Posts by alextsi

    I'm trying to find what is the recommended workflow to test different Cabs for a rig in performance mode using RM editor.

    1) I get I can change the cab loading a preset if it exists on the Profiler itself. However this is not ideal if I don't have the preset, and I want to use the cab from another rig in the local RM library. I will have to go over the Local RM library first, create the presets in Profiler (and as such "pollute" the Profiler with unnecessary presets) and then test.

    2) I have seen people suggesting to lock all but cab and load the rig whose cabinet I want to test. However, in this case, isn't also the "Rig" section modified (i. e. Morph time, Rig volume, etc)?


    Rig Manager 3.4.29 beta.

    Kemper Profiler Rack Powered with OS beta.

    Kemper Remote Controller connected.

    MacOS 13.3.1

    Steps to reproduce (starting with Rig Manager closed and Kemper Profiler off, connected to the Kemper Remote):

    1) Connect the Kemper Profiler to the PC with a USB cable.

    2) Start Rig Manager, under All Performances > Local Library.

    3) Power on the Kemper Profiler in Performance mode.

    4) Wait until the Rig Manager detects the Profiler and the editor view comes up.

    5) Quit the Rig Manager, by closing its window.

    6) Using the Kemper Remote try changing a Rig slot in the same Performance, by pressing one of the 5 buttons.


    The sound does change BUT:

    * Kemper Remote crashes and turns off.

    * The Kemper Profiler UI freezes. The output and input LEDs remain on, but they don't respond.


    This is reproducible everytime. However, I have a hackintosh, so I'd like confirmation from others that the same happens to them. If needed, I will try to reproduce with Windows as well.

    I though about this, but on the other hand the sound I get through direct monitoring with headphones, or through the main Output is at the right level.

    So what you suggest is decreasing the Rig volume and increase the Headphone and Main output volumes?

    I installed the latest 9.0 beta, to spend some time with the USB audio feature. I'm using Reaper as DAW.

    My problem is that the signal Reaper gets from the Profiler is way too hot and always peaks. I'm not sure how I can configure that on the kemper side. As Rec source I have Master stereo, and on Reaper as input I used stereo input 1+2 (I have a kemper rack btw).

    I tried lowering the Main Output volume but that didn't make any difference. I would expect a similar USB Output volume or something, I'm not sure. Do I miss something? Any ideas?

    Hi everyone. I'm testing a setup where I want to send stereo Main Output to FOH, with double tracker included, but I want my on-stage cabinet (monitor output) to have mono signal, i. e., exclude the double tracker.

    In my experiments, when I enable/disable the double tracker I definitely hear a difference in the monitor output. Is this expected? Is there a way I can avoid this?


    You can go to System page 12 (Remote Settings). There you should be able to change the location of the looper to be right after input (Input) or right after after the last effect (the REV module) (Output).
    Choosing Input should make it so that when you change effects, or RIGs, or anything in the signal change, everything is also applied to the looper.
    See also page 258 in the 7.5 Main Manual.

    Hmm I don't have the number. I went to selected "product support inquiry", selected my product (PowerRack), and then entered the text, accepted terms, and clicked send. I got a message in the window, informing me that my feedback was sent, but I never got an email back informing me that it was actually sent, or what my ticket number is... Maybe I did something wrong? When I click "send" what is the expected outcome? Should I retry?

    G String I sent an email to the support many days ago, but got no reply.

    I tried today again with RM 3.0.117, the performance renaming issue remains. I have created a video showing the problem. I can reproduce it even without the Profiler connected, so it is purely an RM bug. The bug manifests itself if I press Enter after changing the name of a performance in my local library in the inspect view. How should I proceed? Where should I sent the video considering I got no reply from support?


    I decided to meddle with the new RM and the editor a little this weekend, to see if I can rely completely on RM for performance management/editing.

    This is my experience: Magic when it works, but completely unrelieable... I used RM 3.0.111 on Windows 10, and a powered Kemper Profiler Rack.

    Here are the problems I encountered. Note that the Profiler was in Performance mode the whole time.

    * I had around 15 performances on the Profiler and I wanted to add them to my local RM library. Unfortunately there was a performance that on RM had correct name but the author was C.Kemper and it had only a single slot, the one used for initialized performances (Crunch). On the Profiler everything was fine (i.e., correct name, 4 slots available). I tried disconnecting the Profiler, and connecting it again, but nothing. I tried restarting RM, nothing again. At some point so gave up, used the Profiler to store it to a new slot, and then it appeared correctly on RM (the new slot).

    * I tried renaming some of my local performances. When I renamed one, it renamed correctly. Then, as soon as I clicked on the name of the next performance to rename it, the name of that next performance changed to the new name I used for the previous performance. I don't know why. This also happened sometimes when I simply chose a next performance, without me having any interest into renaming it. Its name just changed, always into the last name I used.

    * At some point I tried playing with my guitar. I had a performance selected both into RM and the Profiler. While playing, I used the Kemper remote to change a slot. The performance slot changed, but the old slot was for some reason copied over to the new slot, overwriting my slot (thankfully I had done my backups beforeā˜ŗļø).

    I don't know if any of these are known. I would gladly help the Kemper team to fix those bugs, in whatever way I can. Keep in mind though that not all of the above are reproducible in a standard way.