I can't get my matrix q12a to sound as good as my regular guitar cab!!

  • As much as I try , I can't get my matrix Q12a to sound as good as my port city 1-12. There is just something about the sound and I have tweaked the cab and eq parameters to death on the Kemper.any ideas? I just want the matrix to sound like a regular guitar cab . Right now it sounds like a cheap PA cabinet.

  • I just want the matrix to sound like a regular guitar cab.

    This is where the misconception is. The Martix will never sound like a guitar cabinet. If you are running the fully processed signal though the Matrix you will get what you hear when micing an amp and listining to that sound through monitor (or other appropriate) speakers isolated from the actual "amp in the roum" sound.
    I suppose you are running your Port City cab with "cab off", so this will give you the feeling you get when standing in front of a real amp. You either have to get using to the fully processed guitar sound with your Matrix or stick with the guitar cab solution.
    Apart from all that the Matrix of course should not sound like a cheap PA speaker.

  • Also it can take a few hours for your ears to adjust to a new sound. if you are using it for recording then the best thing to do is mix it into some tracks and see how it sounds then. or are you wanting it for live work? in which case its really just personal taste and you might be happier sticking with your current setup. or actually try it out live and ask someone to have a listen from out front and report back.sometimes what you hear close up isnt what other people are hearing.

  • I bought and returned my Matrix Q12 mate. Sounded nice at home at practice levels, no way it could handle a live performance. It doesn't widthstand gig levels, unless you use it as a monitor at lower volumes.

    "It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender"

  • I have a Matrix Q12a too, and it sounds awesome! My bandmates prefer it to my tube amp rig. Perhaps the particular profiles you have tried don't suit your tastes, and perhaps the coloration your Port City cab adds to them is what makes them sound better to you, whereas the Matrix Q12a won't color the sound.

    First of all, you have to make sure that you have the "cab on" when using the Matrix, or EVERY profile will sound like crap. Once you have that set, try changing the cabinet on the profiles you are not happy with. I have found some profiles of amp models that I like in real life that I found to be a bit muddy, but switching those profile's cabinets to something from another profile made those profiles sound great to me. For what it's worth, I tend to go for a "front of amp" sound myself. I prefer that rawness for playing live especially. For recording, I tend to use the same profiles and tweak them in my DAW as I would any recorded real amp to get a more refined sound that fits nicely in the mix.