Posts by mistrp13331

    Gentleman, thanks for taking the time to assist me. Paults mentions a method I just discover on you tube last night that I intended to post for your wise counsel today. In this video this guy just does a drag and drop of “performances “ from his computer directly into a blank slot on the Kemper. I was so frustrated yesterday I spent hours online searching for a solution starting at 4AM my time. I came across this video and will try to provide the link herein. This appears to have answered my question I had as well as some others may have had. Here is link from thibderob :

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    . I just woke up and plan to try this with the same performance pack from freeman I bought as well. The sound quality in his video is amazing so fingers crossed and I will advise all what I find. At a mininimum this Christmas i’ve Discovered kind and generous souls from different parts of my country as well as other parts of the world who don’t mind taking some time to help an old guy with a new hobby fumble his way through. Merry Christmas from Virginia!:thumbup::)

    Merry Christmas Monkey_man! Unfortunately i encountered a problem while trying to import the files via USB. I followed directions on formatting and combining all rigs into 1 folder and after formatting USB copied all 10 folders onto the USB stick under Shared folder. However, when i try to import i get an UNKNOWN error. I made sure i have the latest software version 5.52 build 13463 Jun 15 2018. I also erased non Fav's still get the error. In case I somehow corrupted the file during download, I checked the file size for RIGS: 3,386,847 bytes/823 items. Could you confirm this is correct file size. Any advice much appreciated sir?( R, Mike

    Monkey_man, Burkhard and Ingolf, thx for you quick response and help. I think I’m may have used wrong terminology and confused all including myself. My apologies gentlemen. My goal is to use the backup created by Maurizio - I think. Here is where I need help in the “how to” steps using current functionality of Kemper. I tried to save the backup file Maurizio created/updated in 2014 in his original thread on this forum as could not find this file on his website. However, on my iMac with Mojave, the file comes over as a .html size of 1K. So when I read a more recent post from Timo on “not restoring backup” I assumed importing was best way. I welcome any and all advice on best way to get theses profiles, fx and stomps everyone is raving about as I know the quality of Maurizio’s work. My concern is doing it correct using restore or import whichever gets profiles and effects properly functioning into my Kemper. I used the USB stick when I first setup My profiler but as I can’t seem to get a correctly formatted backup to restore from I’m stuck. Thx again for your help. R, Mike

    Maurizio, this is my first post. I too am very new to KEMPER PROFILER, but have been watching, communicating and learning from You on your Gilmour solo covers and chasing the ever elusive signature tone. Can you please provide update procedures on how to restore your latest backup from your website using new capabilities in Rig Manager vice using USB? You sir have nailed it and I like numerous other fans and “ Kemperites” appreciate the effort and time you have gone to to share your talent, knowledge and time with us. In fact your tone for my all time favorite Gilmour solo of Time DSOT version is the reason I bought my Kemper. I am probably the last person you would expect to buy a Kemper as I am a retired 66 year old die hard David Gilmour fan from back to their Dark Side of the Moon days. I have no special musical training nor expertise in how to properly create or tailor a profile. What i do have is thankfully a lot of free time to learn and explore as well as a love for improving my guitar skills and tone crafting with my Kemper. Finding this thread from you and reading all the comments and questions from this thread has been truly enlightening. I consider this an early Christmas present. Today I will start the task of getting your backup info into My Kemper after a final back of my current profiles. Thanks! , Mike