Posts by CarloLf

    From all those 22658 rigs in my RM there isn't any that sounds pristine, clear, bright, crispy and with a substantial amount of volume. The ones that do have volume are quite distorted so that they are useless too.

    So you tested those 22658 rigs :P :?:
    Anyway, I cannot confirm to your opinion that those (which?) sound dull and lifeless. Although I confirm: most rigs have no good loudness, a thing I never understood. I always turned them up with a compressor, amp volume or rig volume - then they got room.

    Anyway, here is a very(!) loud clean (Fender) profile on RigExchange I suggest to you:

    Woke Up In California - IntroFan Vibr. QueenFan Vibr. QueenAnd445.00 / 5.00 2023-09-09

    Ich habe auf meinem Lenovo Tablet vor ca. 2 Wochen den RigManager installiert und dann gleich die WLAN-Verbindung ausprobiert. Das funktionierte auf Anhieb. Seit dem habe ich das Tablet mit dem RigManager nicht wieder benutzt, heute aber wieder versucht. Jetzt sehe ich wohl, dass mein Stage-Gerät bei angekreuztem "Wifi Enable" meine Fritzbox sich als Router gemerkt hat. Der Android RigManager sucht aber vergeblich nach dem Stage Netzwerkgerät. In der Fritzbox taucht der Stage auch nicht als aktives Gerät auf. Der Versuch, per WPS eine Verbindung neu zu erzeugen, ist auch ohne Erfolg. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass der Button auf dem Stage, der WPS ausführen soll, nicht so hell leuchtet wie der Button für "Wifi Enable"; er ist aber auch nicht dunkel wie bei "Access Point Mode". Der Button "Home Network Mode" leuchtet dagegen voll, lässt sich aber auch nicht deaktivieren(?).

    Weiterer Hinweis: in der Fritzbox hatte ich den Namen des Eintrags für den Stage geändert, von "My Profiler" auf "Kemper Profiler". Ich habe aber heute nach dem Connect-Misserfolg das Netzwerkgerät aus der FritzBox gelöscht und wollte mit WPS die Verbindung neu aufbauen. Die Fritzbox meldet übrigens keine Fehler im Log.

    I installed the RigManager on my Lenovo tablet about 2 weeks ago and then immediately tried out the WLAN connection. It worked straight away. I haven't used the tablet with RigManager since then, but I tried again today. Now I can see that my stage device has remembered my Fritzbox as a router when "Wifi Enable" is selected. However, the Android RigManager searches in vain for the Stage network device. The Fritzbox does not show the Stage as an active device either. The attempt to create a new connection via WPS is also unsuccessful. I noticed that the button on the stage that is supposed to perform WPS does not light up as brightly as the button for "Wifi Enable"; however, it is also not dark as with "Access Point Mode". The "Home Network Mode" button, on the other hand, is fully lit, but cannot be deactivated(?).

    Another note: I had changed the name of the entry for the stage in the Fritzbox from "My Profiler" to "Kemper Profiler". However, I deleted the network device from the FritzBox today after the connection failure and wanted to re-establish the connection with WPS. Incidentally, the Fritzbox does not report any errors in the log.

    I installed the RigManager on my Lenovo tablet about 2 weeks ago and then immediately tried out the WLAN connection. It worked straight away. I haven't used the tablet with RigManager since then, but I tried again today. Now I can see that my stage device has remembered my Fritzbox as a router when "Wifi Enable" is selected. However, the Android RigManager searches in vain for the Stage network device. The Fritzbox does not show the Stage as an active device either. The attempt to create a new connection via WPS is also unsuccessful. I noticed that the button on the stage that is supposed to perform WPS does not light up as brightly as the button for "Wifi Enable"; however, it is also not dark as with "Access Point Mode". The "Home Network Mode" button, on the other hand, is fully lit, but cannot be deactivated(?).

    I installed the RigManager on my Lenovo tablet about 2 weeks ago and then immediately tried out the WLAN connection. It worked straight away. I haven't used the tablet with RigManager since then, but I tried again today. Now I can see that my stage device has remembered my Fritzbox as a router when "Wifi Enable" is selected. However, the Android RigManager searches in vain for the Stage network device. The Fritzbox does not show the Stage as an active device either. The attempt to create a new connection via WPS is also unsuccessful. I noticed that the button on the stage that is supposed to perform WPS does not light up as brightly as the button for "Wifi Enable"; however, it is also not dark as with "Access Point Mode". The "Home Network Mode" button, on the other hand, is fully lit, but cannot be deactivated(?).

    Another note: I had changed the name of the entry for the stage in the Fritzbox from "My Profiler" to "Kemper Profiler". However, I deleted the network device from the FritzBox today after the connection failure and wanted to re-establish the connection with WPS. Incidentally, the Fritzbox does not report any errors in the log.

    Another note: I had changed the name of the entry for the stage in the Fritzbox from "My Profiler" to "Kemper Profiler". However, I deleted the network device from the FritzBox today after the connection failure and wanted to re-establish the connection with WPS. Incidentally, the Fritzbox does not report any errors in the log.

    Translated with (free version)

    Sound "Wake up in Califorina" echt klasse, aber

    genau, das Profil liefert einen super Fender sound, wenn man clean mag. Und dass es super-laut ist, fiel mir auch extrem auf. Das beginnt schon im Rig, wo das Volume heftig aufgedreht ist. Dann über fast alle EQs , den Compressor, den Amp. Aber diese Einstellungen kann man ja selber runter regeln, ohne dass das Profil verliert!

    Umgekehrt fand ich andere von mir probierte Profile auf RigExchange oder von Kemper selber zu leise und viel zu dünn, quasi farb- und charakterlos. Gut, einen "Loudness War" braucht man nicht. Man muss es halt selber einstellen, so wie man es für "gut" empfindet. Das ist halt der subjektive Faktor, der immer dabei ist (bei echten Amps, bei Effekten, bei Gitarren) - das ewige Suchen der Gitarristen nach dem "optimalen" Sound (den es nicht gibt).

    I found this great :thumbup: profile "Woke Up in California" by And44 on RigExchange built upon the amp "Fan Vibr.Queen" - a Fender Vibrolux King profile, I think.

    First of all: It sounds really great, just as I expect what should be a good, clean (Gain at 0) Fender tone when I play it with my Strat. It is made as a really loud profile - Amp Volume is set to 4.6 dB! (Most profiles I have tested from RigExchange a way to weak.)

    Well, but then I have some questions. and44 put two Studio EQs before the amp, the second with a volume at 2.8 - I never saw something like this (2 EQs) before. What is the reason? He also put another Studio EQ behind the amp, but disabled. Also, he put a Compressor before the amp with the Volume at 3.5.

    To my ears, disabling the EQs before the amp and enabling the EQ behind the amp, makes the sound clearly weaker, not so "full" - why? So I think I will use the EQ before the amp. And it seems I could remove the first of the EQs before the amp and just use the second and let the Compressor active.

    Anyone with a good reasoning about And44's effect design? and44, could you explain?

    Nowadays people often have a "feel", say for temperature. Say: some subjective impression. It seems to be the same for these "liquide" profiles. A lot about is written and spread by video. Now, when you have the new software for this "Liquidity", you try and get some "feeling" on the somewhat changed sound. Ok, so it's like it. All I want to say is: I ain't got these "feels" when they are meant to be somehow "wow, overwhelming". By now, I have some other minor means to change sounds, not more.

    It's a new revenue stream that most businesses will most likely leverage.

    It is. And also for Kemper, I suppose. What I heard and saw from videos promoting these LPs, honestly said, didn't really convince me that LP is a game changer. Of course, if there are better possibilities to change the sound of a profile with another, "closer" tone stack regarding the real amp.

    Before this new story of LPs was invented, the story for the Kemper always was: a profile is a true image of a real amp (depending on the amp settings while profiling). Obviously, now with LP it becomes "truer". :)

    Ok, mit Hilfe des Handbuchs habe ich es verstanden.


    "Ein normales Profil spiegelt jedoch nicht die Eigenschaften des Gain-Reglers und der Equalizer-Regler (EQ oder Tone Stack) des Ziel-Röhrenverstärkers wider. (...) Stattdessen wurden bisher ein allgemeiner Gain-Regler und ein allgemeiner Tone Stack für Profile verwendet."

    "Die Tone Stack-Regler Bass, Middle, Treble und Presence funktionieren und klingen genau wie die Originalregler des Referenzröhrenverstärkers."

    Der Profiler extrapoliert (wie spekulativ?) wohl aus der Aufnahme und den hinterlegten Werten den "Tonestack" und Gain im Sinne des Spektrums dessen, was der profilete Verstärker an Regelung bietet. Kemper kann nachträglich über Software-Updates passende "Amp Models" zur Verfügung stellen, so dass aus einem nicht-liquiden Profil ein liquides Profil wird. It's a kind of magic. Denn ich kann einem mir vorliegenden Profil dann auch irgend ein Amp Modell unterschieben, das einen ganzen anderen Amp präsentiert. Dann haben wir eben ein "hybrides" oder "virtuelles" Profil...

    Und das Handbuch führt uns in wahre virtuelle Welten:

    Ok, ich bin mal gespannt, wenn das OS aus dem Beta-Stadium raus ist. Und welche Amp Models Kemper liefert.

    Was genau ist eigentlich ein "Tonestack", von dem jetzt viel die Rede ist? Am echten Amp wahrscheinlich die EQ-Regler. Wenn jetzt mit OS10 ein Amp profiled wird, übernimmt der Kemper jetzt per Digitalisierung eben nur die am Amp gesetzten Einstellungen? Wie kann ein "Liquid" Profile andere Einstellungen nachbilden?

    After watching this interesting video, I installed the latest RigManager (3.4.32) and the OS version 9.0.5 and then loaded the profile from Kemper Legends Tribute 1-3. Then I got disappointed seeing the Amplifier effects: NO "Amp Model" with the selection box defaulting to "Kemper Generic". How can it be enabled? Or does Thomas Dill use a newer beta version?