Posts by Nothisworld

    About the gain difference issue, sorry if this sounds obvious but it's usually a matter of volume going back in. Make sure the tracks you reamp from Logic (and your DAW master volume) goes back into your interface at +/-0 Db. If you lowered the volume of the track or the master volume in your DAW, the gain will be lower

    I think it's got more to do with what luntho said above that the Audient sends everything to its outputs. Even if you have specifically designated just one track to be outputted to the KPA. But this is only one line of exploration.

    Hopefully will come back with better news.

    I remember my problem was that I couldn't get the di signal out through output3 was always present in all outputs...

    This seems to be my problem as well. Feedback blasting everywhere due to this most probably.

    Funnily (not funnily) enough, when I play a song on Spotify this is also "reamped" despite the fact that I am only sending to the KPA a cable off of output 3. This is worrying...

    Has anyone managed to make the KPA and the Audient iD14 interface work for reamping? I am struggling big time with it. ||

    Either I get a hideous feedback, or the reamped sound does not quite get all the gain from the KPA, let alone other number of issues. <X

    Here is how the KPA and the Audient iD14 interface are hooked up.


    drag and drop in Rig Manager from Local Library to MyProfiler

    Hi, any idea on how to keep the folders organised like in our computer of origin?

    From what I see, I cannot drag and drop folders. Only profiles. That would mean dropping them in an ocean of profiles and not being able to keep them organised in the destination computer as I have them in the computer of origin.


    I've used the SPDIF connection ever since I have the KPA to avoid another DA/AD conversion and to have more inputs available. Also the SPDIF cable is more convenient and less hefty than the jacks.

    However not many interfaces provide an SPDIF connection.

    As a matter of fact I am in the process of acquiring a new interface and most come with no SPDIF. I am already experiencing, as I am using my new potential interface these days, how much more cumbersome it is to deal with the bloody jacks than with the handy SDIF cable.

    hose are RCA speaker type connections on the SSL for your Line Outs. Not SPDIF.

    I supposed so.
    I guess the logical question then is whether the SPDIF makes that much of a difference compared to Analog (TRS or XLR) to be worth the hassle.

    I don't need that many outputs or inputs as in the Motu you linked.
    I had thought of the Motu M4, UA Volt 276 or the SSL 2+, none of which has SPDIF. I would need to go for another Focusrite :( if I wanna keep hooking up my KPA to my interface through SPDIF.

    I'd like to keep using the S/PDIF to hook up my KPA to the interface, and I'm in search of a new interface.
    I wonder if anyone owns the SSL 2+ and can let me know if any of the the 4 S/PDIF connections that come with this interface can be used as input. Or if that's unworkable and there's no other way to connect my KPA to this interface than through TRS 1/4 or XLR.

    Otherwise I am happy to listen to recommendations of interfaces with which I can keep using the S/PDIF connection, as I do currently with my Focusrite Saffire PRO 24 DSP. Or else feel free to tell me it's not that crucial to get an S/PDIF connection, if that's going to limit my choice of an interface so much. My budget is 500€ tops-

    Many thanks
    Be well

    Tone Junkie has a good video on the Kemper comp.


    Watching it now. This is what I needed. Let's see if it clarifies.

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    What are the equivalences of the KPA’s compressor settings? It uses a terminology that is foreign to me.

    I function with the following terms as far as compression is concerned: threshold, ratio, attack, release, knee, make up gain...

    So in KPA's:

    Intensity: ?

    Attack: Attack

    Squash: Ratio?

    Mix: Mix (i.e. % of the signal we want to compress)

    Volume: Make up gain?

    Thanks guys if you could enlighten me.


    Hi all

    This is how I record guitars:

    Simple question. Is the pre-amp in my Focusrite interface being bypassed so I am using only the KPA pre-amp?

    What if I used a jack cable from my KPA to the interface, would my interface's pre-amp still be bypassed?

    How do I get to use the pre in my interface then? Not that I wanna, but I am curious.

    What does the ADAT sync status of my interface do? I believe it's used to bypass its pre-amp, but what's the difference to SPDIF then. I guess that the ADAT will work better if I hook the whole thing up with jack cables, rather than SPDIF.

    Thanks in advance

    If the headphones are pretty loud, and they get very close to the pickups, you can actually get leakage via magnetic induction. Test this out

    I'm definitely going to test this out and report here on my findings. I wouldn't say my headphones are ever "pretty loud", but it's still a great idea you came up with.

    You guys are great. :thumbup:

    Well they couldn’t pick up the sound from headphones surely? You must have open backs incredibly loud:)

    I have closed backs and open backs.

    Although unlikely, it could've happened that I used the open backs when I recorded the bass months ago. I don't recall.

    But the "incredibly loud" part doesn't quite fit into the story. I tend to treat my ears with care.

    Very strange.

    Thanks for your input.

    I'm pretty sure there were no send/routing oversights on my part, though I will triple check next time around.

    the pickup in the bass may be a bit microphonic and it picked those things up when you were tracking either live or from your monitors

    This sounds to me more like it. However I usually track with headphones. I don't recall how I did it this time around. I will carefully, obsessively check that no noise leaks in next time after tracking the bass. Hopefully I will get to the source of the issue.

    Thanks a bunch.

    Hi all,

    I get leakage (i.e. bleed, background noise...) from other tracks into the bass track, particularly when reamping. That is, I can hear the drums in a mild background of my reamped bass track. No idea why this happens, and whether it has to do with the KPA to begin with, but it's really annoying. Things I've noticed related to this are:

    - The leak is already in the DI track (almost imperceptible), which I later reamp.

    - The leak is noticeable with specific profiles. Imperceptible with others. I would assume those with a specific frequency or impulse response let the noise through.

    - The more gain, the more noticeable the leak is

    - The leak is imperceptible with guitar profiles, as far as I can remember.

    - The leak is mostly cymbals and hihats. That's the noise that leaks through mostly into my reamped bass track.

    If anybody has any idea on how I could get rid of this for good, I would be eternally grateful.

    Stay well y'all :thumbup: