Posts by Nothisworld

    you exit that performance and come back then its the way you saved it in first place

    To clear the editbuffer you only need to switch to a different performance. When you return to the previous one you will find that it loads in its stored state and not in the edited version.

    I would swear I had tried this before I made this post and I still got the newly loaded profile in the Performance slot. But I was a bit of in a rush and perhaps didn't actually do it properly and jumped straight into posting about the "issue". If so, my bad.

    I will check this when I am back home.

    Thanks for your swift answers!

    While in Performance mode, when we load a profile on our Guitar Rig, that profile seems to get saved there. In the specific slot you were in. Is there a way to get back to the old profile I had for this specific slot?

    So in my case, I had a 1967 Fender Deluxe on the second slot of one my Performances or Performance rigs, if you will. I was just fiddling about and loaded up another profile, a 1986 TS10. Well, now that 1986 TS10 has taken that slot and the 1967 Fender Deluxe seems to be forever gone. I didn't have to save or store the new profile onto the Performance. I even switched the KPA off and back on and the 1986 TS10 is still there. But I want my 1967 Fender Deluxe back.
    Is this really how the KPA operates, that the moment you select a profile and you happen to be in the Performance mode, the loaded profile will get automatically saved in the Performance slot that was active at the moment and replace the hitherto existing profile that was there?

    If this is so, this is quite a risky way for the KPA to function.

    I started a session Sunday pm and could not get audio into Logic Pro, when I did it was breaking up/intermittent, tried changing the DAW settings to make sure nothing wasn't where it was meant to be, (It wasn't) changed cables, unplugged, restarted at least 9 times and it finally worked, all settings exactly the same as at the start of the session. (I had also tried 2 other older Macs to make sure it wasn't my 3 month old MBPro M2)

    I have had this issue, or one very similar. It often happened when I set the KPA as USB Audio interface once the session in Logic Pro has been initiated.
    However, I just had it now with no Logic Pro session open whatsoever. The KPA was already set as my audio interface and I was watching a video on Facebook. I then opened Rig Manager and this intermittent/interrupted sound issue started to happen. I then closed Rig Manager and the sound was still playing faultily. I opened Rig Manager back again and it is then that this breaking up/intermittent sound disappeared.

    So I'd say you're not alone. If you ask me, it's a bug of the KPA. I'd like the staff to come across it so they set themselves to address it for good.

    Does anybody also get an intermitent sound from the KPA when you play back music using the KPA as USB audio? Like stuttering.
    It happens to me every so often and I know no other solution than switching it off and on again.
    With the same set up, I've had the KPA work perfect as interface but also perform this stuttering sound every now and then when playing back music or any audio from my laptop.
    It makes you wanna switch back to using the KPA as before and not as an interface.

    For now, my theory is that if I load up Rig Manager or switch the KPA on while there's audio playing from my Mac it might trigger these breaks and interruptions in the playback. So I try to have the the Rig Manager and the KPA load up and ready before I play any audio.

    Im just wondering how would I go about reamping with this feature.

    They address some of this here towards minute 6:00 and onwards, but they leave a lot of things unsaid and unclear, like what they are using as Input Device (I asume the Profiler) and as Output Device (Profiler also, or the interface?):

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    Thanks guys for the tips.

    I switched on my KPA this morning and reamped some stuff. The clicks were gone. I am not aware of having changed or tweaked anything that could have caused the clicks to disappear.

    I am concerned that I did not have any control over getting this fixed. I hope I am not claiming victory just too soon.

    The old turning it off and on again has worked for now. Fingers crossed.

    This is very strange and very annoying.

    I am reamping tracks through SPDIF, set my interface to clock source: SPDIF as per the image in the link below, and yet I am getting the clipping or clicking noises in my reamped track that one usually gets when not clocked right. People familiar with reamping via SPDIF will be familiar with these clicks, when you forget to set your interface to SPDIF.…iew?usp=sharing

    I have been using the KPA for years and reamped with it endless times. This has never happened to me before. Anyone?

    As soon as I find a solution, and I hope that's sooner than later, I will post it on here, so I can save other users time if they ever have this annoying issue happen to them.

    Dear lightbox, you're right in time. Thanks for chiming in!

    I am on the go so cannot check what you wrote in detail until I get back home.
    For the time being though, on this you said:

    1. At the lowest commonly used sample rate of 44.1kHz, the 528 samples you mentioned would equal 12ms

    I first tried with 1056 samples, but then I saw that the waveform for the reamped track was ahead exactly by the same lag as the DI was before applying any recording delay. So I set the delay to exactly half of it, that is 528 samples, and it worked just fine.

    I may have gauged the wrong lag amount to begin with, and the lag might be 12ms instead of 24-25ms. I did it using the marquee tool in the track window that opens at the bottom of the Logic project screen when you double click on a track stem. I could send snapshots when I am back home, but in any case the 528 samples adjustment seemed to do the trick. Visually both the DI and Reamped waveforms start now at the same point on the grid line, and to my ear they sound aligned with the tempo.

    I'll come back to the rest of your points above later when I'm back in my studio.

    Thanks a bunch for your input.

    I am getting latency when reamping. I think I am getting some too when tracking, which is arguably more worrying since you need low latency to really nail your performance and have it on grid. I will focus here only on the latency I get when I reamp, since I still need to double check that I am indeed getting latency too when tracking.

    Hardware & software I am using:

    KPA -> Focusrite Scarlett 6i8 -> Logic Pro on an 8 months old MacBook Air

    I have set every setting I know to clamp down on latency as best as possible. In Logic:

    Low Latency Monitoring Mode is checked.

    I/O Buffer Size set to either 128, 32 or 64 Samples

    I even downloaded this Focusrite Low Latency widget.

    And still this is what I get when I reamp: Lag between DI track and Reamped track (click on to see image)

    Notice how the waveform of the Reamped starts later than the DI track. That lag amounts to 25 milliseconds. It's noticeable to the ear when you listen to the song. The reamped track doesn't quite sound on time.

    Interestingly enough, lowering the I/O Buffer Size from 128 Samples to 64 Samples, and further down to 32 did not make any difference. The lag between the DI track and the reamped track remained at 25 milliseconds for every buffer size. :rolleyes:

    Lastly, and given the fact that none of the above seemed to be reducing the reamp latency in the slightest, I set the Recording Delay to -528 Samples as per here to make up for the lag. Now there is no longer a lag between the DI track and the Reamped track. :thumbup:

    I feel disappointed that none of the settings aimed at reducing latency mentioned above did much (if anything) and that I had to resort to tweak the recording delay to clamp down on the latency for good. I feel it's just a patch-up to work around an issue which is more fundamental and that in this time an age should be long dealt with by our modern hardware and software.

    I don't rule out having omitted or done anything wrong in the process of trying to reduce latency that I describe above. If you have anything to comment to this regard, could you please enlighten me? It will be forever appreciated.

    All the best

    I am currently reamping in Logic with a Motu M4 and I am not greatly satisfied.

    In my case, it so happens that the reamped tone lacks grit compared to the tone when I record straight in (no reamp). I think it should be the same, as both when reamping or recording straight in the profile is set up the same and the sound is coming from the main output of the KPA. But it's not, and that sucks a lot. I may have to fiddle with the settings (perhaps some Reamp Sens here, some more gain there...).

    I already returned the Audient and the SSL 2 because they did not cut it for reamping purposes.

    Check out my tutorial and see if you have similar settings...

    I appreciate the help mate, but I think the Audient has somewhat different settings and your guide doesn't apply exactly the same way to those of us with the Audient.

    By the way, how is the Motu working for you? There is a chance that I may still be able to exchange my Audient for the Motu. I'm close to giving up.


    About the gain difference issue, sorry if this sounds obvious but it's usually a matter of volume going back in. Make sure the tracks you reamp from Logic (and your DAW master volume) goes back into your interface at +/-0 Db. If you lowered the volume of the track or the master volume in your DAW, the gain will be lower

    I think it's got more to do with what luntho said above that the Audient sends everything to its outputs. Even if you have specifically designated just one track to be outputted to the KPA. But this is only one line of exploration.

    Hopefully will come back with better news.

    I remember my problem was that I couldn't get the di signal out through output3 was always present in all outputs...

    This seems to be my problem as well. Feedback blasting everywhere due to this most probably.

    Funnily (not funnily) enough, when I play a song on Spotify this is also "reamped" despite the fact that I am only sending to the KPA a cable off of output 3. This is worrying...