Posts by coldforged

    You could buy a 5-pack of those right-angle coax connectors for $5 at home depot I think. I used to put them on all my TV's before wifi streaming was a thing.

    I mentioned in the original question: "I've read that standard 90 degree audio RCA adapters do not work for digital signals so my original thought is out." If they actually do work I guess I spent some money I didn't need to spend.

    Hello all. I have a Stage in a pedal board where the space behind the unit is at a premium. See photo below (click for larger).

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    I have a new interface on the way that will allow me to reamp via S/PDIF. Anyone have a cable or connector recommendation to run S/PDIF cable in this tight environment? I've read that standard 90 degree audio RCA adapters do not work for digital signals so my original thought is out.

    From that I'd assume that you have the Stage model and not Toaster or Rack version, right? For the Stage it doesn't get older than 7-something...

    Correct, I'm on a Stage.

    I've done bit more experimenting with the recordings and the noise appears to be somewhere around 6.8khz on the Fortin 13 profile and 5.8khz on the other profiles. I put two high-Q EQs (just to really pull those frequencies down) on them to very harshly and precisely yank those frequencies out to get most of it out. I found it odd that the frequencies were slightly different.

    Hi all,

    I've read a hundred threads that all sound about the same but have yet to find a solution. I'm a high gain metal player and recently (ish) I've noticed some ugly, unexpected noise that sounds like clipping that I simply can't rid myself of. I've tried everything I can think of -- I've done a complete factory reset, I've changed cables, I've swapped guitars -- to no avail. I've adjusted every tunable parameter I can think of, messed with every output and input setting from clean/distort sense to main volume levels, adjusted levels down to almost nothing into the interface, listened with just headphones into the back and no interface... I can't figure out how to rid myself of these unwanted artifacts. It's like a click, crackle, or clipping on heavily picked strokes. I can ease it out by easing up a bit... but that's hardly a solution.

    Here's an audio file with samples. All of the profiles are from the Rig Exchange, two publicly created profiles and one Kemper-provided profile from the Lasse Lammert pack. I usually play a Schecter 7-string with active EMGs but I also get the noise on my passive Ibanez S540. I'd love to try to downgrade to an older OS version (I'm on but I can't find an archive of older OSes.

    Any insights? I'm at wit's end.

    Unless you're playing quite loud you might still be hearing your guitar acoustically. You say at low volume, and I can pretty much assure you that you'll still hear that acoustically even if you think it's "loud enough" that you don't. It always threw me off the tiniest amount when I played with a Drop, and still does now that I no longer use it in favor of the built-in transpose in the Kemper.

    The 112 came in this afternoon. Haven't used it in a rehearsal setting, but just in my room a quick loudness test felt like it had the headroom and driver excursion to kill anyone within 100 feet. I've also adjusted the HPF on all of my rigs to have a bit friendlier low end. We'll see how things go next week. I'm cautiously optimistic. (Of course the drummer threatened to bring in his full-sized kit to keep up.)

    Wanted to close the loop on this for those following along at home. Had a full rehearsal yesterday -- last week's ended after 2.5 songs because the drummer broke his bass drum head... I mentioned he was loud -- and the 112 handled it well. I had tamed my performances a bit which
    helped matters I'm sure, but I still have some meaty low end that didn't put the 112 in the same kind of distress the 108 had. Had the Headrush at about 12 o'clock and the Kemper at about 1 o'clock.

    Put it this way: I came home and finally put the Headrush boxes out in the recycling bin.

    Went pretty smooth for me. I made a video for my channel on it.

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    It is one of my earlier vids so it is recorded on my cell phone.

    Funny, I'd never heard an actual immediate direct A -> B comparison between the profiled amp and the profile. That was ridiculously authentic.

    The FRFR112 even without any input playing has a certain level of speaker hiss/noise like a PA system would without any sound coming out...a little unlike a guitar cab that you could have quiet.

    Yep, I've noticed this too. No input at all there's a hiss. Clearly when there's tone being run through it it's a non issue, and I imagine in a rehearsal atmosphere or especially in a gig it will be completely unnoticeable.

    So I just had my first rehearsal with my new-to-me Stage and new Headrush 108. For the life of me I couldn't get the 108 to be loud enough to cut through the band without bottoming out the driver. Clearly I need to work on my high-pass filters on my rigs, but I was quite disappointed. Returning and ordering a 112, but I admit to being a bit apprehensive that the 112 will do the same. I'm really confused since they tout its ability to be used by bassists, too. Am I missing something? I was connected to the main out of the Kemper and it does just fine at "reasonable" volume, but getting the Headrush at about 2 o'clock and the Kemper main volume at 12 it just couldn't deal.

    The 112 came in this afternoon. Haven't used it in a rehearsal setting, but just in my room a quick loudness test felt like it had the headroom and driver excursion to kill anyone within 100 feet. I've also adjusted the HPF on all of my rigs to have a bit friendlier low end. We'll see how things go next week. I'm cautiously optimistic. (Of course the drummer threatened to bring in his full-sized kit to keep up.)

    So I just had my first rehearsal with my new-to-me Stage and new Headrush 108. For the life of me I couldn't get the 108 to be loud enough to cut through the band without bottoming out the driver. Clearly I need to work on my high-pass filters on my rigs, but I was quite disappointed. Returning and ordering a 112, but I admit to being a bit apprehensive that the 112 will do the same. I'm really confused since they tout its ability to be used by bassists, too. Am I missing something? I was connected to the main out of the Kemper and it does just fine at "reasonable" volume, but getting the Headrush at about 2 o'clock and the Kemper main volume at 12 it just couldn't deal.

    Hi all! Very recently got my Stage. Though I can't imagine there's too many people who would be interested, here's a bit about me and the story of my great find.

    Got my first guitar at 14, played in a band for a couple of gigs at 24, have been mostly off for several decades but recently have found a group of like minded folks. For about the last year a group of coworkers and I have been meeting in a conference room after work once a week and banging out some metal covers. From a core of 3 -- me, another guitarist, and a drummer -- in the beginning, we now have added a bassist and vocalist and our list of songs has expanded to about 12. Largely Metallica with a sprinkling of Megadeth, Pantera, Mastodon, and Sepultura. We dubbed ourselves Dark Hours (a little in joke from our company) and it's become my favorite part of the week.

    This year we're considering jumping in at a local open mic night. As such I've been thinking about my performance rig a whole lot -- besides, who doesn't lust over gear? -- and was, of course, unsatisfied with my Boss Katana 50. I could make noise with it but tone matching for our cover songs was challenging to say the least, and only having 4 live selectable "sounds" was really limiting when trying to cover multiple bands (and even multiple eras of the same band). I've had my eye on a Kemper Profiling amp for a long time, like prior to Dark Hours even. I really dug the tone and flexibility. But man is it pricy. Plus, I'd want a foot controller to make a good live rig which put the price even higher. Last year when they released the Stage I knew that was my solution. It went on my Christmas wish list (along with a Schecter 7 string... it's good to give people choices of gifts! :D) but was and has remained out of stock everywhere. The Schecter showed up under the Christmas tree (which was awesome, btw).

    I'd resigned myself to waiting until my birthday in May (it's a "big number" birthday, so I figure a big gift wouldn't be out of line). Yesterday I came into work and one of my coworkers who knew I was interested forwarded me a Craigslist ad. Roughly 4 hours later and with the blessing of my long-suffering missus...

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    I'm over the moon. Not just the Stage but a beautiful case/pedalboard, expression pedal, all the connections plus a whole load of paid profiles. I have my dream rig! I sold the Katana and a Digitech Drop pedal on Craigslist and picked up an 8" Headrush FRFR and now I'm super excited about my rig. I'm still learning and experimenting, but man this thing can generate some tones.

    I'm not a great guitarist or even particularly good, but I have fun and am trying to get better. Had my first lesson with a Skype instructor Sunday and will keep working.

    Anyway, that's enough. Glad to be here.

    Hi, first week with my Kemper and I'm trying to figure out a smooth workflow for creating and editing performances using RM3. There's a few things that feel like bugs (sometimes dropping rigs on a performance slot resets it back to Crunch, editable rig freezes to one of them regardless of actively previewed rig, etc). But mostly I'm trying to clear up some things that are a bit confusing.

    I'm cool with creating a new performance in local storage, dragging rigs into slots within the performance, dragging a performance from local storage into a numbered performance slot on the profile.

    However, is there a "right" place those rigs need to be (e.g. local storage or profiler) in order to be in a performance slot on the profiler?

    Once the performance is created, is there a way to edit the rig for a slot in RM3? For instance, one of my performances is for a detuned song, so I'd like to transpose the rig. I feel like the only workflow effective for this is copying the rig which feels bad.

    Similarly, talking about rigs rather than performances, once a rig is stored on the profiler, editing that rig is not reflected in any copy in "local storage", correct? So should I be editing in local storage and dragging back to the profiler? Editing on the profiler and copying back? Trying to keep them in sync feels quite clumsy unless I'm missing something.