Rig Manager 3.0 Editor
nmscapegoat -
January 25, 2019 at 10:00 AM -
Closed -
Thread is marked as Resolved.
Sales numbers mean exactly squat.
If someone thinks that the team responsible for making VIRUS never promised anyone anything and now they give you everything for free and therefore you have no right to expect anything, I don't know if you understand this business well. You've invested in something like crowdfunding In my opinion. At the beginning, they needed funds for development. A small team of people etc. With a large company you get it all (editor and all fx's , and features) as a basis. Maybe it will let you regain your perspective. Yes, Acces Virus got its editor at the end of development.
To you? To me?
Squat. Despite your condescension to the contrary.
Actually.....as a professional salesman of 30+ years, they mean a great deal to me and my family. *Kemper's* sales numbers mean squat. -
Tell that to the music industry not to me sweethart..
Tell that to the music industry not to me sweethart..
About the reason of the editor delay, im not saying that its because of aliens. But its because of aliens!
You guys need to laugh a bit...this thread is becoming way too serious.
Its funny that everytime I look at this thread, I just go back to home page to see if it was released.....but then again, the only thing I see, is the guy from Bad Religion... seems like he's telling me everytime to go look elsewhere while smiling . Anyone experiencing the same feeling lol?
So to add to the conspiracy theories Kemper have been advertising the need for developer and QA roles on their site for some time! Maybe the issue is more of a resource constraint than anything else....
who knows...But great to put 2+2=3 theories out there to fuel the fire !
All my previously saved performances were deleted during the 'Great-Rig-Manager-Downgrade-Then-Upgrade-Then-Downgrade-Due-to-Bugs-Then-Upgrade' of 2019. I've spent a good couple of hours bending down to the Kemper and trying to dial in every effect for every performance manually, from memory. Which is not easy when you have performance for things like Wanted Dead or Alive and I Want to Break Free.
I cannot tell you how many times I thought "FFS, I really wish I had an editor for this.....". -
The KPA does not NEED an editor.
People don't need emails , they can write letters ?
We don't need Kemper forum, let's meet somewhere over the world and talk Kemper ?
Please delete all rigs beginning with the letter X directly on the unit. Time start.
Do you suggest DamianGreda that the coming editor will have this feature? ? Or it's on your wishlist? ?
I just use the mouse and then I hit delete on keyboard in the RM. 2 editor.
Check out the latest tone junkie podcast
Maybe its just me, but my Kemper is perched on its throne all the way on the other side of the room and I usually sit at my desk (with computer) to play. Repeatedly getting up to tweak it and sitting back down reminds me too much of church... so I'd rather have the editor.
Just to be clear, are we saying an editor is needed or not? ??
They are making and Editor now?
I am already past the editor on my wish-list ..... and am now wishing for the improved stomps
Of course, I will still take a good editor when it comes out.
As for the question of "is an editor needed?" ......
My opinion is that it wasn't really needed that badly until the "Stage" came out. Stage users have to really hate having to bend over to edit.... or put the controller up on the desk .... but either way, an editor would sure make the Stage a much much better product.
As others have pointed out, the Toast ME editor did help me better understand how the different efx were routed and how the different settings effected the chain. It is a really nice add to an already fantastic product.
My wife asked me, what I want for christmas. I told her, my biggest wish is the Kemper Editor
She is searching now... (and I can play my guitar undisturbed)