Frau Karli's first show!

  • Skydivers have been really busy recording our 2nd record, but we did this thing on Saturday...Main Street Music Festival in Ellicott City, MD. A bunch (80 or so?) of bands playing in different spots around town throughout the day. It's a bit chaotic, but it's a good bit of fun. You all know how it is.

    While I was setting up, someone came up to me and raved about my guitar sound. I ran my HD500 thru my KPA (Frau Karli) into my QSC K10. Complimenter and I spoke for a few minutes (I was setting up, after all), but I was shocked to find he knew about the KPA. He had never seen one, but he knew what it is. I guess I think of it as one of those bits of kit to which only a Certain Segment of the Population is attracted. Anyway...that was cool.

    Frau Karli performed brilliantly for our 30 minute set. I've still not set things up completely (I want to control Frau K with my HD500), and I couldn't hear my guitar too well because I use in-ears (only vocals) whenever we play, but I could feel the vibe.

    Back to recording the record, with my new friend Frau Karli assisting  :love:

    [Blocked Image:

  • Hi there.. I tried to listen to your audio clips but no sound... could you check it :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Hi there.. I tried to listen to your audio clips but no sound... could you check it

    Hi, Stevoe...

    Was that question directed at me?
    I only posted a pic (which I hope you all can see, as it's on a password-protected page).
    No audio clips...yet  :P

  • Hi, Stevoe...

    Was that question directed at me?
    I only posted a pic (which I hope you all can see, as it's on a password-protected page).
    No audio clips...yet  :P

    Hey .. I went to the skydivers page, couldn't listen to the music samples.. the page opened no problem but didn't see any password protection :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Hey .. I went to the skydivers page, couldn't listen to the music samples.. the page opened no problem but didn't see any password protection

    Ah...duh...wasn't even thinking of that. Hmmm. There should be a music player at the bottom of the page.

    The password protection is just on a page that I use for miscellaneous pics.

    Please let me know if the player is not there...tho I dunno exactly what to do if it's not  :P

    Oh, and there are no KPA-related sounds in our recorded material...yet  :whistling:

  • Hm, I understand, Frau Karli sounds cool, but why is your Kemper amp a girl and not Herr Karl ?( ? Can you please elaborate on that a bit? :huh:
    My guitars are ladies and I thought always that my amps are giving the ladies the strength or power of a carrying voice, more a male job...
    Ahhh, the hell with it, maybe it works: girls on girls 8o !

    Edit: Managed to play a Song, Great Sound, loved it!

    "rope ladder to the moon" or "stairway to heaven" :huh:  UnO4KemperEPROM for FCB1010 with glow in the dark labels!

    Edited once, last by Labrat (October 3, 2013 at 8:13 AM).

  • 1. Hm, I understand, Frau Karli sounds cool, but why is your Kemper amp a girl and not Herr Karl ? Can you please elaborate on that a bit?

    2. My guitars are ladies and I thought always that my amps are giving the ladies the strength or power of a carrying voice, more a male job...

    3. Ahhh, the hell with it, maybe it works: girls on girls !

    4. Edit: Managed to play a Song, Great Sound, loved it!

    Let's see...

    1. First off...I love the ladies. However, there may be some underlying psychological activity occurring here. Who knows? I do have a "Black Knight" (from Monty Python) hanging from my K10. And he has a sword. So maybe that takes care of the Male Archetype Requirement :P

    2. Interesting...I never thought of it that way. I suppose it depends on the amp! I think a Marshall stack is probably male. Fender Twin Reverb...hmm. Could be either. Fender Hot Rod. Probably male. I do have a 1964 (?) Vox Cambridge (Solid State...would love to have the tube version) whose name is "Bridgette." Tricky. I'll have to ask the amps, maybe!

    We do have a female guitar player/vocalist in Skydivers. I think her gear varies in gender. I forget.

    3. There you go :thumbup:

    4. Thank you SO much! We've been working on the new record since March, and it's already sounding quite good. We've mainly been working on drums and bass, tho I've laid down some rough-ish guitar tracks just to get an idea of the direction of things. I've managed to get some very good sounds with the addition of Pro Tools plug-ins (like the SansAmp PSA-1). I imagine Frau Karli will be a great assistant on this stuff. I'm really hoping I can profile the PSA-1 sound I got. It is perfect (IMO) for the song in which I used it.