Posts by HowardBrown

    a comparison between kemper cab and the fr12 would be cool

    I had a powered Kabinet for a bit, and for a longer period of time I had two Kones (version 1) loaded in my own 112 cabs, then tried a Neo Kone in one of them, all powered by a SD Powerstage 700. I don't have them any longer to do a video comparison, but I wouldn't be able to recreate an accurate representation of what I was hearing in the room as I do not have gear for recording any longer. If I did, it's still not the same as in person imo. I will give my thought's on the two, though it still comes down to personal preference/taste.

    The Kabinet sounds decent, but in a side by side comparison I preferred the Kone loaded in my own 112 cab. I wanted something for FR mode that would translate well with the cab/IR within the rig itself, and the Kabinet and Kone never quite did that for me. I found they sounded better when implementing an Imprint, but that wasn't what I was looking for.

    The FR12, as a personal monitor, checks all the boxes for me. It translates well from rig to rig, going from a brit style amp with a 4x12 cab, to an ac style amp with a 2x12 cab or a deluxe with a 112 cab. For me personally it gives a very good representation of each amp through the different cab/speaker configurations. And it is as close to being an "amp in the room' that I have experienced so far, and that has been a costly, time consuming endeavor.

    Most of the digital units available to guitar players at this time are a welcome compromise, more amp and effect choices in a light weight box than anyone would ever want to lug around themselves, and the audience for the most part couldn't care less what your using as long as it sounds good to them. But as a player that has transitioned from amps, stomp boxes and way to much volume, the digital domain still isn't quite the same, but it's a change worth getting acclimated to.

    Hi Peeps,

    My PC is constantly asking me to upgrade from Win 10 to Win 11 - I am a big believer if "something isn't broke, don't fix it" - everything currently works fine with Win10 so should I keep postpone it or should I go with the upgrade? Has anyone had any connectivity issues with the KPA or Rig Manager with Win11?

    When first offered the upgrade from Win10 to Win11 I ignored it, didn't want the hassle. Six to eight months later I had some time on my hands so I figured it was a good time to make the change.

    My pc is used for everything, it's not dedicated to one specific task such as multi track recording, so I have a lot of programs loaded on it. I only ran into one issue when doing the upgrade and that was with an old version of PaintShop Pro, which I upgraded and the issue went away.

    Never noticed anything different when working with Rig Manager, but that was just my experience. I'm still running Office Enterprise 2007 with zero issues lol!

    Has anyone posted clips of the Kemper with the FR-12 yet?

    Haven't seen any yet, but you really need to demo the cabinet and hear it in person.

    I've tried many monitoring solutions over the past three years and found they didn't really sound the same at home as they did in the video clips, to many variables. I didn't mind the time spent, but the cost was more than I would have liked to have spent.

    That being said, with sound being such a personal preference, here's my two cents. I bought the FR-12, and after a few days using the cabinet, it is the reason I decided to stick with the Kemper and not go back to a traditional amp. This was the last piece of the puzzle for me and I'm very happy with what I hear and I'm really enjoying just playing.

    Seen that, but not worth the hassle, IMO. Really nothing disturbing, you just notice that is on (at home, alone in a very quiet room). Any low wattage tube amp would be the same/louder when you flip on the standby switch (not to mention when you kick on any pedal). This is really an internet-inflated non issue. I've been gigging and recording with a Super Sonic Twin 100W for years (and a couple dozens other tube amps before it) and that beast was hissing like a snake's nest everytime I was hitting Ch.2, the FR-12 is really nothing

    I bought the FR-12 a few weeks ago and noticed the hiss the first couple of times I turned the cabinet on and was right next to it. The hiss is still present, but I don't notice it, and at 3-4 feet away I can't hear it. The noise from single coils is way louder, but after forty years of playing that's something I just accept.

    I put my Kemper rig up for sale after having the FR-12 for a week. I was waiting to try the Profiler with the FR-12 before selling, it was my last attempt at finding a monitoring solution. Had the FR-12 not sounded as good as it does I was going to go back to a traditional amp, but I'm extremely happy with the FR-12. I now want to downsize to a Kemper Stage, much more portable than my current setup.

    If all we did was stick with what was in the first multiFX we came across, we'd all be rocking a Boss ME pedal board as 'why would we need anything more - it has everything we could ever need.'

    I played most weekends at a club (dive) by a lake in the summer of 1990. Had the Boss ME-5 running into a Marshall 2x12 combo, got more compliments on the sound of that rig than any other I've owned.

    Funny thing is, I think most people thought the tone was generated by the Marshall, but it was a 1970's oddball solid state amp, no juicy tube tones to be had. I think I just hit on a combination that worked really well together.

    First, it isn’t possible to adjust the sweep in the Kemper system.

    I haven’t tried the Moog as the size and weight ruled it out when I was looking for a new pedal. I have a Mission and a Roland FV500. I don’t care for either of them either.

    The best pedal for size, value for m0ney and feel that I have managed to find it the Zoom FP02.

    For use as an expression or volume pedal, correct? I've been looking at pedals for a little while and would like to have a pedal dedicated to each function.

    EDIT: Sorry, wasn't paying attention to the hook-ups, not intended to be a volume pre Kemper.

    few years ago did this video changing ideas with the brand.

    I really enjoyed the video, I've never ran across it before, but I liked the faster pace with multiple function demo, thanks for sharing it.

    I've had the Kemper rack for almost seven years, and picked up a remote around two years ago. I knew the freeze function existed but I've never tried it, nor the morph and many other functions, in fact I've not yet auditioned all the effects available.

    I still just stay in browser mode and use the Kemper like an amp with a couple of stomp pedals lol! I gotta dig in and start taking advantage of the Kempers capabilities.

    I quickly perused thru the Rig Manager manual today looking for information about the Favorites column. I had just updated to the latest version of Rig Manager.

    I used to be able to left click to assign a rig as a Favorite, if memory serves me correctly I could then, at a later time, left click to remove the Favorite assignment. Now I can only remove the Favorite assignment from the Profiler itself.

    Am I missing something or is my memory just deceiving me?

    I did the update this morning and got a pop up on the Kemper screen that said a clock was out of sync and to contact Kemper support. Must be something I don't access, I went ahead and played for a while, everything seemed to work fine🤷‍♂️

    The CLR is about the only one that I've never had, but it beats hands down any other one. As a reference I had: Blue Amps, L6 PowerCab, DXR-10, EV 12, Mission Engineering 2x12, Laney 2x12 (very impressive, but weight and size are excessive, like a 4x12), HR 108 (this one was so bad!), QSC FR12a, Powered Kabinet, Catalyst 100. The main thing is that it doesn't sounds and feels like a PA speaker, but like an actual amp. Particularly impressive is that it's a closed back speaker, but with the Cab emulation of an open-back one, it really sounds like the back panel dropped off. Same when you use a 4x12, you just can't believe the sound is coming out of this 1x12. I can only recommend at least to try it.

    Thanks for your input, I gotta try the Fender. I can't find one within a reasonable driving distance so I'll have to order one. I'm at the point that this may be my last effort, if it doesn't work for me I'm considering going back old school.

    I got the Kemper rack in 2017 and for four years I ran it into the effects return of a Fender Mustang III, picked a stock rig and just played. I had an EV ZLX12 at the time of purchase and tried it but didn't care for it.

    In the last two years at stores I tried a passive Kabinet and the Headrush units. I ended up purchasing a matching rack and two 112 cabs to load my own speakers in for a stereo setup. So far I've bought and tried the first generation Kones, the Neo Kone, but settled with the Eminence EM12's.

    I'm almost embarrassed to include the other's I've bought in that time frame but here they are nonetheless. Two Yamaha CBR10" passive, a powered Kabinet, a QSC CP8 powered, and last week an ISP Vector FS-8 that the power section shorted out on after four hours of use yesterday, so back it goes.

    By the way, it looks like the hiss can be fixed if a person is willing to open the unit up, remove and solder in a couple of replacement parts. Details are on the Fractal Audio forum, but it would be a little daunting without pictures or maybe a video for reference, at least for me.

    I hear good things about this model. Very versatile...

    It's the same pickup and switching configuration of an Ibanez I had in the late 1980's when I was playing in bands, which I've really missed.

    Even though I've played a strat style guitar since 1993 the two humbucker configuration is a better fit for me. I've always had to drop the middle pickup way to low because I pick right on top of it.

    I will say that I'm impressed with how well the tapped settings sound compared to my single coil guitars. I'm not sure if prs does the tap a little different, but it does sound good, much better than others I've had or tried at a store.

    NOICE :)

    Don't leave them hanging in the sunlight. At least some years ago (and I don't think it has changed, I could be wrong), the blue colours faded awfully much over time.

    Thanks for the heads up. My music portion of the room gets no direct sunlight even if the curtains and blinds are opened, which has never happened since I live like a vampire🤣

    Should be here in the next day or two. Bought one that was Faded Blue in September but wasn't able to play it for a few weeks because of a self inflicted palm injury.

    Once I had the opportunity to play it, I liked it enough that I decided to sell the three electric guitars I had and get another 24-08. I liked the others, especially the EBMM Cutlass, but I don't do well switching from one neck profile to another, shouldn't be an issue now.

    The filters in the Cabinet Section are part of the rig, it is part of the signal sent to both Main and Monitor Outs.

    "Main Manual 10.2 Page 176/Stack Section

    Cabinet Soft Key

    Low Cut and High Cut filters are now available in the cabinet, in addition to the global Low Cut and High Cut filters in the Output Section. The cabinet versions are stored with every Rig, and will be also be stored as part of any cabinet presets."

    So does it override, work with, Have a steeper curve, or does the most "Cut" win out over the global setting in the output section? There are a few rigs that I would like it adjusted. But with those filters in the output section, I can't. Would I have to lose the settings in the output section and do this per rig? Or per cabinet? Or is this just for the "monitor out" "Cab out" section, and doesn't affect the main outputs? Also, there are High and low cuts in the EQ effects. So, for one of my rigs, there then would be three layers of High and Low cut filters, on the cab, an EQ added in the effects, and the global output. How are these working together when they are stacked? Or Not working together? I don't want to assume even though I think I may know the answer.

    I had a little time so I loaded up the new Beta OS and Rig Manager. It looks to work like Pure Cabinet does, I can't find anything other than whats below in the manual.

    "Main Manual 10.2 Page 176/Stack Section

    Cabinet Soft Key

    Low Cut and High Cut filters are now available in the cabinet, in addition to the global Low Cut and High Cut filters in the Output Section. The cabinet versions are stored with every Rig, and will be also be stored as part of any cabinet presets."

    So with my Global Low & High Cut Filter set at 78.4 & 6505.0 I can load a rig and adjust the filters in the cab section. They don't take affect until they have passed the Global settings. Example, while in the Cabinet Section you can't hear a difference to the rig until the Low Cut is above 78.4, or until the High Cut is below 6505.0 and seems to function just as the Global Filters do. I'm thrilled with this addition, just dropping a soldano rig from 6505.0 to 6350.0 made it perfect, much more so than adjusting the High or Low Shift ever helped, at least for me. Again, Thank You Kemper Team, your awesome!!!

    where are you setting the high and low cuts? in the OUTPUT page? I set those global HI and low cuts to about 7k and 90hz

    Most people are using an effects block with an eq added, it has a low and hi cut. In the latest update it looks like the Kemper team have added the frequently user requested low and hi cut to the cabinet section too. Now we can set them on a per rig basis, thank you Kemper team!!