Posts by tc7four

    Thanks for the answers, which, in my opinion, all have a valid point. After watching some of Tone Junkie's videos on YouTube yesterday a lot of things started to make more sense. Very excited to play with my Kemper tonight!

    Hey everyone! After using Neural Amp sims for the past 2 years for various projects of mine, mainly for convenience reasons, I want to go back to using my Kemper that's gathering dust in the corner. In the past, I have chosen an amp profile that worked with the tone I was after at the time. I know that an amp's profile is like a "snapshot" of the amp's settings if it's an Amp only profile, or a snapshot of the amp's settings and cab (cab type, speakers, mic placement, etc). My question is: How much would you adjust the amp settings (Definition, pick, clarity, EQ, etc) before the profile looses its character and starting to sound unnatural? Is there a rule of thumb for those adjustments? I am also aware that what sounds good or bad is down to personal taste and there is no right or wrong amount of parameter change, but how far do you guys go?

    I hope the above makes sense :)

    Hi everyone, I am looking for a cheap solid state power amp for my non-powered Kemper. I gig from time to time and I want to make sure I got something reliable. Looking at Behringer's Europower EPQ304 300W 4-Channel Amp. Does anyone have any experience with it? Could you recommend other options? Thanks in advance!

    There is not one song I don't like from my guitar idol Allan Holdsworth but this one is defifitely one of my favorites. It makes me think of my childhood, in my hometown Athens, Greece. Back then when things were simpler and more pure. You know how you smell a scent and it evokes memories in you? That's what this song does to me.

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    What a nightmare journey, is it you that's brought the Aussie weather to Blighty? Nice one!

    I've said it many times on this forum but I've genuinely had no interest in any other Amps since getting the KPA 6 years ago. I know the Helix, Fractal etc are all good devices but I have my one stop shop that is easy to use as well....but then it gets better....they only go and release the Kabinet ( I consider myself fortunate to have a powered Rack so plug and play baby) and then the acoustic Sim.

    My only frustration is wanting to get out and gig..

    ...and Welcome home!

    Nah mate, this is Spring compared to the 45C dry heat I was getting in Adelaide in the summer :D

    I totally agree. Not being able to gig or even jam sucks big time. Then again, apart from a 2 month stint with an Aussie deathcore band where we played 3 gigs, I haven't been onstage for many years and I miss it. Hopefully, when all this COVID-19 situation is over I will look into either putting a band together or joining one so I can jam and gig.

    Not criticizing it in the slightest. Recently sold mine after getting it as part of, or near the first-run after release. It's a good unit for certain, but it's *work* to get great sounds.

    One interaction with a Kemper and everything changed for me.

    I have learned my lesson about selling gear a long time ago so now I just keep everything :D

    After living in Australia for almost 4 years, we made the decision to move back to the UK. As I was organizing my stuff, I was sure that I would be able to bring my trusty Kemper in my suitcase so I don't have to wait for it to come with the rest of our stuff via a shipping company in a few months. Alas, this was not to be. Although the weight was calculated to fit in the suitcase, the size wasn't. As we were running out of kg allowance for the rest of the luggage, I made the dreaded decision to not take my Kemper with me and to ship it with the rest of our stuff. My Amplifire 3 would have to do until it arrives, so I packed that.

    After a hell of a trip including driving 9 hours from Adelaide to Melbourne, with a 3 month old baby in the back seat, so we could catch the flight back home, juggling our stuff on the airport floor so we can get rid of a couple of kg that we were overweight and going through security in the middle of a pandemic, we made it back to the UK.

    In the hour that I have left after coming back from work and putting a baby to bed, I plug my guitar into the Amplifire so I can play a bit of guitar and de-compress from the stress of the day. It's not the same. I really miss plugging into my Kemper and hit record on my DAW to record riffs or, simply, fiddle around with the hundreds of presets that are in my libraby, or explore Rig Exchange. All I can think of as I hit the notes on my guitar is my beloved Kemper sitting inside a container, slowly making its way home through troubled seas.

    There. I confess. I am a Kemper addict.

    Thumas thanks for the feedback! I have used a few other profiles of yours for the lead sounds on my songs. Again, great sounds with enough presence to cut through the rhythm section without having to fiddle around too much. Great stuff man!

    Ok, since Cederick started this, I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and post a track that I did using one of Thumas' profiles, the Mk3 Fredman M05. the track is in its pre-production stage so it's a rough mix. I have got a lot of paid and free profiles but I have to say that Thumas' profiles are great sounding and I had no trouble whatsoever to fit them in a mix. All the EQ I did was the usual Hi and Lo pass filters to tame the sub and high frequencies. The only negative thing is that he has done so many that it's difficult to choose which one to go for as they all sound awesome :P So, I would like to say a big thank you to Thumas for his time and effort he has put in to give such great profiles to play with. And for free! So thanks again and I hope you guys enjoy this one! Any feedback is welcome BTW.

    EDIT: This track is meant to have vocals in it but I haven't had the chance to record them yet.

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    I’ve been watching this thread for quite a while now. I have the Kemper unpowered rack version and also own an Axe 2 as well as an Amplifire 6. All these where bought within the last 2 years. Prior to that, I would use my POD XT Pro along with a TC Electronic G Force and an Eventide DSP 4000 for FX. Anyone who’s seen the Eventide manual knows how much reading you had to do in order to understand how units like that were operating and take full advantage of its power. Compared to that , I think Kemper is much easier to use, even if you don’t read the whole manual. Does it need an editor? Yes. It will make things easier when it comes to editing as many of us use our desktop or laptop to either record music or simply play along to a tune we like. Is it that important that the Kemper can’t be operated without it? Not really. Compared to the Axe with its many different parameters and the Amplifire where, if you want to do deep editing, you will loose interest trying to scroll down the menu in its small screen, the Kemper is easier to dial the tone.

    Now, on the other hand, the POD had an editor which I used from day 1. That was back in 2006. I don’t understand how a company like Kemper, having a great and powerful unit out there for years, hasn’t released an editor. What is so difficult that they can’t overcome and come up with one years ago? Yeah, I understand about fixing bugs and making sure it runs without problems but come on. You are not creating a spaceship OS. It’s just a shame that a great product lacks computer integration against its competitors.

    That’s all. Just my personal 2 cents on the subject. I’m not eager about this editor as I’m happy with the way I dial my tones on the Kemper. Yet, the editor will be a nice addition to it, that will be useful in various scenarios.

    Sorry and this long post and have a nice weekend everyone.

    So, I’m recording my band’s songs for a future release. I’m using an 8-string guitar in standard tuning with the 7th in B and 8th in E. The music is not fast but rather groovy, Meshuggah style. Ive always double tracked my guitars like most will do but I want the sound to be big and cut through the mix. Looking at a Meshuggah multitrack, there were way too many takes. 4-5 amps with 4 guitar tracks each, plus DI and room mics recording the room’s sound. I realise that this is one way of doing it, an extreme one. I’m trying to figure out if I should stick to double tracking or go quad tracking, 2 tracks hard panned and the other two panned at 70-80%. When I tried quad tracking, the sound lost its clarity and became sort of blurry. I tracked as precise as I could. Also, although my 8th string is thicker than what it was (.78 instead of .74) to reduce the string from vibrating too much, I still get a chorusy effect as the tuning is not always on point. I’d like to hear how you go about tracking something like this and achieve a big sound but retain the clarity of it. Sorry for the long post but I’ve been struggling with this for weeks now.