Posts by CMHAudio

    I bought a Kemper so I can learn to play guitar after my kids go to sleep (and sound as good as possible doing so ;)). I love it! I'm not in love with the soft shaper or green scream, and I can't leave well enough alone, so I decided to try an OD pedal with the Kemper. I got a JHS double barrel, and I love it too!

    The morning glory side is really great for just adding some edge and extra dynamics. I also find the tone control gives easy access to tones I had a hard time dialing in with just the Kemper. Anyways, I have been running it before the Kemper, but I really miss having a compressor in slot A for rhythm.

    Has anyone had good luck with using the effects loop for OD pedals? That way I could continue to use the Kemper compressor. Or I could add a compressor pedal and start building an actual pedal board. Part of me thinks buying more pedals will become a rabbit hole. An expensive rabbit hole. Any advantages either way?

    I absolutely love my K-Line Truxton. I'm not a very experienced guitarist, so I haven't owned a lot of guitars, but I played it back to back with several Suhr and fenders. I dramatically prefer this one, both for feel and sound.

    I love the look too, can't overlook that! Paint was not reliced when I got it (I've put a few dings in it... Oops) but the metal parts have a very nice patina.

    The 108 sounds significantly better when off the ground.... cleans up the mud considerably.

    Thanks for the tip! I have mine on my desk against a wall at the moment, and there is a pronounced boominess in the low end. I assumed it was related to the proximity of the wall, and things might get better if I set it up further into the room. I didn't think about the floor. You just use a stand then? Vertical vs horizontal make much difference?

    I play mostly with headphones while my kids are asleep. I'm looking to start finding people to jam with, so I bought this little guy. The Kemper fits so well on top it looks like they were made for each other! I'm thinking of trying to attach the together to ease transport, like a little integrated amp. I love the way it sounds, but I'm no expert on that front.

    Make sure you sign up for the emails! They give a few freebies from each new pack. I own quite a few TJ packs where, after playing for a few days, I realized that they gave me my favorite profile for free!

    Owned a Swart combo for a bit. They definitely have their own magic thing going on. Will check out the pack. Thanks!

    EDIT: This is some really sweet stuff. 100% sounds like the original. I wonder, which speaker did you prefer?

    I like the greenbacks best. I particularly like the low cut profiles. I also picked up their new IR pack, and the direct profiles sound stunning with the m75s and the Royer! It's a shame they didn't grab some direct profiles with the low cut option.

    If you haven't tried this new release from the Tone Junkies, I recommend you do. I like several of their packs, but this one is spot on for me and my tele.

    You can tell they really wanted to show off the new reverb, so it's a bit much for me. But just pulling it back (both time and mix) made it perfect! They have a small delay on too, which I have never gotten to work myself, but this is just perfect.

    Even the other stomps seem to have gotten a bit more attention with this pack. In the other tone Junkies packs, they always have the stomps full, but if I turn them on I need to do some significant tweaking to get things how I like. In this case I just hit the buttons and smile. The two od/distortion stomps even cascade really well.

    So, perfect amp tones, perfect effect setups, super fun! Thanks Tone Junkies for perhaps your best yet!

    (Despite sounding like an advert, I promise this was unsolicited feedback. I just thought the Kemper community might not have noticed this pack in particular since the boys at TJ put out so many)

    Edit: Full disclosure. This enthusiasm is based on my playing all night with the 3 free samples from the TJ mailing list. I'll be buying the rest of the pack this evening.

    Tone Junkie does an AC30 pack which I like - if you subscribe for his freebies I believe there are a couple of free samples from this pack as well as many others so you can see if the flavour suits you :)

    +1 for Tone Junkies. If I recall correctly, the free pack includes their 'J4' profile (jumpered, fairly well cranked). I purchased the the pack and my favorite with my volume full open is J3, but J4 with the volume rolled back is about the same and gives more control. Of course they deserve some money for their awesome profiles, but the free pack really did include most of my favorite profiles.

    I wouldn't get rid of current pickups. I guess I'm just looking to see if there's something better out there. I'm constantly unfulfilled

    I hear you Sheepfan. I recently thought all of the YouTube videos of the twisted tele neck pu sounded great. So I bought one and slapped it in. It was only there for about two hours. I've always loved that guitar, but now I know I love it even more.

    My guess for the Cone is this:

    1. Put a guitar speaker you want to "profile" in the cabinet.
    2. Measure the impulse response with a good, flat mic (it actually doesn't matter in principal, the mic frequency response will cancel out later, but flat is always better). Lets call this one hg(t).
    3. Take the guitar speaker out, and put in that fancy new 12" full range driver with the whizzer cone that somebody linked several pages ago.
    4. Measure the impulse response with the same mic. This one is hfr(t).
    5. If one then convolves the input with the inverse of hfr(t) and then with hg(t), the resulting sound should be that of the "profiled" speaker coming our of the full range driver. This should remove the effect of both the frequency response of the full range driver and the mic (which is going to be much smaller than the driver). (I think that's right... linear systems was a long time ago).

    This would be greatly simplified with the new single driver full range speaker people were talking about (sorry, I couldn't find the link) because typical 2-way speakers need to have each driver measured separately, then combined to create a single impulse response. It is complicated by the crossover and the fact that any mis-match in the directivity patterns between the two drivers results in a slightly different linear response depending on the listening position. At least, that is how I would start. It's not an easy thing to do, and if they nail it I am pretty excited to hear it!

    Of course, we are all just speculating so far... would love to hear some details from the horses mouth!


    Great profile paults ! Perfect bluesey bite when you dig in and cleans up to a spanky fender clean with softer attack or by rolling the volume down a bit. I don't currently have the beta installed, bit I might try it to put a bit of spring in there, as you suggested. Would you put it in front or behind the amp block? Thanks!

    As far as other Fenders go, I profiled a blackface Deluxe turned up to 7. It is on the Rig Exchange. If you try it, play loud enough for it to feel like an amp. If it has too much gain with your guitar wide open, turn the gain down a bit.

    Cool! I'll check it out. Thanks.

    Unfortunately, one of the reasons for my choosing a Kemper was that I really don't have room in my life right now for tube amp 'feel'. I get most of my playing in before 6am, while the rest of the family is asleep. I am a headphones guy.

    Thanks for the link paults . I was posting from my phone on my lunch break, so I wasn't easily able to copy it. You can clearly see the amp at 19:40. Silverface for sure. He is plugged into the vibrato channel, but you can't see the knobs in the broadcast quality recording. I'm no fender amp expert, but it looks about the right size and shape as a vibrolux.

    As I said, I'm new to the game. Do you think this (general) sound could be had with any fender amp fully cranked? Any good profile suggestions? My guitar has lollar pickups (vintage T neck and special T bridge) in a very light ash body. The special has way too much bass to sound like Nancy, but I think the neck begins to hint at the sound.

    After further listening, perhaps the tone is 99% technique. I'll keep practicing.

    Does anybody know a good totally cranked silver face vibrolux profile? I was watching Roy Buchanan's 76 performance on ACL, and the tone is out of this world. You can see a vibrolux in the video, and the consensus on the tele boards is that the only thing between Nancy and the amp was a cable. Of course 90% of the tone is in his fingers, but if I could get 10% I would probably be happy.

    I downloaded the Tone Junkie vibrolux pack, and it is amazing, but much cleaner than Roy's tone. In the comments on the pack I think the highest gain profile looks like they had the volume at 5.5. I've read that Roy had all the knobs dimed (some reports say he had the bass all they down, which is also believable). Any ideas?

    I'm new to this, not just the Kemper, but guitar in general, so excuse me if my questions are noob-ish. My mid-lfe crisis was resolved with a Kemper and a K-Line Truxton.


    Is it at all possible that you have the cab section turned off? If you do that all profiles will sound so different from what a tube amp through guitar speakers sounds like, and each in the same way, you might percieve them as similar. There are still pretty significant differences between profiles, but the term "fizzy" could probably be universally applied.