Posts by KenHPstudio

    Hey Guys as les paul said I tried Top Jimi Boston Pack and it sounds nothing like the video.. Also Mbritt profiles sound flat to me almost muffled. I have several Gibsons, Suhr, Fender Musicman etc.. I watched a video from Zilla Cabs on youtube. I use one of the Guido berkonstock Mesa single rec profiles and it sounds great through Monitor and mesa 2x12 celestion vintage 30's now..

    How to dial in the Kemper for the Celestion F12-X200 FRFR speaker.

    Changing the output eq made a big difference for me.. Look into it ..

    Hello Guys,

    Sorry for the newbie question, was hoping someone could provide some suggestions, I am looking to play along with Youtube songs with my Kemper. Would like the Music on the PC to play along with the guitar Kemper output either through my speaker cabinet or headphones? A while ago dare i say i had a Axe FX II "LOL" and I was able to plug the USB into my laptop and it would play both guitar and computer output through my monitors or cabinet.

    Using Un powered Kemper Head..

    Thanks in Advance Ken..

    Hey South Dakota great song and tribute to a friend!! I just stumbled upon some Bert M profiles that come on the Kemper and Im really digging them.. My need is mostly live how are they working out for you? Do you go direct through FOH only Im currently using a PRS Archon head through the effects loop and then out through a Mesa 2x12 Celestian 30 cabinet.. Regards Ken..

    Its Funny as you mentioned the Yamaha and how easy it is to play lick leads etc, have the same experience on my practice Boss eband JS-8 has an emulation of a rectifier with delay etc that sounds killer, if i could only get that sound to a stage volume i would be in heaven. This in fact has kept me believing that the sound in my head is achievable via a digital platform!!!

    Thanks JK Ill check it out.. Got the Top Jimi Boston pack and it didnt translate that well for me but Ive i always liked the Mesa Boogie as an overall tone so Ill check it out as well as the Soldano and Friedman, I got some of the other Britt profiles "Came with the unit" but they are mostly Fender clean type amps and sound a little dark to me.. Thanks again for the quick response..