Posts by ryanfrazier823

    I just downloaded those Katzbach profiles as well. The SL-X is fun.

    My favourites so far were Top Jimi's because they have that "character" I like, but there is always something missing. Sometimes they sound thin, if I increase mids to "fatten" them up they get that "wah" sound,

    I've noticed Top Jimi's gain profiles (at least the ones I have) have the definition dimed and the clarity at zero. To me, that gives a super tight tone but can get a little bright and nasally in the mids. I like to drop the definition to 7-8 and bring the clarity to 4-5. This fills out the low end a little, removes some honk but leaves the pick attack be.

    I have the Brown Sound & JJ-100 packs.

    Playing a real guitar amp is far better sounding than any recording coming from your hifi speakers.

    I respect your opinion but I’ve sold a whole lot of high end tube amps that I played sitting in the room with me. Now I’m down to a Kemper, AX8, studio monitors and a FRFR cab. I’ve played both with a loud rock band and have never once thought it was a compromise. Some people would consider the amp in the room sound muddy on one end or harsh on the other. I’m one of them.

    What you get from current FRFR solutions is the sound of a mic'd cabinet. IRs always include the response from the microphone along with the speaker. A speaker with a SM57 alone will sound different than one mic'd with a 57 and a ribbon mic, which will sound different if you add a room mic. They're all the same speaker, but you will get *wildly* different results.

    The Kone is meant to give you the sound of *just* the speaker in a cabinet. The same as you would with a regular amp and speaker.

    To me, the Kone makes direct profiles more valuable. You can remove the cabinet from a merged profile and it'll work great. But having an amp-only profile coupled with the Kone? That should be epic.

    I've never really understood the appeal of the "amp in the room" thing if you're into modeling. We spend a lot of time and money finding the correct profiles that provide that perfect mic'd up sound that we're used to hearing on our favorite recordings. Everybody wants Eddie's tone...or Stevie's tone...or Angus' tone...or whoever you like. But those classic tones are mic'd up sounds.

    Why the desire to hear something different than what the audience hears?


    New to the forum and Kemper land. I just received my Profiler Stage and couldn't be any more frustrated with it. Tones are issues there. I come from an AX8 I'm finding the Kemper a thousands times more frustrating to operate. Rig Manager isn't helping as it's divided up into rigs, presets and performances and while I think I understand the concept of them, I'm getting nowhere setting up my Stage. I can't even get a rig that I like attached to button #1. I don't know if I need to do this thru Rig Manager, or if it's even needed at all.

    I've saved a dozen or so rigs that I tweaked to the 'Local Library' folder located directly beneath 'My Profiler' but this doesn't seem to do anything and I can't move these profiles anywhere under the 'All Performances' tab which is where I think you're supposed to setup presets.

    Do I need Rig Manager at this point at all? Can I do everything I need to do on the Stage itself? I've watched all kinds of videos and scoured the forum but every one seems to assume the user has a good familiarity to begin with. At this point I'd be ecstatic to just get five sounds saved to buttons 1-5.

    Any help greatly appreciated!!