Posts by KRoll86

    I do not use one perormance per song, I use 1 performance per band. For me total waste of time to have 1 per song, why would you need 5 different amps, and up to 8 effects on each amp for 1 song? Also makes maintenance a nightmare....

    in my case i have my bpms set for delays differently. I do not want my repeats of a song at 110bpm clash with a song at 168 etc. so i end up with say 9-10 performances organized according to our playlist.

    so technically it is the same rigs with small tweaks. I also agree that for live gigging its best to pick one or two rigs that work for you. Ive seen a guy go overboard and have one song played on a jcm800 with a T75 cab then another on a vox ac30 then a soldano with a different cab and so on - the FOH hated the poor fella because it was a mess adjusting everything to match with the band on the run.

    Do not overthink this too much. Setting levels per track is actually part of the mixing process. When recording with the kemper i just make sure to record with peak volumes at around minus 8-10.
    Then i route my left and right doubletracked guitars into a bus and process from there. I’ve been down this rabbit hole with vu meters and what not and honestly it does make zero difference.

    I set mine to minus 12dB pad for main out which goes to FOH. The main out is unlinked from the master volume control so that i do not affect foh levels.

    Then i am using the monitor out to feed my powered kabinet (previously yamaha dxr10) where i adjust things the way i like for the in room sound.

    Of course i first level balance my individual rigs that would be used live.

    I start by picking my main rhythm high gain sound and usually go from there. So i tweak my lower gain and clean and also lead rigs according to that main rhythm sound. So far it had worked perfectly.

    Basically i end up with 5 rigs in my performance slots per song with some extras in the available fx slots that can be engaged. (e.g. a tremolo on my dry rhythm sound or phaser)

    Clean, crunchy delay fill sound, main dry rhythm, lead which is usually a modified rhythm sound with added delay +eq and a ‘fun’ slot depending on the song. For my lead sound i use the same tone that i would use for the rhythm with the same rig volume and a bit of extra TS set to 0 drive, 5 tone, 3.2-3.5 volume and mix at 70-78%. The lead eq then takes care of the character with a 2dB boost of 1q anywhere between 700-1000hz. This fattens up the lead sound instead of just increasing the overall volume.

    That ‘fun’ slot is usually either an octave + fuzz, a lofi washy sound or anything else that we come up with in the band.

    Those fun sounds require a bit more tweaking since fuzz and octave can be perceived louder. Or when i want the lofi washy thing to sound a lot quieter.( which i take care of by cutting shit below 450hz and above 3khz and still applying a minus 6-8dB)

    I set all my tones in the room at gigging volume to ensure i do not lose perspective. Home environments can play tricks on your ears.

    In the studio it does not matter as long as you are not clipping. So minus 12-18 is fine. Individual tracks will be level matched during mixing anyways.

    For those of you who find your powered kabinet too bright - i realized no matter which profile or guitar i use it has an annoying frequency at around 2.4-2.5khz. I play mine super loud because of our drummer and definitely hear this as a piercing bright ringing.

    So lately i’ve been using a studio eq locked across all profiles with 80/8000 for lo cut and hi cut and a minus 2.5-3dB at 2450hz with q=5. The funny thing is i can raise the hi cut up to like 12k and it still sounds great now.

    Try and do this with your units just set it to plus 14 dB and sweep around 2.4-2.5 once you naim that you will know and then kill that shit. It actually has improved even my live FOH sound because it no longer annoys the shit out of me and i can just enjoy playing.


    i have just scrolled through this whole thread and understand your frustration if you are not used to what a miced amp sounds like in a daw session.

    I listened to your clips with various kemper rigs involved and they sounded great zooming in on the guitar tone. Instruments can mask each others frequencies and mixing is a journey on ots own.

    I have had similar issues with vst plugins where ppl were getting amazing tones and the moment i applied the exact settings shown on youtube it sounded vastly different. I guess 90% of the achievement is a well set up guitar with impeccable playing and editing so that its super tight. And the song and figuring out how to male it sit in the mix.

    here’s what i also think that applies to kemper too - some amps are pickier about guitars than others. An amp profile which had been tweaked to work with a les paul and paf pickups will not perform well with a superstrat with emgs. My prs custom 22 sounds great through a recto and terrible through a marshall.

    The only parameters i touch is definition, eq (remove whistling fqs that my specific guitar produces at around 2.4khz) and making sure pure cab is off on the general settings but also on the profile itslef because some packs just have it engaged by default and it sounds like a cheap zoom pedal. The first two months of working with my kemper i almost gave up and wanted to return it.

    Also food for thought here.

    Back a couple years ago my 5150 tube amp would love one of my guitars but when we tried it with my friends diezel vh4 it sounded like shit compared to his guitar. I mean in the room. But when we miced it there was not that much of a difference. This also means it really depends on your environment, acoustics, how you feel on that particular day…..

    Funnily enough as we were experimenting and switching things around - His guitar sounded like absolute garbage with almost no low end and just some whiny raspy mid with too little gain through my 5150 etc. i later bought a boogie mark 5 and had to switch pickups a few times again - to match the feel and sound of the amp (from ceramic to alnico cause the top end was too much)

    I also realized that sometimes its just about the bridge pickup height. If things are too boomy while being too bright and abbrassive or pumpy just give it a try and listen with your ears and decide what works for you.

    Some of the overhyped overproduced kemper rigs that you can purchase are more mix ready than others which may or may not work for you - live playing with a single guitar vs studio double vs quad tracking.

    ppl also rightfully suggested applying low/hi cuts. I have my main output eq always hard set to 80/8000 and it was one of those simple tweaks that helped me enjoy profiles i absolutely hated before.

    good luck on your journey i am pretty sure you will get there. What you are experiencing is similar to trying tube amps and figuring out why Jimmys tone absolutely slays through his engl rig and when you give it a try it sounds almost depressing. :)

    edit - i have never ever seen anyone do a lo cut at 150-170 that would be too much. I suspect the pickup height to be an issue or perhaps the pickup or wiring? Try other guitars first.

    Guys i have had my stage for some 2 years now and started seeing 2 problems recently.

    1) in performance mode say i have 5 rigs stored in each of the available slots. when i perform a change and add an fx on rig number 4 and move the rest of fx around, i save my changes just like i would always do but the next time i start up my kemper it does not remember these. The rest of my rigs remember these changes. I thought it was because of a bugged rig manager but this is also without it connected

    2) is it normal that some fx such as the tremolo do not work in slots dedicated for delays and reverbs? I move my tremolo from mod to delay slot and it does not do anything. You can tirn it on and off but without an audible effect. When i move it back it works. I have recently started putting a soft clipper in x, a studio eq in mod and then i utilize the remaining two post fxs but in some cases i cannot.

    hope someone has had similar issues. This is with the latest sw but also with older sw


    hey guys,

    I have a very particular problem which I've been trying to resolve.

    My aim is to create custom IRs at the moment I've been using the GGD Zilla SW to create a wav file. I love the tone I'm getting because it helps you create a mix of a number cabs which allows me to do similar things I would when I owned a helix and i was combining more than a single cab.

    Since the cab maker does not like the exported file from the Zilla IR unit - I'm using my daw to covert it to proper 44/24bit. (upload the file to a track and just render as wav)

    That's when I can suddenly use it with the cab maker but - the converted IR that the cab maker creates is super silent. It sounds like my amp is on 1 instead of 10 if I'd have to make a comparison to what it sounds like. It's distant, muffled, silent - nothing like the sound I'm getting.

    I bet there must be a way to create these kemper friendly IRs otherwise everything by ownhammer or any other maker would act the same way.
    But they probably use kemper's internal features to capture the tone and split this accordingly so the IRs are a product of the kemper mimicing the tones.

    Could it be that since kemper expect some involvement of the power amp which generates the print on some dB level, that simply exporting an IR from a 3rd party system does not provide the exact volume/level?

    Anywho, if any of you had luck using these just let me know. I'd like to really take it to the next level since i really love the results from the zilla features.

    thanks guys!

    I've run into some themes on this forum where Kemper support would claim that they are working on hi/lo cut filters for the cabinet section. Those were like from 2 years ago, I wonder if this is still to be done in some later firmware updates/upgrades or at all.
    Basically right now the 'x' slot is between amp and cab just like your standard fx, but shaping your sound with these tools it would make a lot more sense if these parameters were located after the cab section. Any news on that? It would be soooo helpful.

    Hi guys i was wondering if one of you could point me the right direction. Before I bought the stage, I was running a Helix LT through a Friedman ASM-12, I would bu using the ASM on 1/2 of its master volume and it would still be super loud and pounding. ( i was running a combination of 2 IRs a 57 with -9db of a royer 121 and it was just smashing like a real guitar cab)

    With the stage I'm set to -12dB Main out and 0dB Monitor out, running the monitor out to the FRFR and I am almost fully dimed and still don't cut through it sounds a bit... papery?!
    During this weekend I will try tamper with the monitor output EQ, sometimes these studio profiles sound great through FOH but in room you need to increase mids and other parameters.

    Is there anything else I should look into in my settings? Should I increase the individual rig volumes or the volume on the amp sim settings? I'm using professional profiles by sinmix and STL.
    thanks boiz