Posts by OFSnap

    What are are monitoring the SP/Dif through? If the FOH is using speakers in a room through a board, crossovers,poweramps etc the two signals may be exactly the same but won't sound the same regardless. Everything will change when it goes FOH unless in some amazing feat (without a spectral analyzer) you made it perfectly flat which sounds terrible. FOH is "Amp in the room" which will sound different than IEMs or your monitor onstage pointed at you using the same signal anyway. Being able to adjust them separately, would allow you to better "make them the same" I would think.

    There are lots of inexpensive devices that convert digital to analog and analog digital maybe one of the other band members could do that to a channel free up some space for you as a solution until you get a bigger system.

    Hello Dynochrome. I'm monitoring through S/PDIF through my Apollo x8p. This saves me two analog inputs on the interface, which is a good reason for the Apollo having a S/PDIF IO system.

    About what you said regarding FOH, monitoring my Profiler through the Apollo (whether through S/PDIF r analog outputs) is my only way to minimally "predict" what the live sound will turn out to be. As you said, in a live situation the sound can change due to everything that's happening after the Profiler, but that will always be true and it will always be beyond my control.

    My criticism has to do with the fact that, if the S/PDIF output doesn't sound the same (minus conversion which is irrelevant) as the analog outputs, then don't state on the Rig Manager Output section that the S/PDIF output is picking up sound from the 'Master Stereo' because it isn't true - it will sound different.

    To make matters worse, the S/PDIF output used to include the Master Stereo output EQ's and filters up until a version of the OS (8.7.14 I think) that came out earlier this year. Changing this behaviour "breaks compatibility" with my old rigs because I was using the Master Stereo output EQ's and filters when I was tweaking the sounds. I find their choice wrong- it's unexpected and kind of hard to pinpoint the reason for the sound changing if you happen to miss it in the release notes. That's why there's complaints from various users. An OS update should never change the sounds IMO.

    I'd prefer a checkbox on the Output section of Rig Manager that would allow to optionally include the Master Stereo EQ and filters, the way it was before. I think they did this to not create a potentially unwanted EQ point when re-amping, but I don't agree with the forced removal, they should have let it in as an option.

    Can you explain, why you need an output eq while using an S/PDIF interface?

    Are you using a DAW? If your receiving device has an sound issue, why can't you solve it there?

    Pretty late to this thread but just now I've noticed this change because my sounds were sounding weird and harsh. I just noticed that somewhere along the updates you removed the main output equalisers, LPF and HPFf rom the S/PDIF outputs. How is this supposed to be a good idea?

    It's a contradiction in itself, because if I set the S/PDIF output set to 'Master Stereo' I expect it to be exactly the same as if I connect the two 'Master Stereo' analog XLR cables to my audio interface. The reason I use an S/PDIF cable is to avoid taking two of my XLR inputs on my audio interface just for the Profiler. Why would I want that if I have a digital output that, as bonus, avoids an extra D/A and A/D conversion?

    If I'm testing rigs for live playing I want the S/PDIF to sound exactly the same as the main outputs that I give to FOH, otherwise I'm getting fooled by the Profiler - the connection I used for testing my sounds is "lying" to me.

    Please, provide an option to make this optional - it doesn't make any sense and it's a risky option to implement after so many years because it can (and did) change people's carefully constructed rig sets for actual live playing.

    If you select the Main Outs or SPDIF outs as Stack you will get the full signal minus FX. If you also hook up Monitor Out as Stack and engage Monitor Cab Off you will get the same signal minus cab. That seems to be What you want. You could also use the other side of the SPDIF or Direct Out to record a DI signal for reamping later if you want a safety net.

    Hi Wheresthedug, thanks!

    This seems to do the trick, I’ll try it!


    I don’t think this is possible, but I’ll ask anyway to check if I missed something.

    I’d like to record the full profiler signal minus FX - so amp and cab, to a track and simultaneously record the same signal with the amp section enabled but the cab sim disabled to another track, so that I can later experiment with 3rd party cab IR’s in the DAW. I’m using SPDIF to connect the profiler to the computer.

    Does anyone know if this is possible? I can’t find a way to get the signal post amp section but pre cab sim section…


    good list and I would welcome many of those features.

    #5 is currently possible. Right click on the parameter and you should see two options - reset to default values or reset to saved values.

    #6 is an absolute no-brainer that really needs to be added ASAP

    Hi Wheresthedug. Thanks for the feedback!

    Regarding #5 I know about the solution you mentioned but I don't think it's the same. Maybe I'm being picky but the right-click then menu select workflow is not as efficient as just something like CMD+Click on a parameter. Furthermore, it's very likely that Kemper users as musicians are used to working in DAW's and in all of the ones I used the Keyboard+Click to set something to default (eg Level=0 or Pan=Center) is pretty much expected behaviour.

    Hello. For the last few days, I've gone back to using Rig Manager after a long time. It's now way better than when I used it last, but I wish it could do some stuff that is currently not possible.

    So, I decided to post my wish list for Rig Manager features. I apologise in advance if any of these things are already implemented and I just don't know about them.

    I'll probably keep adding stuff to this list, what I have so far are the more obvious (to me) shortcomings.

    Here it goes:

    1) When creating a folder, automatically re-sort the folder list on the Locations panel. As it is now, only restarting Rig Manager puts new folders in their right sorting place,

    2) Auto Column size - I think the column sizes in the List section should always auto-resize to fit their content. I'm constantly having to resize the Date column, for example in order to see the complete contents. I find this one really annoying,

    3) There should be a default sorting option for all lists on the List panel. As it works now, I constantly have to switch the sort order to fit my needs. If a user decides to change the sort order for some section or folder, Rig Manager should remember it and keep the alternative sorting option for the next time the folder is visited, even between Rig Manager re-starts, but otherwise the default option should be respected everywhere. Also, there should be a way to reset every list in Rig Manager to the default sort option again, if the user has changed a bunch of them and just wants everything ordered again according to the default. Obviously, all these choices should be kept after Rig Manager restarts.

    4) The size of the editor panel on the bottom should be saved between Rig Manager re-starts. For example, I use the output section a lot and I always have to resize the panel in order to see all I need. In fact, ALL panels - Locations, List, Inspector and Editor - should remember the previously selected sizes between Rig Manager re-starts.

    5) There should be a way to reset a parameter to the default option using the mouse and keyboard like lots of us are used to in DAW's. Something like CTRL+Click or ALT+Click should reset the clicked parameter.

    6) I know that SHIFT+Drag allows for precision editing of parameters, but it is finicky and it would be great if double-clicking on a parameter allowed numeric input of the desired values. Way faster and less annoying.

    7) More nested folder depth. It doesn't have to be a huge amount but a few more nested folder levels should be possible.

    8) Drag and drop of folders should be possible on the Locations panel. Where it does not make sense, like for example dragging a folder inside the MyProfiler, it just wouldn't allow it, but between Local Library folders it should definitely be possible.

    If I missed something and Rig Manager can already do some of these things, I apologise in advance to the other users and the developers.

    I'd love to read everyone's thoughts on these suggestions!

    Miguel Barrosa

    Obviously there is no option to simply copy&paste (sub)folders in Rig Manager. I don't understand why such a limitation exists in RM, considering copy/paste of profile(s) works perfectly.

    I found a workaround, though. Going to RM Local Library folder with Explorer/Finder and rearranging folder structure directly seems to do a trick. Next time you open RM, changes are instantly reflected in folder structure.

    Any other suggestions? Is this the way to do it?:P

    Hello zabukowski. Can you tell me the location of the profiles on the Mac Finder?



    I’d like to make an IR of my Two Rock cabinet, so that I can play any DI amp profile as if the DI’ed amp was connected to my cabinet. I want to do this, so that the sounds I get when playing through the computer speaker sound more similar to those I use on live rehearsals, when playing through the same cabinet.

    Is there a step by step guide on how to make a cab IR using only the Kemper? Is this even possible?




    I’d like to make an IR of my Two Rock cabinet, so that I can play any DI amp profile as if the DI’ed amp was connected to my cabinet. I want to do this, so that the sounds I get when playing through the computer speaker sound more similar to those I use on live rehearsals, when playing through the same cabinet.

    Is there a step by step guide on how to make a cab IR using only the Kemper? Is this even possible?


    Miguel Barrosa