selecting cab from a "pre-rig" to remove any cab influence when running into pwramp and real cabs with cab sim off

  • Hi,

    I normally run my Kemper into a Matrix GT1000FX and into (2) 2x12 cabs with the cab block/sim off. I use mostly a Vox AC30 type profile for clean to low/medium gain stuff. I notice that even with the cab sim off that there still seems to be some remnants of the cab in the profile "cab driver" that puts a slight blanket over the speaker effect.

    Today I tried turning the cab sim back on and changing the cab to something other than what was profiled with the Vox....I switched to one of the pre-amp only rigs which seemed to really open up the sound and remove any blanket over the speaker feeling.

    Do this make any sense? Is there a better way to accomplish the same thing?


  • It's true that there's still a certain amount of the cab in the profile when you turn the cabsim off. Also it is recommended to turn the cabsim on, if you're using the new preamp-only-rigs. I'm now playing FRFR but before that I was playing through a tube amp and two 1 x 12 speaker cabs (V30). I never noticed a "blanket effect". The sound depends a lot on the used cab (you'll notice this if you're going FRFR and try different cabsims). Did you try the global Monitor EQ (Output section) to get rid of the blanket?

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Thanks Kempermaniac,

    I haven't tried the global monitor EQ however I am presently coming out of the mains in stereo into the Matrix GT1000FX. I will mess around with the EQ. Is there any reason that I should not be using the process above (I know it all comes down to your ears and what sounds best to the user) but is there any technical reason why I shouldn't be using that method.

    Although I am using the pwramp and cabs right now I also have 2 x EV ELX112p's that I use for FRFR and I have 2 Atomic CLR powered cabs on order in order to hopefully make the full FRFR transition.


  • Aaaah, you're coming out of the mains (I thought out of the Monitor Output)! First: Cabdriver is only active on Monitor Output. Second: For the Main Outs the cabsim can only be disabled via the button in the stack section. Third: In this case use the global EQ for the Mains (Output section) to get rid of the "blanket". Fourth: The process above should work, but with the cabdriver on Monitor Out (no stereo possible here as far as I know) the results should be better. Fifth: Going FRFR is the way to go imho (cabsim ON!).

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • awesome, thanks for the info! :)

    With respect to point # 2, I have been disabling the cabsim using the button in the stack section. This is what is interesting....

    Option 1 : Default AC30 profile with cab sim off using button in stack section. Sounds great but just a bit blankety....maybe a better description is not open, bright.

    Option 2 : Same profile, turn cabsim back on, hold cabinet button, go into cab selection under "from rigs" and change in from the profiled cab to on the of the "pre's" and then save it, and then toggle the cabsim back off using the button in the stack section.

    In both cases the the cabsim has been turned off but for some reason Option 2 sounds way better, more open, 3D, brighter, lively etc :)


    Edited once, last by gforces (September 8, 2013 at 3:15 PM).

  • If it sounds good, it is good (David Lee Roth). :)
    You can see the big influence of a cab on the sound, even if the cabsim is turned off. And this influence is way higher if you're going FRFR (much more variations) and leave the cabsim on.

    BTW and only to be sure: Please don't mix up cabsim and cabdriver, these are two different things.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Are you using "cabs" from these preamp profiles? These are sounding great for me.

    From the August 2nd announcement:

    NEW: Preamp Profiles Pack
    We are sharing 25 preamp profiles. The preamp signals have been picked from the Send of the tube amps' effect loop connecting it with the Return of the Profiler. Such profiles
    should be played through tube amplifier and guitar cabinet. Instead of
    using a separate tube power amp you could also feed the signal into the
    Return of a tube amp's effect loop. In any case the cab simulation of
    the Profiler should stay activated, because it has an impact on the