Posts by RoxSy75020

    Hi !

    Using UI to MIDI I get some sysex messages from my Kemper.

    I'm trying to understand what they mean and how I can use it to set up a control panel in Touch OSC.

    I think I'm getting the first parts but the MSB LSB and their values are baffling me.

    I looked into the MIDI doc and I'm trying to understand the example of the mix volume to 50%.

    I can't cross reference what is sent.

    My Kemper is sending me :

    F0 002033 00 00 01 00 -- 00 2F 00 7F -- F7

    If I understand correctly it is something with a single parameter change but can't figure what and how.

    If someone could shine a light on this for me to build my own messages.

    Thank you geeks !

    Hi !

    I dig out this post because I may run into an issue related.

    I have 2 Kempers, 1 as a main and one as a backup.

    The 1st one is connected to RM to edit performances.

    At the end of the day, I did a backup using a thumb drive and then restored it on the spare unit.

    Performances and MIDI routing are there but the input section and the gain are not.

    What am I missing ?


    Okay thanks.

    So I guess I got mixed up with the Uno4Kemper chip.

    It is a chip that allows to have back-and-forth communication using an ethercon cable like the remote but it does not involve the ''active sensing'' messages.

    Do you know if there is any informations I could intercept between the remote and the profiler ?

    Exporting presets and slots names would be useful.

    Hello everyone !

    I'm in the process of building a remote to use with Kempers and TouchOSC.

    So far it works like a charm with only PC and CC.

    Now I see that Touch OSC is receiving ''active sensing''.

    I know that you can add a module to some pedalboards to retrieve switches states and preset/slot names.

    Could someone elaborate on how this active sensing information is coded so I could try to extract useful informations from it and use it in TouchOSC ?

    Thank you !

    Good idea but very unpractical for several reasons :

    - I know for a fact that Kemper tends to crash or freeze when using RM ... you have no idea how cautious you have to be if you don't want to have problems during the show.

    - it needs to use a router and a hub to work with both the remote and the app, plus a PoE injector to power the remote : so a lot of hardware involved.

    - I just want to send and read PCs ; not being able to mess with settings and other things.

    The setup has to be bullet proof because as soon as there will be a mishap (and there will be) I don't want any reason for the musician to think I screwed up something.

    I may have found something with Touch OSC but now I have to figure out how far I can go with it.

    In an ideal world I would be able to display the presets on a text box in Touch OSC, but I don't know how to read the strings coming out the Kemper and if it sends it on MIDI anyway.

    It has to be using the MIDI channels, RJ45 is reserved to the remote and only the remote (bullet-proofing and easiest way to hotswap the remote to the backup Kemper if the main one fails)

    But thank you for your input mate !
    Definitely something I will be testing during rehearsals.

    Hi guys !

    I'm still working on a remote solution that could allow me to switch presets and slots from sidestage while my musician is on stage with 1 or 2 remotes.

    I know (and I'm regularly using it) that I can mirror the remote by using another remote plugged into a PoE hub.

    The problem is that I can be quite far from the racks and laying an RJ45 is not always an option.

    What I was having in mind is having a tablet at my desk with some MIDI control app (Android preferably) with buttons that i can use to send what I need using a WIDI device, BUT having the communication going both ways - being able to send PCs and monitor what is going on on-stage on the Kemper.

    All-in-all, pretty much like having another remote but without the actual remote.

    Has anyone done that already and could shade some light on what I'd need ?

    I know that the CME Widi plugs are working, but what app can I use and is it possible to have the communication going both ways ?

    Thank you very much !


    What would happen if I connect 2 KPA and 2 remotes via one POE switch ?

    Is there any danger of any kind for the gear ?

    Your suggestion is interesting though, but if the ''main'' KPA fail the remotes won't have any control on the second KPA.

    So it has to stay off for that in case failure, I have to plug it to the switch and then turn it on.

    With the boot on time it is not a quick reaction process ...