Posts by FOIND64

    So to add to the conspiracy theories Kemper have been advertising the need for developer and QA roles on their site for some time! Maybe the issue is more of a resource constraint than anything else....

    who knows...

    But great to put 2+2=3 theories out there to fuel the fire !

    For me I need the editor So my unauthorized Kemper

    Purchase can remain hidden under my desk! Lol

    just saying !

    Not that my use case validated anything what so ever ! Or adds anything to the argument... but I am pushing my luck and will be found out soon lol....

    but it’s fun watching the to and fro on this forum its a great distraction ! And some good points on all sides....

    So while all the folks in the kemperverse wait for the editor and we all accept there are challenges In developing software for production release.... would it not be awesome if they were able to release the draft manual for this tool! I 100% know the challenge in doing that and the endless comments it would produce both positive and negative but it would give everyone some info to digest while we wait for what I am sure will be awesome and well received !

    Just a thought ! Probably a bad one.

    So - here is why some folks really need an editor....

    Hypothetically so some “guys” (not trying to be gender specific but ... ) may have made an unauthorized purchase of a Kemper and may have it secreted under their desk to avoid detection from others who should have been consulted before procuring said Kemper!

    Being able to keep the device where it is while using the editor to twiddle hard to reach knobs etc would be huge and avoid both detection and the ensuing polite discussion about gear acquisition syndrome....

    this is a hypothetical Situation obviously well maybe not....

    Editor can’t come soon enough for some ?