Posts by Mike K

    The KPA has really had no upgrades in processing or input/outputsince it first appeared. With Musikmesse 2018 about to start, will we get a unit with two modeling paths for true stereo output, so you could finally use two profiles at the same time?

    And how about sampling rates on the S/PDIF bus up to 96 khz so use with an audio interface isn't constrained to 44.1 khz. A second digital in/out with flexible routing would be a nice added feature too. It would make connection to an out board effects unit a snap.

    Just forget it.

    I'm sorry this is being perceived as me being negative on the Kemper. I am a Kemper super fan. There is nothing about the Kemper I don't love! My only intent here is to show people how to get the most out of their Kemper. In the video I explain that the reason you can't turn a profilers gain knob up to 10 on a profile of an amp set super clean is because of the way tubes distort. I explain that the character of the breakup changes as you push a tube so the break up you get from an amp on 3 is different than that of an amp on 10. I think that's what you are saying too, Don, when you mention the gain knob changing an amps EQ. I 100% agree with that!

    Like I said in the video the Kemper is an amazing piece of gear that can accurately and genuinely recreate the character of the best tube amps we all love. My only intent here was to show that bad tactics and not understanding that the Kemper is not a Modeler can lead to bad results. Maybe this isn't a lesson that people of this forum struggle with but, I'm part of a smaller private Kemper FB group and I see people describing this all the time. They grab a clean profile they like and start cranking the gain knob and because it was a super clean amp that was profiled the characteristic of the distortion doesn't sound "right" to them.

    Kemper 4 Life!

    There is no need to explain yourself about your great video and for saying the truth to a kemper forum moderator. It seems that all they want to hear and read is good things and cannot stand any critisism about kemper.

    You should check monitor cab off option from output menu and use merged profiles exclusively. Merged profiles have the full signal like studio profiles, so the FOH will get this from main output, and the direct amp profile (amp part) at the same time, for which you will use the speaker output, if you have a powered kemper or monitor output if you want to use an external power amp.

    They're perfect for modern Rock, classic rock. classic metal to clean and country , so they would be considered dark for death metal, metal core etc. However with EQ you could turn them into anything because a good fundamental amp tone is there

    There are far more and better options for metal for what i want. I cannot judge them for other music genres though. Evem himself has said that he is not metal expert. And yes, his high gain profiles are nothing special. It's not only about sound, but the feeling in my hands when playing. Also i don't like to apply to much eq to a profile to get it sound so much better, i prefer to search for better sounding profiles for my needs in first place, my eq changes are minor, when even made. Just my opinion, ymmv.

    The update for EVH 5153 EL34 Kemper pack has been released!
    Added EVH Signature Cab 4x12 loaded with Eddie Van Halen Celestion Signature speakers.
    8 Merged & 5 Direct Amp Profiles.
    Check your emails!


    Thanks, i will check them out.

    Just a suggestion...until Kemper team put an indication on screen so we could know what kind of profile it is, you could put an S for studio, D for direct amp and M for merged profiles in your profiles' filename. For direct amp profiles isn't so necessary because cab is off, but it is for merged imho.

    o.k. after EXCESSVE testing I decided to go from "global pure cab on" to the same method as @patrick2099 (thanks for bringing that topic to discussion again): Turning global pure cab off and adjusting only a few rigs!

    I still like the nice full sound I can get with several rigs and without much tweaking, but I also have admit some points you guys have brought to the table in this and in other threads.

    Still a very cool feature from Kemper, but I now agree with @Mike K (discussion in another thread) in that point: Pure cab should not be enabled by default.

    Yeah, some rigs may benefit from pure cab, i totally agree, even though i don't like it. It's just a matter of personal preference after all. I see it as something optional, that's why i don't like it enabled by default.

    Hi Patrick!

    I personally do not use it. For me it adds a sense of sameness to many profiles and takes away the openness and precision. I do find it interesting for some styles but for metal to thrash to deathcore (what I usually play) I find it best off.

    I don´t like pure cabinet...i even don´t like it turned on and set to zero :D
    When it comes to highgain it muddys everything up imo.
