'Show Tag' and then 'Edit'. Again, such modifications don't affect the parent rig in the Browse pool.

    The slot name gets initialized, when you load the first rig into the slot and is then frozen. However you can change the slot name in the 'Arrange Slot' menu independently from the rig name. So Rig name could be 'TAF XYZ 777' while the slot is named 'Chorus'. Obviously the screen offers less space for slot than for rig name, however you have got both to organize you sounds.

    Performance name gets defined while you store a performance and can be modified on the Arrange Performances screen.

  • Thanks Burkhard, that is perfectly clear and not hard to understand once you start editing in perf mode.

    However my initial issue still stands in that for long rig names, once you go to sort slots or rename slots you only see the first 12 characters of the rig name so you have to write down what they are before you start editing.

    It is completely understandable why slot names get truncated for the performance view, but for long rig names with the first 12 characters being the same as other rigs in that performance, the rename slot or sort slot process is painful and impossible to do properly without writing the rig names down first.

    It seems to me that rig naming should take this into account, or the full rig name should be shown in the sort or rename screens.