Sounds are often trebly

  • @ CK: Great post, thank you!
    @ Glowing_Tubes: My impression is, that in the vast majority of profiles the clarity is set to zero. Therefore there is no turning down of this parameter.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Now to the topic: if you find that the profiles need some equalization, go for it! Id you feel the profiles are too bright when you play stand-alone, feel free to cut it down by a lowpass filter. Do whatever is required to have the best listening enjoyment. However, be aware that by those tweaks you have probably moved the sound away from a state-of-the-art recording sound. This is no problem, if you are aware of that.

    Thanks for the walkthrough. I am no professional by any means but do know a little about a lot of things and this tends to lead to gaps in areas that need exploration and explanation in order to understand the big picture. I look forward to constructive criticism though find that people on this board are sometimes too nice. So if you ever feel the need to explain the technicalities of certain aspects (without giving out any trade secrets, of course) myself and others would likely be all ears.

    The Kemper does have the nice ability of being able to set it and forget it like a real amp once your needed tones are dialed in as well as also being easy to navigate through if someone likes to tweak and explore. This makes it good whether we find a profile that works with out set up or not. Like you say though, there are just too many variables in making every situation work from the get go so a mix of differently profiled preloaded profiles is ideal. It is so easy to go from live amp sound to recorded amp sound that I ( and I'm sure others) sometimes question what is real or sounds better. I do prefer the "CD in the room" sound myself as it seems to translate well to the recorded tone when playing through FRFR. Though I do still explore as people that want a demo say "Oh do you have X sound" and already have that amp in the room image ready to compare it to. It is just easier to give that to them than to explain FRFR and why it works with everything easier.