Posts by stickman

    so unfortunately i haven't found a way to reproduce this issue consistently but it does happen quite frequently. For example i switch to the Looper and record something and while i'm playing suddenly the remote will jump out of looper mode and get back to preset mod. same with the tuner. Also had this on the main unit for example i'm on the Outputs pages and then it will exit and go back to preset mode. or editing a pedal and it jumps back to preset mode. It's not a drama and justa minor annoyance but maybe this is a known issue ?

    i have a powerhead with the remote.

    You shouldn't need to lock the fx block, you should just need to save the rig and it will stay in pedal mode for that rig. If you lock it, that block will always be a pedal wah for every rig and you won't be able to modify it for different rigs. You may want to use that block for a different fx or even a different wah for other rigs. If you are creating a wah preset with specific settings that you expect to re-use in many rigs, you can also save it as a preset. In rig manager, just drag the wah block over to the presets folder and name it (both local and profiler folders). Then it will show up in the drop down under wah/wah type/preset name

    ah cool, i didn't know you could dragndrop fx blocks to save presets. locking is cool for the moment since i always want the wah in first position and i'm still trying to make the kemper wah sound/feel like my old crybaby which is a struggle. the original just sounds more slutty and the kemper wah way to civilized :evil:

    Assuming pedal function in the system page is set to wah, in the wah effects page what mode do you have it set for? (on, off, bypass @ heel, etc)

    tried all the modes, touch is the one i want i think (wah always on when the fx slot is active, no function on toe or heel). with the bypass modes i can hear a slight change which sounds the same as enabling/disabling the fx slot .. but no sweep effect sound change.

    hey everyone. i have an old Crybaby which i use most of the time but wanted to try using my Korg XVP-20 pedal with the Kemper Wah FX.

    Now i've set up everything correctly i think : pedal is connected with TRS to pedal input 5, in the System/Pedal5remote page i have to set the 'Mode' to 'Type 2' in order to get the full sweep range (with Type 1 it only goes from half full to full .. couldn't find anything in the manuals that explains this setting btw). Function is set to Wah Pedal. The Calibrate sweep shows it's working as intended as does the indicator on the pedal links page. I have switched off all the top soft buttons since i only want to use the pedal for wah and not link with anything else.

    But no matter what setting/preset i choose in the Wah FX i hear absolutely no difference when using the wah, when i turn the buttons on the wah fx page on the kemper or in rig manager i can hear the settings changing but when i move the pedal there is just no reaction at all. I've twiddled with all tthe buttons/settings/presets but nothing happens when i sweep the pedal. Also tried to connect the pedal to the back of the power head in case it's a problem with the remote .. same story, calibrate/sweep works fine but no sound difference.

    What am i missing ???

    i don't understand what you mean by 'I’m playing my rigs through my headphones on mono… there’s no stereo option.' so you only get one ear working ? if you put a stereo effect on you don't get the stereo effect in the headphones ?

    i have to disagree with RosboneMako my profiler sounds amazing through headphones, it's actually my preferred way to play. i can't really hear a 'sound quality difference' between the headphones and the Kabinet, sure headphones and a cabinet can't be compared but if the headphone sound was so bad in comparison i would have noticed it over the years with all the different ones i tried. i use semi open Beyerdynamic DT 880 Pro but have used different ones over the years and although the DT's are my favorite i have some cheap TDK cans i use for cutomers when they demo and even they sound pretty good.

    Also what do you mean by 'I’ve tweaked the clean sens and nothing, and there’s no distortion sens… Moved the noise gate and nothing.' you don't hear any difference ? And you don't have a distortion sense option at all ??? And your noise gate is not working ?

    yes sure i can lock the slots with my own FX, it's just pretty disapointing to buy a commercial profile pack where every profile has a reverb with an 8sec tail on it which personally i cannot use for anything cause such a long reverb tail just sounds crap. As mentioned earlier i boght the Tonejunkie pack because in his previous profile packs there was a greater variety in how profiles were set up.

    after using the profiles for a while i also have to confirm what GLParrishmn said: once you remove all the FX what's left is pretty poor, for example there isn't a single really clean tone in there. The Fender profiles in comparison to the single free Mbritt liquid fender profile are xtremely poor for example.

    hey there, i recently bought the liquid american pack and find the profiles out of the box pretty unusable since all profiles have a reverb with 8s reverb time on as default. i always enjoyed the tonejunkie variety in stomp and fx slots but in this pack all profiles have the same unusable combo of fx.

    i was checkin the website and store order receipt but found no way to get in touch for support. i'm wondering wether this is either a mistake of him whikle creating the profiles (maybe he forgot to check the verb settings) or if maybe i did sth wrong while importing them into rig manager (although creating a folder and then dragging/dropping the files inside should be relatively safe).

    so maybe mr tonejunkie is a member here and could clear up the weird extreme reverb settings ?

    I think this is incorrect. The only thing its doing is using the modelling the control interaction. Therefore you should be able to get the same sounds without the liquid profiles ( at a very basic level).

    So as an example, you add more bass on a JCM 800 profile. Without liquid profiles, thats all that would happen...just more bass. On the real amp you might find that the mid drops off slightly. So the liquid profile means it replicates that interaction. If you knew that, you could replicate it manually by adjusting the mid at the same time...

    The only thing I don't know is if, in that example ( which is totally fake - I've no idea how a jcm 800 tone structure works), the frequency of the mid is changed to replicate the effect the same way, thus resulting in a sound you couldn't replicate without liquid profiles.

    Maybe someone knows better than me..

    sorry i think my post was maybe poorly worded ... what you're sayin is kinda what i meant also. from what they say in the interview the physical modeling part of the LP will result in a more acurate behavior of the gain and eq tonestacks, so in other words behave more closely like the actual amp. wether this will result in a more sonically versatile profile (ie. wider range of gain and eq adjustments without digital artefacts) is probably an unknown at this point .. i just deduced it because in my mind a physically modeled tonestack would probably do that. for the moment the gain adjustment is more problematic for me than the eq, so i need to load different profiles if i want to go from a clean to an overdriven sound because if i move the gain knob away to much from the original setting i don't like what i hear. i thought that would be one of the point of having the tonestack modeled but maybe i'm wrong.

    to make a stupid analogy, i often think of the KP as a sampler or a scanner ... extremely acurate representation of a snapshot ... you can adjust it a bit without too much degradation (pitch shift a sample or color shift an image) but if you push it too much away from the original snapshot it sounds/looks 'fake'. With LP i thought it would be pushin it more into the direction of sth like Melodyne or a Photoshop smart objects where you can adjust things much further away from the original snapshot without it sounding/looking fake. a pure modeling amp would be like a midi instrument or vector image: complete range of adjustments without digital artefacts ... and the KP with LP somewhwer in the middle between a sampler/scanner and a midiinstrument/vectorimage.

    I have absolutely zero need for liquid profiling. I have never and I will probably never profile anything. Every profile I will ever need is already done.

    i still have a limited technical understanding of LP at this point, but doesn't LP have the potential to make all your existing profiles better / more interactive ? from what i understand it will give profiles more flexibility by adding a more 'realistic' emulation of the tone stack so that a profile will have more range to be adjusted without artefacts and less need to have several profiles for different gain levels of a given amp. I also don't profile and don't go super deep into editing profile settings but it's rare that i don't feel the need to adjust gain and eq (even on a 'real' amp) and i think LP will make each profile more versatile.

    besides that i understand that for LP to work properly you'd have to know at which poti positions the amp was profiled .. but am i the only one that is lookin forward to experiment with this and see what happens when you just 'guess' the initial poti positions and try out different positions on a profile ? Also as has been discussed, using tone stacks from completely unrelated/different amps could be lots of fun ..

    i hate to b that guy but tbh i found the discussion of liquid profiling quite interesting and am not interested in troubleshooting the audio interface option which i think has nothing to do with LP .. could we maybe move back on topic ? :saint:

    Kemper Support #1

    so i ran into a couple of other issues, although i'm not sure again if this is normal behavior but i have never noticed it before. When i link the headphone, main out and monitor the level adjustment of some of the outputs is erratic. Yesterday i had the issue that i could not adjust the headphone volume from 0 to max, it would top out somewhere in the middle. Today the headphone volume works as expected but the main out and monitor levels don't go past a certain level. Is this normal ? Also at some point you can see that the interface switches out of the Output sectin and goes back to the rig view (where accidentially you can also see that the power amp volume is having the same issues of not going from 0 to max but only starts/stops somewhere in the middle'

    here is a short video showing this, i am turnig the master volume button and you can see that main and monitor don't go to max and go to 0 when i turn the master volume just a bit back. sorry for the bad quality, i hope you can see what i mean ...

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    try the init globals function on page one of the system menu. It will reset your global settings back to their factory default values. Your rigs and performances will not be altered.

    yay .. that did the trick .. so now the question is what settings did i change to muck this up ^^

    i'm wondering what the little stars in the popup mean since these changed after the init globals.

    before the init only the power amp had a star:

    [Blocked Image:]

    after the init all outputs have a star (except the SPDIF which i don't use anyways):

    [Blocked Image:]

    PS: not sure what the best way to integrate images here is ? the images apper when i edit my post but are blocked once i save .. not sure why. But the links should work, let me know if they don't.

    check if the monitor output link is activated (check-marked) in the output menu. It connects the master volume knob with the monitor/speaker output. You can also control the output levels for each output on the second page of the output menu without using the master volume knob.

    yes i always have it on, but even with it off tit's the same ... also, i can see the volume of the power amp dB level changing, both when i use the monitor output link and the master vol and when using the rotary on the bottom on the ouput page. the volume of the speaker stays fixed.

    hey everyone. so i updated the Kemper firmware the other day. Everything was working fine but i had been playing over my studio monitors for a couple of days. So today i switched on the power amp as usual (Output > power amp on) but the volume button doesn't work anymore. I mean the actual button works and i can see the dB adjustment levels change as usual in the popup window and the output section pages .. but the actual volume coming out of the Kabinet stays at a fixed level, which is pretty loud.

    The only thing i can see that changed is that in the little popup window that pops up when i turn the main volume knob there is a little star symbol on the top right in the 'Power Amp' section of the popup. I don't remember seeing that before.

    So is there a setting somwhere that does this, a bug in the latest firmware ( .. or is it a problem with my hardware ? I haven't really changed any settings on the Kemper as far as i remember .. i usually just load a profile, tweak the eq and play.

    any help with this would be much appreciated .. especially by my neighbors ;)