Posts by MarkOgier

    Hmmm, that sucks Mark. I didn’t think the Paul’s Guitar was that hot but have never tried one. I have a 513 (which has a hot HB setting that is probably as hot as anything PRS do), a DGR (very vintage, P22 (custom 22 with Piezo with protypes of the 85/15 - mine a 85/14 ?) and a HBii with 57/08. I also have a couple of guitars with EMG. With all of them I set clean sense around -5 and they all seem to work fine.

    Try turning off the Stack section completely to eliminate the profile when troubleshooting. Then move the clean sense through its entire range. You should hear what it does more clearly and hear how big a cut/boost it makes. If it isn’t clipping before you add the stack back in then the issue must be with the profiles. Even if it is clipping slightly without the stack engaged the Kemper clips quite softly so a little clipping shouldn’t be a major issue once a profile is added to the signal .

    As for MBritt profiles. While they are great (definitely among my favourites) Michael doesn’t really go for totally clean. He likes a bit of hair. If this present in the profile it might be that even turning the gain to 0 doesn’t fully remove the grit.

    Thanks for the advice, I will try these ideas and feed back the results.

    Played a gig last night using the Tele and it felt real good to get some true sparkly cleans. I love the PRS to play but it just doesn’t get on with the Kemper. I am also going to try dropping the PRS pickups a bit to reduce the output.


    I have a PRS Pauls Guitar with switchable split coil pickups. When used with my Kemper rack, unpowered, the input led is constantly lit orange and often red. If I wind the volume way down on the PRS I can get it to go green. Obviously I am not worried so much about the colour of the led as the sound of the output! :) It is way too hot and getting a clean tone is so difficult. When I play even slightly harder, it breaks up and sounds horrible.

    I am using M Britt Deluxe Reverb patches as I have a real 65 DL Rvb to compare it with. This does not happen with my real amp...

    But the same happens with any profile I have tried.

    The profile I am using is the lowest gain profile in his pack and I have the rig gain down way low, pretty much 0.

    I have a 63 re-issue Tele with vintage pickups which sounds just great with the same profile/settings. Led stays green, clean sounds are great, easy to get a nice controlled edge of break up sound.

    I have spent hours and hours watching you tube videos and reading the manual relating to the clean sens & distortion sens settings. To be honest I still am not totally clear what they do and how to use them but I have tried all different setting on both and it really makes very little difference when the PRS is used. The led is still mostly orange/red and the sound is still distorted.

    It feels to me like there should be some kind of “Pad” option on the input to pull down the hot input levels but I can find no such setting.

    I love playing the PRS, it is an awesome guitar but just doesn’t seem to pair with a Kemper. I am on the verge of ditching the profiler as it seems like it is a choice of Kemper or PRS and to be honest the PRS wins every time! It sounds amazing through my real DL Rvb. I would love for it to work with the Kemper. Can anybody help please?

    thank you


    Hi All

    Thanks for the tips, I will give them all a try tomorrow. Looking forward to playing :)

    BTW, is there any resource anywhere for 'ToneMatch' for the kemper? A few modelling gear providers are doing it now. Thought it would be a perfect fir for the Kemper camp. Maybe not Kemper directly, although I dont really see why not.

    Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I will try them out.




    I am pretty new to the Kemper scene. Getting to grips with the various operational features etc. But am struggling with 'how to get THAT tone'.

    I play in a covers band so near-authenticity is important (at least it is to us) so I am always looking to get as close to the tone of something we are covering as possible.

    This time, it is a Christmas song. Please come home for Christmas, The Eagles. As far as I am aware, the solo ( a short but tasty thing) was by the great Joe Walsh.

    Problem I am having is getting that lovely creamy, richer tone that doesnt really have much grit, just tube creaminess. We sure do describe sound in strange ways eh?

    I have literally dozens, maybe hundreds of profiles from all sorts of providers. Maybe too many. Grit and crunch are easy. Shimmering cleans are easy. But this 'in-between', sort of clean , tubey, creamy overdrive, I am finding real hard to find.

    I have tried both Tele and Les Paul (which I believe is what JW used) and neither seem to deliver with anything I have tried.

    If you want to take a listen to the solo (it is short but very sweet) it is here. Solo kicks in at 2:13

    Please Come Home For Christmas. The Eagles

    Really appreciate any help. If I cant nail this we may have to give up on it and do Holly Jolly Christmas on the acoustic :(



    Yes for sure. I even turned the profiler off and on again to make sure it was still there (thus saved)

    It just keeps getting better!!

    I though maybe the message meant the rig wasnt available for some reason (which it is, I can use it) so copied and pasted the rig into the performance again (copied over the top of existing slot in performance. And deep joy, Rig Manager crashes! And I only tried to copy over the top because there appears to be no way to actually remove the first rig in a performance slot.

    Seriously, Rig Manager is a crock.

    I have a L6 FX unit and the software for that is superb. Easy to use, bullet proof. Maybe Mr Kemper should sell the rights to his amazing box to L6, go live in Barbados off the proceeds and let L6 do a decent job of developing the software :)

    But thanks for your help

    Hi all

    So I am trying to finally get my head around creating Performances using Rig Manager. I have a simple song I am using as a learning experience to see if I can get this to work.

    One slot in my profiler performances (in Rig Manager). 3 Rigs in the performance slot.

    Find the 3 rigs I want. Copy them one at a time, paste them into the rig slots of the performance. All OK so far (a real clunky way to do things but hey-ho)

    So I have a Performance slot set up in My Profiler of Rig Manager, all good.

    Now I want to keep a copy of that Slot in Local Library, for safe keeping.

    I go to the 'Local Library' section of All Performances. Create a folder called 'Songs'. In the Folder create a New Performance (right click in the centre section). Again all OK so far.

    Back to the performance I just added to My Profiler. Right click, copy. Go to my newly added performance in Songs folder of local library. Right click, Paste.


    Import Has Failed

    Rig Manager didnt find any suitable files to import.


    I just created that performance in my profiler 2 minutes ago and it works fine. All I want is to make a local copy for security. Same if I try drag & drop instead of copy/paste.

    I have been reading manuals and posts for hours and it is hard to find much love for Rig Manager. Great hardware, shame about the software.

    So does anybody have any idea what is going wrong please?

    Thank you



    I want to get an FRFR monitor for playing/recording with a Kemper in a studio environment.

    I have tried a Headrush 108, and whilst the guitar sounds great. the 108 has a constant hiss which can be heard all the time and is not good when recording.

    I have also tried a Yamaha DXR 8 but the fan noise is equally off-putting.

    I checked the specs for the QSC K8 and that too has a fan although I have not tired one.

    Any suggestions please?




    I have a KP Rack (unpowered) running latest SW version.

    I have my recording setup wired as shown in the Kemper Outputs video. IE Main Left & R to mixing desk. I also have the Direct out going to separate channels on the desk to record the Dry signal.

    All works great for a while but after the unit has been on for a bit, anything for 10 mins to an hour, the Direct output is putting out very loud static sound, almost like white noise. It is definitely coming out the KP, nothing to do with desk, I can monitor it right back to the channel imputes. And when I power down and reboot the KP, all is well again for a while.

    Very worried if this is a hardware fault? Or is there a known issue/bug?

    Hope someone can help as it is currently useless as I have to keep rebooting to clear the noise.




    I have been trawling through the forums posts and looking in the now really huge manual to find the answer to this but it is not clear to me.

    I want to set up performances (not individual slots) to be used with different guitars, namely a low output (not pre-amp) acoustic and a Tom Gray Emperor (Tom Gray makes amazing guitars!) Electric with quite hot pickups.

    Obviously the input sent requirements for each of these is radically different.

    Can I get the required input sent setup and stored with the relevant performances or do I have to 'visit' the Kemper on stage each time I switch guitars?



    Kemp Rack, unpowered.

    Latest FW & SW

    Yamaha DXR10

    Martin 00-28 with KK Pickup

    Tom Gray Guitars Emperor


    I have been using my Kemper in a sort of half-hearted way for a few months (home, practice, headphones etc) but since having numerous sound level issues with my (65 Fender DL Reverb) tube amp and now a tube issue that needs resolving, I am seriously considering going the whole way and taking the Kemper to gigs. A scary venture into the digital world!

    I know there are a lot of threads out there about which speaker to use. I have narrowed it down to either the Yamaha or QSC 10 inchers.

    There are no dealers of any kind near me that have both options, in fact I can only get the QSC locally, nobody stocks Yamaha at all. So it has to be mail order.

    So please, can you help me with the decision of which to order. I am reluctant to just buy both knowing I will send one back. Seems dishonest.

    We play covers; country, blues, American, old rock n Roll. No metal or hard rock. And we are not very loud. In fact keeping stage volume down is going to be a major plus point. I love my 65 Deluxe Reverb but it is very loud in the venues we play (small clubs, hotels and resorts. )

    I would ideally just like to place it on the floor as a wedge in front of me. I have no hang-ups about having big air behind me flapping my trousers ?

    So any advice very gratefully received.




    I play in a 4 piece band which is effectively a Trio + singer. Our drummer is real old school and wants/needs to hear/feel me and the bass player on stage. He is an amazing drummer and a lovely guy so I don't want to 'shock' him by going Kemper with something radical like IEM :)

    He feels he needs to feel the air moving from the players around him to keep everything locked in. I get it and feel much the same too.

    So, please can I have suggestions/ideas for stage rear speaker solutions, rather than front of stage wedge monitor style solutions. And definitely not IEM, that will never fly!

    I am sure this has been discussed many times but from what I can tell. more in the context of speaker quality, FRFR etc etc. This is a definite narrowed down requirement of a stage rear speaker that can move air like a traditional combo (like my current Fender Deluxe) but giving the flexibility I need with different tones for our Americana covers band.

    My current Kemper is a non-powered version. If going powered with a passive speaker is a better option I would be OK to switch over but prefer not to spend the extra if possible.

    Many thanks in advance


    I have just got my Kemper and am loving it already.

    I would like to connect my iPad song book app via MIDI (OnSong) so it changes patches as a song is selected. That seems pretty straightforward from what I can see.

    But I would also like to have the ToastME software hooked up at the same time whilst I am at home setting up rigs etc.

    I am a real MIDI novice so sorry if it is a dumb question. Can I have both things connected and running at the same time? If so, how do I hook it up and configure?

    I am using a FocusRite Scarlett 18i8 Audi Interface which has MIDI in and out.

    Many thanks


    Thanks for that. Yeah that was what I did but it seems a bit clunky so I thought there must be a better way. It aint just a matter of turning the browse knob on the amp, you have to

    1. Turn the browse knob. The previously used rig is displayed. But it is not selected no matter how long you wait. You then have to...
    2. Turn the browse knob again to browse away from your previous amp
    3. Then turn the browse knob back to the previous rig, wait a second or two, the previous rig is selected

    Seems a bit clunky to me. Why not just have a 'Revert to original rig' option in RM? Or just press the 'Exit' button on the KPA.

    Ah well, it is what it is.


    I have just got my Kemper and I have to say first off, what an amazing thing! It lives up to all the hype and then some.

    So my question is (excuse me if it is really obvious), how do you 'end' a preview of an rig in RM? I can start the preview by highlighting a rig in RM and pressing the space bar. The rig then appears in the profiler and I can play using it to check it out. But how do I then finish the preview and get profiler to revert back to the rig that was in use before sending down the new rig to profile?

    Seems simple but I just cant see how to do it. I have RTM and googled for ages.
