Auxiliary Input does not work

  • I want to plug a drumcomputer to the Auxiliary Input. In the Manual I read

    Quote from Reference Manual 2.0 Page 9

    When you have a Hardware Effects Loop active in your rig, or you are in Profiling Mode,
    then the Auxiliary Input will not work this way, since the inputs are needed for a different purpose.

    But now here it is actually the other way round: when I activate the Loop I hear the drumcomputer nice as it should be, but when I deactivate it, all is silent no matter how much I turn up the control for Auxiliary Input in the Master Menue page 5. I even took the FX Loop completely out of the slot, but it didn't help.

    Arggh - I can't find out what is wrong here.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.