Posts by dango123

    Over the last few updates, switching profiles in performance mode (via the footswitch) has become pretty laggy on my toaster - going up/down between performances loads the profile details very slowly, and then selecting the new profile takes another 1-2 seconds to load, which, can be musically significant when you are in the middle of a tune.

    I've also noticed that on occasion, the wrong profile loads (almost like the previous amp module "sticks")... and I have to toggle to another profile and then back again before the originally intended profile/amp loads.

    Anyone else experiencing this? And to the Kemper developers out there, any thoughts on potential solutions (either that I can try, or that may be upcoming in the firmware)?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can send my way! And thanks also for making and supporting such a fantastic product!


    I have a Mission expression pedal attached to the foot controller, used for volume swells - taper seems to work fine throughout the range of the pedal.

    However - when switching to the looper, in record mode, the taper of the pedal changes/becomes more abrupt - you can feel a bit of a zipper effect which makes swells almost impossible to execute cleanly - has anyone else experienced this?

    Also - I'm finding that when in Looper mode, the footpedal suddenly switches to tuner mode, or back to the performance mode view, intermittently. I didn't notice this before I had the expression pedal connected to the footpedal, so perhaps these things are related?

    If anyone has any thoughts/remedies on the above, I'd love the help :)


    Looks interesting. Can you give more details on how you are using/connecting the extender?

    Sure - the unit comes with 2 connectors, a USB connector for power and an Ethernet connector that goes into the footpedal jack - just plug in, turn on the Kemper, and the Vonets unit will be automatically powered up.

    - at that point, you can immediately see the Vonets wifi hub on your iPhone when you go to wifi settings - select the hub, and then start up the iPhone Kemper app and you are basically good to go.

    I found this initial approach works, but was a little intermittent for me (connection was dropped from time to time).

    The other option is to use the Vonets software to connect directly to your home wifi - then you connect your iPhone to your regular home network, and the app still sees the Kemper. This is a little easier to use at home (don't need to switch networks), but won't work if you take the unit out of your home network (e.g., at the gig).

    Hope that helps!

    Hi - in case anyone is considering this device - here is a quick review/update:


    - easy to setup - you can have the WIFI bridge functionality (i.e., connecting to your home network) working in about 2 minutes, and then the IOS app will detect the Kemper rack/toaster straight away

    - CHEAP - found it for 18 bucks on Amazon in the US - you can find it here:…product_details

    - small/light, with all necessary cables built in

    - when using as a WIFI bridge (e.g., connect to your home network), it worked well and held a stable connection to the Kemper


    - when using as a dedicated WIFI hub (i.e.,the out-of-the-box mode, where it behaves like a mobile hotspot), I experienced intermittent connection issues where the IOS app would lose connection with the Kemper - in this mode, the Kemper also kept trying to sync with the IOS, which was a bit of a PITA. This is a slight bummer, since I'd like to be able to use the mobile capabilities during gigs to tweak settings. I'll continue to experiment with this to see if I can somehow improve performance in this area

    Not quite a Pro or Con:

    - current draw on this device is in theory under 500ma, so based on what I've read in the forums, this is within the limits of what the Kemper USB jack can provide... but I'm using this thing very sparingly at the moment, just in case... If anyone has any further details to share on this point, please do!

    Hope this is helpful to someone out there - enjoy ;)

    Thanks paults - appreciate the response! Didn't realize that there were basic amp presets in the OS. There is no "from rigs" type of select option in the IOS app, so I guess at this point I'll just work with the amp in the underlying profile and use the editor to manage all the other elements around it.

    To the IOS app designers - this could be a great feature add, to allow selecting amp modules from other profiles, as we can today directly from the UI on the device itself. So basically you could see how your overall profile would change when swapping in different amps (for example, A/B a marshall vs. a boogie with all the other parameters staying the same, so that you can fine tune the full set of variables).

    Thanks again,


    So, I bought a Vonets wifi hub for 17 bucks on Amazon that was delivered overnight (that in itself... wow!) - plugged the hub into Kemper ethernet/USB jacks, connected hub to iPhone via wifi settings, started up the new Kemper IOS app, and it recognized my Kemper within 10 seconds - amazing!

    I then ran into an issue that I'm wondering if others have experienced: when editing a profile (in either browse or performance mode), when I go to the amplifier module and try to change amps, I'm presented with a fixed list of 8 amps, starting with "Black Stone Max Ton" and ending with "Robots Gainy" - none of which I'm currently using, and none of which are related to the profile I'm editing. Please see picture below (note - while this is from "Demo mode" - it's the same screen I see when connected to the Kemper):

    I can't figure out how to see/select any other amp profiles in the drop down. I'm hoping I'm missing something here and doing something wrong.

    If anyone has any suggestions to help me out with this, I'd hugely appreciate it!



    Just searching the forum for this issue and saw your note... I'm having this issue as well - it's intermittent, but occasionally on the overdub I'm getting loud audio clicks which makes the looper almost unusable when adding overdub layers.

    I'm a huge Kemper fan, not trying to create a fuss... but just letting you know I'm having the same issue. Kemper admins - any thoughts on what's happening and/or if a fix may be coming in a future update?

    I use my H9 occasionally in the Kemper loop, as digbob describes above - works really well. and I like that you can switch it on/off from the Kemper like any other onboard effect.

    Would be great if Kemper could also send midi change control commands to Eventide as you change profiles (for all I know this may be possible already, but would require additional midi cabling which I haven't gotten around to experimenting with just yet... now if they could do midi change control via bluetooth....that would be something!).

    Frankly, the effects on Kemper are good enough that 98% of the time there is no need to use external gear IMO. Kemper even has the Eventide-inspired Ballerina/crystal type arpeggiated delays built in.

    Some of the H9 programmable pattern arpeggiations are not available in Kemper yet - hoping they can add stuff like that someday, really fun to play around with these effects, particularly when playing solo, to set up pads/accompanying grooves. Some day... ;)

    They have no software testers at Kemper. I'm sure. Or if they have, then they are not kicking some developers ass. That's why I think in the end Kemper will fail with their product. I have worked at various software development departments but I never seen so unstable software.

    I have had all kinds of guitar gear and this device is really the only one that keeps dissapointing in stability. On the device itself with the original footpedal, its all doable. Still some ignorances and bugs. But when you start using the rig manager to get stuff set up. It's absolutly unusable. And they already spent a decade to develop this product. I really spend nights of tweaking to find it is all corrupted (again!) after closing the rig manager.

    I am an IT professional as well. Could things be better? Always. Is RM the most intuitive editor/librarian, definitely not. Do I have some development items on my wish list that I'd like to see prioritized, absolutely (e.g., sweetened tunings, customizable speed settings on the Leslie effect, a cool polyphonic synth module, External midi clock sync with the looper, better wireless remote options, etc. etc. etc.).

    But those are minor asks in the big picture (...sweetened tunings... pretty please!?). I'm EXTREMELY impressed with Kemper's commitment to the platform, their ability to wring so much goodness out of legacy hardware, the free (!) and fairly frequent updates, and the bottom line results from the product. The Profiler has been about as stable as any piece of gear I own (reminder, tubes go bad and strings also break from time to time) - I haven't been out of action long enough to complain about anything on this front.

    The most glaring issue at the moment for me is the delay in patch changes that has crept into the latest builds - that's something they should really try to address ASAP... and I'm guessing they will figure it out.

    The product has been on the leading edge for a decade... and the company kept its original clients in the mix all the way through. That's unheard of in the MI industry (something Roland would never consider in a million years).

    Nothing here to complain about IMO. Oh, and about those sweetened tunings... ;)

    There is an older thread about that topic...

    Mr. Kemper also chimed in. :)

    Customized tuner settings in Kemper

    Thanks - good to know that this concept is getting some attention at Kemper ;)

    I personally feel that this is low hanging fruit for the Kemper developers that would have a big bang for the buck. Programmable offsets, across all 6 strings, saved as a custom set, that could be called up on demand (so, for example, custom tuning 1 = EVH running with the devil for 6 individual strings; custom tuning 2 is Buzz Feiten offsets for 6 individual strings; custom tuning 3 is sweetened offsets for bass guitar, focused on EADG, etc... users could either create their own set of offsets, or select from preset sweetened tunings.

    Mr. Kemper - lets make it happen!

    It's amazing how much difference the tiny offsets can make.

    As an example - if you try to play certain Van Halen tunes with standard/unsweetened tunings (forget for the moment that EVH also tuned down to Eb...), songs as simple as running with the devil, just do not sound right... until you VERY slightly flatten out the b string. Suddenly everything sounds MUCH better. You can easily prove it to yourself next time you have a guitar in your hands.

    I remember reading an article recently where Eddie talked about how he had his own personal offsets, including the slightly flat B, to do what he does. I think he may have even revealed what the offsets that he used were... I'll see if I can find that again.

    BTW, AxeFX already offers this ability to store custom tuning offsets - so clearly alot of people benefit from this functionality. Building the tuner was the hardest part... adding the ability to store custom offsets would hopefully not be nearly as major an undertaking (but of course I'm not a Kemper developer, so perhaps they can weigh in on this?). Mr. Kemper - lets make it happen!

    I have the same issue - up until recently I had 2 performances for my core live profiles so it wasn't too noticeable, but in the last few weeks I've started experimenting with a number of new performances, and the lag in switching between slots (across performances, and within a performance) is significant. Having said that, I'm usually connected to Rig Manager when I am managing my profiles... wonder if that may contribute to the lag? I'll experiment in the next day and let you know what I find out ;)

    confirmed, even without rig manager connected, the lag when switching performances/profiles remains.

    It's been a while since I've seen a dedicated thread on this (and please forgive me if I somehow missed it) - would be SO GREAT to get Peterson-stye offsets/sweetened tunings as selectable tuner options on the Kemper. I recognize it will require a bit of software design/development (and IT is my day job, so I get that it will take some time to properly implement this feature) - but I think the payoff would be huge for a lot of players out here, even those that have never explored sweetened tunings before. The subtle improvements translate to a quantum leap in enjoyment as a player, when playing alone or with others (when they also tune to the selected offsets).

    Going to the Peterson on my live gigs a few years ago was a revelation for me and the other guitarist I was playing with - everything just sounded better/sweeter/"righter" ;).

    Mr. Kemper... PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE can we get this in an upcoming update?

    I don’t experience any lag when switching between performances. My Kemper does however skip over performances when I use the buttons on the unit rather than the remote. And it skips them not matter how slow I hit the buttons. I just have to keep trying to get to the skipped performance (usually takes 2-3 tries). This is annoying as hell and it would be great if Kemper took the time to fix it. And yes, I submitted this issue via a ticket over a year ago.

    I also experience this issue constantly - it's a minor PITA, but still a PITA. If it means anything, my powered toaster was built in 2018. If there is a potential fix for this, I'm in!

    Another odd issue that others on the forum have already noted is that the button flashing is not in time with tap tempo - since it's not in sync with anything, not sure why the flashing is even necessary - I'd suggest that if Kemper can't fix it due to a hardware issue that they just turn it off in the software, since it's more distracting to have an off-time flash.

    Note that I'm not complaining about anything - LOVE my Kemper as is - if more can be done to improve it, I'm all for it, but no problems whatsoever if it stays exactly as is ;)

    I have the same issue - up until recently I had 2 performances for my core live profiles so it wasn't too noticeable, but in the last few weeks I've started experimenting with a number of new performances, and the lag in switching between slots (across performances, and within a performance) is significant. Having said that, I'm usually connected to Rig Manager when I am managing my profiles... wonder if that may contribute to the lag? I'll experiment in the next day and let you know what I find out ;)