Posts by klincejr

    I can edit fine on the profiler itself. I plug in USB to the latest version of Rig Manager on my desktop (running Windows 11) and everything just locks up. Only thing I can do is power off the profiler and start over. Very frustrating. I have the latest firmware on the profiler as well - so that matches up.

    That said - a few questions - one with respect to a factory reset using the latest firmware that I can't seen to find in the forums - very strange that this feature is so hidden and not documented.

    1) Getting a good backup of my rigs. I've used Rig Manager to 'export' all my rigs to a folder on my windows machine. I've successfully tested that I can import them back into the Profiler so feel good there. I don't care about anything else - performances, etc... I just want to start over anyway. Is there anything else that I need to do to make sure I get a good backup?

    2) What is the way to do a factory reset on this thing? I've read a couple different ways...hold the 1 soft button and power on the unit...hold the SYSTEM button and power on the unit...but neither of those things seem to work. Can't believe this isn't well documented somewhere...seems hard to find. I don't really care if it comes up new without a single rig on it - I have what I need.

    Thanks in advance.

    When I'm working on profiles that I drive with my remote I'm saving often. I've gotten burned too many times tweaking something then hitting the morph button or something and losing what I was working on. I've had no less than a half dozen times now in perform mode while tweaking my patches the unit just locks up on me. No errors, screens don't change on the head unit or the remote - just no more signal. Shutting it off/on fixes it.

    I bought a new guitar and was tweaking patches today for it (Collings 290 - f'ing incredible axe...) and had this weird thing happen as I was tweaking a patch...went back and jammed the store button a few times to save the patch and then there's like a pop noise through my speakers and then that slot just goes empty. I'm like WTF. I can switch to the other slots on that patch...still blank in the 3rd slot. So I shut her down and restart and still blank.

    Luckily I have the baseline of what I was working on saved on my PC via Rig Manager...but what a PITA. I've only had this thing a few months and to have this happen so many times is frustrating to say the least...and scary when working on stuff. I've got the latest firmware installed - did that the very first thing when I got it.

    Also, another question while I'm in here about backing up.

    I use my Kemper for an acoustic gig and an electric gig. I want to experiement with running stereo to FOH but also monitoring in stereo on stage as well using my EAW Redline RL12's. I'm going to have to tweak various outputs and such to make that work and want to be able to do a quick backup/restore from one configuration to the other so I don't miss something from one type of gig to the next and then I'm troubleshooting during soundcheck. Is it feasible to to a backup of each and will a restore literally bring it right back to where it was when it was backed up each time - performance mode slots, output settings/volumes, etc...or does it just backup patches and such?

    Thanks in advance!

    Curious if anyone has come up with anything that resembles an envelope filter type effect with the Kemper? I'm thinking something like what John Mayer gets in the solo section of this song. I know with some other tunes where he has similar tone he's used the AdrenaLinn pedal for this...but curious if there's any thing in the box that could reproduce that?

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    I play electric guitar in a classic rock cover band and accoustic guitar in a band where we cover rock and pop songs as own accoustic versions. I experimented with some profiles for my electic guitar, but are there any good profiles for accoustic guitar on the rig exchange.

    Accoustically, I play a Taylor CE something, but would like to use the KPA for some effects (EQ, delay, reverb etc). Usually, I plug the Taylor into a DI-box, which goes straight to the mixer, which sounds ok, but I would like to change and improve my tone. My band mate rungs his guitar into an L.R. Baggs Pre-Amp and it sounds great. I would like to dao something similar with the KPA. If there some good rigs out there that would be great.



    I'd try using a patch and then then turning off the amp sim portion and see if you like the sound better? My guess is that if you have an acoustic that sounds good straight into the mixer then you don't really want or need to muck with it using any of the patches unless you are going for some other kind of sound or tone. Like I said, I play a Maton 808TE and it sounds incredible straight into the mixer with a touch of hall reverb so I found that using any of the acoustic patches tainted that tone in a way that wasn't better or worse to me - it just didn't sound as good as having the amp sim portion of the KPA bypassed. That said, the stereo effects are awesome on the acoustic guitar so if you are in fact running a stereo rig (in my case I come out of the stereo outputs of the KPA into 2 channels on my mixer hard panned L/R) then you might find some benefit there especially if you are doing anything where you want some swelling reverb, delays, etc... An added benefit that I use quite a bit in my acoustic setup is the morphing function on the remote. One touch of the button and you can increase/decrease the decay or delay time or whatever you want effects wise. It's a killer rig for solo acoustic for sure and having the remote that doesn't need power that includes a tuner and a looper just makes it a no brainer for me.

    Hey Gary,

    I don't really run a lot of the internal mic with my 808TE...just a smidge, in fact. Personally, I don't like the sound of it as it tends to be boxy and brittle sounding. The piezo pickup all the way up with a little bit of the internal mic is how I run mine and I never have any feedback problems. If I ever do - it's around the 100Hz range and that's an easy fix at any gig - I can just pull it out with a notch on the channel EQ's for the acoustic.

    Again, I use no cabinet emulation in my live setup. I'm basically just running a clean signal through the Kemper and then using it for stereo effects...primarily reverb and delay. I do have a patch that adds a little overdrive that I use from time to time when I'm looping and want to play a lead tone over the top.

    My PA is pretty simple. 808TE into the Kemper (usually wireless) stereo output into 2 channels of my Allen and Heath Qu-16 (each panned hard right/left) and out of the mixer to my EAW Redline RL12's. We do use a small 8" coaxial monitor but just for clarity - it's not loud - just so we can get a little more intelligibility on the vocals.

    I know Tommy Emmanuel runs his 808 with the mic pretty wide open too I think if I recall correctly - but he's using acoustic amps on-stage and then feeding that signal to the FOH so he has a lot more control and his stages are far larger than what I'm playing (and assuming you as well) so likely more distance between him and the amps. Either way, I just haven't found a good tone with the internal mics on the 808 turned up more than just a little bit and it had nothing to do with feedback - it was just that I didn't like the way it sounded.

    Man, this thing is so impressive...another successful gig last night and 2 more guitar players in the crowd that came up and had 20 questions about my rig. :) Neither had ever heard of the Kemper and when I gave them the nickel tour they were blown away. Maybe 2 more customers?

    What i'm finding most useful is using the stereo effects and not the rigs/cabinet simulations that I've found on the Rig Exchange (even bought a few...). I've tried many of them and none of them sound as good as my guitars straight through with various effects. I dunno what it is - but the cabinet simulation part just detracts from the actual sound of the acoustic. I could see using those if you wanted to make your strat sound like an acoustic guitar for a song or something but I guess I just don't get why you'd want to color the sound of the acoustic itself by using some emulation of another guitar/preamp/DI? My Maton sounds gorgeous...just plugged into the board and a tich of the Kemper for me is a multi-tool that gives me a bunch of colors I can choose from on the remote along with a tuner and a looper. Obviously this thing is built for electric rigs - and I absolutely love it for that...but the stereo effects with acoustic guitars just sounds gorgeous.

    Primarily I'm using reverb and several different types of the swelling types that are nice to fill up some space on certain tunes and then use the morphing effect on the remote to add in a little more of the effect when needed.

    I run stereo out into 2 channels in my mixer - hard pan each and the effects just sound incredible. Couldn't be happier with this purchase and the sound quality of my rig at this point.

    Thought I'd share a pic a friend took from the gig last night - my wife and I sing together and my youngest got up and played the shaker with her on a song.

    Thanks Kemper folks - I'm a happy camper.

    I use one pretty heavy patch on a tune that I do with an artist here in town - kind of a plexi thing, feedback, etc... and the speaker handles it really well. It handles everything really well so far - from super clean Princeton kind of stuff to the plexi thing I referred to. Even better, it's a killer sounding speaker I've ever used for the acoustic gig I do...get comments all the time on how good the speakers sound - very articulate, punchy, great definition...does a great job of separating vocals and instruments...super happy with them.

    QQ - what's the easiest way to tell if your Kemper has an internal power amp? I have the rack mount model...bought it new from a retailer off eBay and so can't see the item description anymore. I don't really need it to be powered so that was a bonus really...just trying to figure out the easiest way to tell if it is.


    Why not a Meyer UPA-1P? ;)
    I bet that EAW sounds pretty darned good.

    Heh...I wanted the UPA' fact that was what got me started on finding the next level speaker for my PA (was using the JBL PRX stuff at the time). I spoke at a work conference and was in this huge ballroom that seated about 500 people. I had noticed with the previous speakers how great it sounded - especially when they would play videos...the low end sounded great. As I'm standing next to the stage waiting to be introduced I'm standing right under the speaker and noticed it was a Meyer. I start looking for subs...there are none. I peek around the back and make note of the speaker model and after my session went back and talked to the sound guy and asked if they were hiding any other cabinets anywhere. He said nope...those things are insane, huh? :) So, I went back to my hotel that night and looked them up - could hardly find them and even the very used ones I could find were still $$$ each. Some killer stuff though - would love to have a pair of those for sure.

    It's going to be impossible really to try this out as I'm guessing no one locally is going to have these in stock but I use the EAW Redline RL12's for my PA...mostly do acoustic solo/duo/trio type gigs and these things are f'ing insane. Crystal clear, very hi-fi sounding but not hyped at all... I bought a the Yamaha 10" powered speaker everyone raved about on here and liked it fine but I drag one of my EAW's out with me when I gig because it sounds so good. Now, street price is in the $1700 range per speaker so there's that. :) But, if you get a chance to try them out or are interested in a pair because you can use them to gig with...maybe it's an option.

    how does headphone out give me stereo monitoring on stage?

    i have two EAW cabinets and on the bigger stages I play would like to be able to run stereo rig on stage as well as send a stereo signal to the FOH. I was reading around and digging through the menus and couldn't figure out how to do that. It's not a huge deal but would like to be able to hear what I'm sending to the FOH on stage as well. I've noticed that the effects are much more pronounced, rich and lush when running in true stereo so being able to hear exactly the same thing is pretty important to me.

    When I do acoustic gigs I run stereo out to my mixer and then hard pan each channel and it sounds insanely amazing. I use a monitor most times and then feed a little from both channels into that so I can hear myself.

    I'm curious how you would run stereo to the FOH and also monitor on stage in stereo as well?

    Right now I have output set to dual mono and I just send a mono signal to the FOH. I use the monitoring output to my EAW Redline cabinet that I use for stage monitoring.

    I'm curious how one would run stereo to the FOH and at the same time monitor in stereo on stage? Is that possible?

    so interesting question....

    if you are playing live in my case the Kemper through a EAW Redline speaker and then the stereo outs to the you use merged profiles or the rigs you can build in the box? I'm getting sounds I like using for example the Britt profiles I have...but I did mess around with the merged ones when I was playing with Rig Manager that come with the unit and they sounded good. I guess I didn't really understand what the merged profiles were all about and when to use them?

    Hey Folks,

    Looking to use my Kemper for the first time in a live setting all electric (used it for my acoustic gig and it went AWESOME).

    However, looking for a bit of advice here...

    I only have a single DXR10 cabinet that I'm going to use. What's the best way to route that? Just come out of the Left or Right main? Use the monitor output but disable the amp?

    Obviously I'm not going to get stereo but will offer a stereo signal to the FOH guy if he wants it. If he doesn't - which output do I give him? I have X/MOD effects setup on a lot of patches and not sure what he'll get if I just send him a Left or Right output?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    So, I played my first gig with the Kemper last night. Super happy with the outcome. The sound was killer, loved the remote. My wife and I were solo last night so I put together a few patches with the blooming type delay with long'ish decays and it really did a nice job filling things up. Even had two different guys that were guitar players come up and ask me about my rig saying it was the best they'd ever heard an acoustic sound.

    Very happy with my rig now - killer smallish acoustic setup...A&H Qu-16 into EAW Redline 12's. We use Nuemann KMS-105's and you know my guitar rig now. Happy as a kid in a candy store.

    Appreciate all the responses here - I'll continue to tweak and such and if I come up with anything interesting I'll be sure to post back.

    Hey Michael! First of all I totally dig your presets! Thanks for all the work you have done...

    Also - Jeremy is a really good buddy of mine...he and I played in a band together and were roomates for years in college right before he joined Lonestar. He and Wally both using the Kemper were the ones that got me thinking in that direction. I met you a long time ago when my wife and I lived in Nashville and he invited me to come out and see you guys when you played in town.

    I'll check out the Avalon one and see if that does anything for me. Thanks so much for chiming in and thanks a TON for your work with the Kemper was HUGE decision making factor for me buying one.

    Maybe you could share some of the acoustic profiles you use? :) What acoustics are you using these days?

    Take care!

    Hey Bert - no post wasn't disparaging your work for sure..

    All I was saying was that for my scenario the best use of the Kemper with an acoustic so far isn't to use any of the modeling features...just run it through...really using the Kemper as an effects pedal and a DI since I'm coming out of the XLR outputs in stereo to my mixer.

    The modeling tends to color the sound in a way that I don't like - and that's not just with your stuff but with every other acoustic profile I've downloaded. The only use I've gotten out of any of them is to use the amp modeler so that you get gain control and can push the gain a little to get it to break up a little. This has proven nice in a looping situation where you want to get a little louder/dirtier but not over the top. I've got a couple presents where I've used the morph mode to stomp the pedal twice and doing so turns on the amp modeler, makes a few EQ adjustments and bumps the gain up a little to get it dirty.

    I'm super happy with the effects in the Kemper and the acoustic 'sound' I'm getting. It took a little work but I've got a gig tonight and I'm pretty excited about using it and trying out the new stuff. I'm coming from a pretty nice acoustic rig that I was using prior so my expectations were pretty high. I'm using a Maton 808TE and a GIbson J45 as my 2 acoustics and they both sound fantastic.

    Thanks again Bert - as I mentioned I'll get some use out of your stuff so it's not $$ wasted for sure. I actually got a few nice sounds I like with my 335...just haven't had time to dial them in.

    I downloaded Bert's acoustic pack and i have to say, I don't like any of them with my acoustics. They all have the amp simulation enabled (cabinet sim is off for all of them) and I just don't like what that does to the natural sound of the acoustic. I plugged my 335 in and messed around with some of those presets and that kind of a setup would work...using an electric to emulate an acoustic - but so far at this point the best sound I've come up with for my acoustic is to just have the EQ on - cab and amp sims turned off. Of course, using the effects and stomp sections as needed.

    I guess at that point I'm basically just running the guitar signal through the Kemper untouched essentially...sans any effects or EQ that get applied. Either way, that's what I've found sounds best to me so far and frankly, I think what I've got dialed in sounds pretty killer and that's saying a lot from the rig I am coming from with my acoustic (Strymon pedals, Rupert Neve DI, etc...).

    I use a Maton 808TE and a Gibson J45 as my primary acoustics and had to make some minor adjustments to the profiles because the Maton has active electronics and the Gibson has a LR Baggs with no volume or tone controls.

    There are logical limitations for that request. A Preset is nothing else but a list of parameters loaded, one parameter included being the type of effect, another parameter being the on/off state of that effect. As soon as you change any parameter of that effect e. g. switching it off or increasing its Mix or changing the Pedal Mode of a Wah, the current effect isn't identical with the Preset anymore and such a reference could be very misleading.

    I don't know how it's that hard to just default to whatever the actual effect preset is selected when the user turns the browse knob for the first time. Seems to be pretty logical to me logical is it to start it at the beginning of the list or at the preset for the last effect that you had selected? It seems random where it defaults to except for when it reboots the default the first time on mine is always the very first effect preset in the entire list of effects.