Posts by JSonny

    Would be nice in RM to be able to right click and swap the morphs - blue goes to red and red goes to blue. Some morphs I have set, I realize would be better with the expression pedal as toe down instead of heel. Then we would not have to manually switch all the settings.

    First, thank you Kemper for the continuous improvements! If someone at Kemper can confirm, or if it has already been confirmed, sorry for re-asking: For my old profiles where the target amp tone knobs were all set to noon, and gain set to 10, is there a reason to profile these again under Liquid? Best I can tell, an old profile with target amp tones at 5 and gain at 10, if I burn the settings and convert these old profiles to Liquid, then that is the same thing as as profiling again under Liquid? Can you confirm if correct? Not sure if profiling under Liquid gathers NEW information that the old profiling process did not capture (aside from the pot settings).

    thanks again

    ST yes a warning would help but still not necessarily perfect. I understand your issue with the chicken head knob though. There are definitely pros and cons to all option but I really believe that most of the problems people experience woth RM and performances are probably linked to the orofiler not being in performance mode when working on them in RM.

    RM can "read" what is in Performances even when the Kemper is in Browser. Would be great if it could "write" to the performances even when the Kemper is not. And if you are using RM to tweak a profile in a Performance even if the Kemper is in Browser, I believe currently you can still hear a "demo" of that sound - you just can't save any changes. I'd prefer if you could save those changes. When I am building performances, I am constantly back and forth between the browser and the performances and it is less than ideal to have to physically change the Kemper back and forth. And often I forget I am in Performances, and click a profile in the browser to demo it, and it overwrites the performance. This part bugs me and is totally my user error, but I think the Kemper could be improved on this.

    There has to be a better way of using Rig Manager to move between the Browser and Performance on the Kemper. I am constantly inadvertently overwriting Performance slots also. It seems to depend on whether you are in Browser or Performances on the Kemper as to what RM will actually let you do? This should not be - it should work that when in RM, you can move profiles between Browser and Performances more easily and reliably, without auto overwriting performance slots with whatever you click in the Browser. Seems most logical to me if you could have the Browser and Performance libraries up in windows side by side, to drag and drop, or something like that.

    Edit: I can bring Performance up in a separate window, but would be better if the program was set up to frame this

    Thanks for the thoughts. Sorry, maybe I was not clear. Yes, analog causes noise that digital does not. Yet the Kemper is a digital device and has noise gates. So it is not a matter of whether a digital device like the Kemper should have nose gates. It already does. I am just suggesting WHERE they could exist for ease of workflow - totally my opinion of what would work for me - no offense to anyone who has a different opinion. I don't like increasing the noise gait globally on the input because to my ears, it kills the clean sounds. No need to go into a whole signal chain discussion and the fact that it is really compression causing raised noise floor starting with the analog pickups. I understand this - I think we all do. Cheers.

    I'd love it if a noise gait was a parameter in the high gain pedals like the Mouse, Muffin, Fuzz, etc.... Right now for example, when I stomp on a Mouse, I have it turn the noise gait on also. But it would be convenient if the noise gate was part of the Mouse settings (and could store it all as one preset, like how you have a compressor setting for the amps so we don't have to tie up a spot or kick on another compressor). thanks

    The new Kemper Fuzz is a huge improvement. The low impedance switch for the front end makes all of the difference (and not just for using the guitar volume - the guitar volume still does not clean up as well as a real fuzz, but closer) - this low impedance switch makes the fuzz sounds much, much closer to my red germanium fuzz pedal (the wildness and harmonics, and of course the noise). A suggestion for getting rid of the audible "pop" when switching the input impedance: mute the input signal for a few milliseconds when switching. If this causes too much of a dropout, replace the mute at the output with a few milliseconds of the previous output (like a delay pedal would do, by repeating the previous signal, just to cover up the dropout). I know amp manufacturers have done similar for channel switching amps to get rid of the pop - Randall Smith created a mute circuit (I think using a Ferrite Bead on the input) to cover up the pop on his later channel switching amps. Thanks for all of the continued work.

    I'd love it in Rig Manager when in a particular module, to have a pulldown list of the presets (on the Kemper) available for that module. So for example, if a compressor is loaded, to be able to select a compressor preset from a pulldown list in the compressor module.

    I am not a fan of having to go to a new window in rig manager to see all the presets for everything, and scroll through those and drag and drop them into a module. Just much more cumbersome and less intuitive. Thanks for all the hard work.