Posts by Mesa770

    Hello fellow Kemper users out there....I am having a challenge figuring out the best way to boost my volume to play a lead. I do not want to set the volume pedal to do this as I find the pedal position is sometimes almost full up without me knowing and my head room just went out the window. My wish would be to have my rig sound perfect, hit a button, and boost it for a solo, while not changing the tone at all...I would like to do this in any rig style...Simply just have the volume boosted and then come back....Thanks for the help....Rich

    Hello KPA friends...I have a question on programming a rig...Say I have a nice tone that I want to add some Chorus, and Distortion to...but want to use my remote to turn them on and off...How do I make that happen. If I manually put in the distortion on KPA itself, and the Chorus, how to I associate it with the remote pedal button so I can add or turn off when I want....I am also wondering if it is always programmable like this, to your remote, or if you can fix a tone in the unit, and have it un associated with your remote......Your help is appreciated....Rich

    Hello again all, Rich here....I am stuck...I am trying to use my Mission Pedal as a volume and wah pedal through my remote ports 5 and 6. I have a "stereo" cable from port 1 on the mission to port 5 on the remote, and a mono cable from port 2 on the Mission Pedal to Port 6 on the Remote. I have gone to the system menu and calibrated the pedal...I have also gone to the Rig, and within the rig button, I have selected "Lock Vol Pedal" and I tried "Wah-Pedal Volume" and that is all I have messed with....What I want to do is have my Wah/Volume pedal active during all performances...or even in Browser mode if that is possible. I want to push down on the switch to activate Wah, or select it again to have volume control for a lead...that is it...on all rigs....Please let me know if there is a good video on this or if any one can assist....getting frustrated on this one.....Thanks Rich

    Hello fellow KPA Users....I have yet another question to throw at the group....How do I mute or turn off volume in these two conditions. 1) when I plug in my headphones...I do not want the speaker to be on, and I do not want to unplug it...2) How do I turn off the loudspeaker when I hit the tuning button on my remote.....I like to mute when I am tuning....thanks again...Rich

    Hello all, need some help there any way to edit a rig when in perform mode and save it right there? Example...i am playing and want to turn the lead volume up a bit and save that profile so when I hit button 5 on my remote, the settings will have the volume remain up a bit...The only way I have found to do this is to save as, store it, then go to browse, find it, and reload in the same position in my performance profile....this is a lot for a simple volume adjustment....Help please....Rich

    Thanks for the help gang....I am in my rig now...I have deleted the "Sample" profiles and rigs...under ALL Performances and moved them to the local Library under All performances...(this is the only place it let me move them too...) and they are still on my KPA....they did not go away....I have been on looking as every rig manager video, and this is not addressed....have any of you had this happen? Thanks Rich

    Thanks for the welcome...It is brand only the profiles it came with from factory....I purchased MBritt Pack 3 and I want to start there and build on these...I do have a question....which file in Rig Manager is my KPA....Is it "Rig Packs" or Performances? I am at a loss on the naming convention...thanks again...Rich

    Hello all, I am very new to KPA....I am trying to clear my Kemper while saving the factory profiles. My goal is to have my custom rigs on the profiler but save the factory ones on my after reading this, I think I am on the right track....I do not know what file header in rig manager my Profiler is...I am not sure based on the factory labeling....any assistance is appreciated....thanks Rich

    Hello, I am in South OC. I had the opportunity to play guitar with Monte Pittman and he uses the Kemper Powered amp....After hanging with him for a few days, watching the unit in action, I was sold. I am trying to learn the nomenclature associated with the unit, and also how to program my favorite rigs I will use in my band...once I accomplish this, I am selling all my gear....I am excited to get rolling with the Kemper in a live performance....any learning curve info you can share would be helpful....I am trying to clear my Kemper of the factory rigs, and save them so I can load my usable ones...Rich