Posts by Jake91

    They do, but clean sense needs to set correctly either way.

    awesome thanks, Is the clean sense a global input setting? Or does it change per each rig I switch in performance mode?. And what steps should I be taking, Start with clean rig at 0 rig volume and dial the clean sense up or down and then switch over to a rhythm or lead rig and compare volumes?

    Excellent thank you i will try that, For any of you that play in small-medium-large venues I'm pretty curious as to how much playing around with the specific rig volumes you have to do anyway? I was always under the impression the professional packs had already a nice volume balance out of the box

    Hi guys! Long time reader, 2nd time poster ?.

    I’m just wondering if anybody else has had any volume issues with their clean channel compared to heavy rhythms etc.

    In my band we’re using the memphis may fire tone pack feom STL, My lead and rhythm rig volumes are on about +2 for rehearsal room because I run a slightly smaller cab than the other guitarist. I find that when I switch to my clean patch it’s so incredibly underwhelming in the volume aspect I’ve had to turn it up to +6db to get any decent cut. I cant hear myself standing in front of my cab with drums and other guitars going at any less volume. I’m really worried when it comes to preparing the rig volumes for live use, that I’m going to have to pump the clean channel and its gonna clip when it hits the foh mixer and sound like shit through a pa. For reference in rehearsal room usually run master volume anywhere from -12to-8

    Time for EMG's again I guess

    Excellent, Jake!

    Hey mate, maybe you could edit the thread's title to reflect that it's "User Error" or "Caused by Guitar" or something. Adding "[Solved]" night be misleading in that it implies that some anomaly within the Kemper might've caused it.

    Definitely! Already done.

    Presumably his guitar through your KPA sounded fine which would be the final confirmation its guitar related.

    Exactly what pickups are being used by both of you. You mentioned Seymour Duncan bareknuckle bridge. I’m not aware of SD making a pickup called bareknuckle so cant check the specs. What is you mate using?

    It definitely sounds like the problem is your guitar but it seems surprising that the difference is as extreme as you are experiencing. You might expect a big volume difference on totally clean sounds but once you add distortion to the picture I would expect there to be very little volume difference just ss drive and thickness.

    It sounds like there may actually be a fault with your pickup(s) or they just aren’t setup right. How far are the pickups from the strings (measured both bass and treble sides with the strings pressed at the last fret. If the pickups are way too low that might account for a volume difference. If the heights are OK then its also possible that you have an other problem such as a faulty volume pot or a partial short that is sending some signal to ground.

    If everything is OK on the guitar then try incrasing the clean sens and/distortion sens on your KPA to compensate for the lower input.

    Thanks about to leave for training but as Soon as i get home I'll get back to you with the info

    So rocked up to rehearsal, Got the old volume issue tried unlinking monitor, rolled all the volumes down to 0 and linked back up and took them all back up to -15db, Still volume issue so put my guitar into his rig and found there to be a volume issue, I'm guess my Passive Seymour Duncan bareknuckle on the bridge is just shitty and quiet vs his Passive Seymours

    Thanks Wheresthedug , Also look forward to hearing from paults Ok , Lets work through this

    I'm not sure about the output settings of the wirelesses I don't think they're changeable, I've been considering the Shure Wirelesses lately, Anyway the G30 is an analogue signal, and the G90 is Digital, That could be something. But the thing with this aswell is I've tried plugging direct into the front input of my Kemper not using wireless and volume issue still exists.

    The signal levels incoming into the Kemper I'll have to check but I'm fairly certain both of them are as normal and not clipping, If his is receiving a hotter signal how can I correct it to bring us both in line.

    Both using the Alt input as we're running racks so easier to access it all from behind.

    I havn't looked into the clean Sense at all yet so I'll have a read up.

    No external pedals connected

    As far as I'm aware all our patches are identical, as the performance was emailed over and dropped in, There's no stomps on any of the patches, Only Reverb/Delay on the Lead + Clean chans, but every patch is having volume issues so I don't think this is the issue.

    Output section both sending Master Mono yes, But we don't use Monitor output 1/4, We plug directly into the Speaker/Cabinet on rear of the Kemper, I'm assuming these are the same thing?

    I've quadruple checked our volume settings are identical in the outputs, Everything is set to -15dB and his is still considerably louder than mine.

    And In regards to the Cabs, He's running an Open back 2x12 Orange with Celestion V30's whereas my Closed back Orange 2x12 Jim root is running a set of speakers called Voice of the World. I've looked them up on the orange website and found this interesting information unsure if it's relevant to within the cab or general volume output of the cab- "Whilst the Jim Root signature cabinet has less internal volume than our larger PPC212" ,

    Hey Jake, welcome to the forum, mate.

    Sounds like there's an offset in-play. Maybe he has the Power Amp Boost setting cranked up. From the manual:

    Power Amp Booster

    As mentioned, the power amp is internally connected to the MONITOR OUTPUT, which provides enough headroom to support even the loud attacks and transients of clean guitars. However, this comfortable headroom will naturally lower the signal volume for the power amp, so you might not achieve the desired loudness. Turning up the "Power Amp Boost" will increase the volume loudness by up to 12 dB, in addition to the other volume controls in the signal flow, such as "Monitor Volume" or "Rig Volume". The "Power Amp Boost" has no further impact to the sound or dynamics of the power amp. When the power amp is switched off, the "Power Amp Boost" is deactivated, thus returning the full signal headroom to the MONITOR OUTPUT.

    Hey Mate thanks, and thanks for the Reply

    The few things I've managed to check so far is the -12db pad option is disabled on both kempers, And the Power Amp booster you're specifically talking about I believe is set to +6dB from Factory, Both our kempers are set to that, Also I havn't used it live yet so I havn't used the Monitor Output, I only ever use the Speaker output for Rehearsal if I'm interpreting the use for monitor output correctly

    Hey guys, Recently me and the other guitarist built a performance set for our Kemper Power racks out of the Memphis may fire STL packs emailed it over and copied the same set into my kemper. When we rehearse there’s an incredible volume difference. His master is on -15db and most of his rig volumes are at 0 - +2db, I have to crank my master all the way to max (0.) and some rig patches up anywhere from +3 to +7 to even be able to hear myself over the top when playing lead.. He’s using an orange open back 2x12 and I’m using an orange closed back jim root 2x12. Not sure on pickups he’s using I have seymour duncan passives. I’m just worried when it comes to sound checking for a live show it’s going to be incredibly difficult to balance the rig volumes out between us if I can’t even get it right in rehearsal room.

    I never had any issues when I had a Helix, especially gets really really quiet when I play on the neck pickups on my clean channel. I've tried checking majority of the settings between but im still a fresh user as is he, we both bought our powered rack kempers on the same day so none of our settings are any different really from factory.

    My Signal Chain - Furman - Line6G90 - Korg Pitchblack - Kemper

    His Signal Chain Furman - Line6G30 - Korg Pitchblack - Kemper

    Anyone have any suggestions?