VST Instrument or Plugin

  • You should be able to recall complete rigs for projects. You would just need to send the appropriate patch change number via midi, rather than USB. Just set it up in your DAW, there's a video somewhere on these forums that shows you exactly how to do this.

    So I have to manually assign a specific midi number to recall an exact rig? This would mean I'd also have to snapshot that rig? It would also mean I'd run out of patch numbers ... ?

    I guess what I'm talking about is being able to have settings stored in a VST plugin/instrument and being able to then bring those settings up on the Kemper. So I would be able to edit things like gain/eq/stomps within a VST interface.

    (Much like how plugins work with presets stored as temporary files on the computer).

    On every single project, the amp sound(s) I choose are completely different based on the player and their guitar - this would be consistent across all studios, so it should be useful pretty universally.

  • Correct. You would be able to access 128 rigs using PC messages. If you can send CC or NRPN, you should be able to access even more.

    But there aren't any plans for a graphical editor that I'm aware of. What Kemper Amplifiers is working on is a librarian at the moment.

    In the absence of any other solution, I'd suggest storing rigs that you create for individual users on a USB stick. Use a naming convention that will enable you to identify them.

    Whenever you need to, just load the profiles on your Kemper and you should be good.

    The advantage of doing this is that you would not be limited to a maximum of 1,000 profiles.

  • Then again, you'd have be limited in your assignment of PC numbers, because you'd have to figure out which patch was which every time you copy in artist profiles. The only solution to avoid that would be to delete all profiles on the Kemper everytime you import a set. Tedious, but I'm not sure what else you could do to achieve the kind of synchronisation you want with a DAW. .

  • Not sure if there is any special hardware in the KPA that is essential for the signal processing, but if not then I would happily pay for a stand alone software version of the KPA working on PC/MAC working in the same way as amplitube 3. This would be the ideal reamping tool. Good way to get more income from existing KPA owners as well!

  • I think Kemper's stance on a PC version would be the same as the guys that made GTA 5.

    As in a resounding, "No", because piracy would kick in and that would be the end of it.

    It's the same reason they won't make the Axe FX into a VST. Delinking the code from your hardware is putting yourself at the mercy of the internet and we all know how people really are once they hear the words "free".

  • Yeah I don't think a PC version of the entire Kemper is particularly appropriate ... but I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility that a VST instrument or plugin to control the unit could be released for owners.

    I probably need 2-5 amps per project generally and I'd probably do about 100-150 projects per year, so the existing MIDI solution isn't ideal. It would also be useful for live acts who utilise a DAW live as a playback device.

    Otherwise, it's just about making notes of settings like outboard hardware.

    Anyway, a guy can dream!