Posts by ohcrapitskurt


    I've got the EXACT same setup as you - a kemper profiler and a 1500.

    Can you please let me know how you configured your 1500 to operate ?

    Would really appreciate your help.


    so honestly I'm just running it as a cab. blank EQ and letting all the kemper do all the work. run it into the monitor in left at about 65-75% volume on the 1500 and control it through the kemper.

    i LOVEDDDDDD the FH1500 but i ended up selling due to having to pay some bills a few weeks ago :( i miss it already! BUT i'm thinking of getting a friedman ASC soon which is the cab version and pretty much what I'm looking for.

    This is in mint condition. Been in a live in road case since the day I got it. (About 6 months ago.) I don't wanna let it go but I've just got some bills to pay. KEMPER AND ROAD CASE NOT FOR SALE!!

    Reverb Listing (with photos)

    The Power of the Firehawk FX in a Combo Amp

    The Line 6 Firehawk 1500 digital modeling combo amplifier delivers the same straightforward design and great sounds of the Firehawk FX, but puts it in a 1,500-watt combo amplifier that's perfect for live performance. HD and XT amp, effect, and cabinet modeling are on full display inside the Firehawk 1500. And the ability to control the amp via Line 6's Firehawk Remote app makes interacting with the amp effortless and enjoyable. The Firehawk 1500 combo amplifier puts Line 6's award-winning technology to work in a hi-fi guitar amp.

    Product Overview and Demo

    Product Overview and Demo

    Acoustic Guitar on Firehawk 1500

    Product Overview

    Gigging with the Firehawk 1500

    Line 6 Firehawk 1500 Digital Modeling Combo Amplifier at a Glance:
    Huge collection of modeled gear
    Total access with the Firehawk Remote app
    Full-frequency powered speaker system
    Huge collection of modeled gear
    Line 6's Firehawk 1500 is loaded with over 200 amps and effects, allowing you to find your own tones or nail your favorite recordings. From vintage classics to high-gain amps, some of the world's most popular amps are yours for the taking. And the Firehawk 1500 is packed with cool effects - including essential stompboxes and Line 6 originals. The Firehawk 1500 is a powerful guitar amplifier that will inspire your creativity and guitar playing.

    Total access with the Firehawk Remote app
    Firehawk 1500 comes with the Firehawk Remote app for iOS and Android, making it easier than ever to craft the ideal tone. You can sculpt elaborate signal chains from your phone or tablet, fine-tuning your tone and connecting with a huge online community of guitarists. The Line 6 Cloud boasts an enormous tone library that covers virtually every musical genre. And in the cloud, you can create, save, and recall an unlimited number of presets and have instant access to your tones whenever you need them.

    Full-frequency powered speaker system
    The Firehawk combo's 1,500-watt power amplifier pushes a 6-speaker, full-range system. This is plenty of power for using the Firehawk 1500 onstage. The design of this setup allows for detailed reproduction of your amplifier tones and allows for true stereo imaging of your effects. It also works wonderfully as a music player, and for acoustic guitarists, bass players, and for anyone who needs to represent a much wider frequency spectrum. Guitarists at Sweetwater recommend this amplifier to every player for all of its possibilities.

    Line 6 Firehawk 1500 Digital Modeling Combo Amplifier Features:
    Digital modeling combo amplifier
    1,500 watts (peak power) are plenty for live use
    6-speaker full-range system
    True stereo performance
    HD and XT amplifier, cab, and effects models
    Control it via the Firehawk Remote app for iOS
    1/4" Guitar and VDI inputs; 1/4" and XLR main outputs, plus headphone output
    Low-latency DSP and USB recording

    So a couple questions about the front USB other than connecting to a thumb drive. What other uses can it do? Can I charge an iphone/ipad? USB powered light? Rather ask here to see if anyone else has done it (hopefully didnt damage anything). Not that i want to use it all the time but I feel like a little USB powered light would be useful at times.. thanks.

    Hey man, that's a pretty-serious-sounding project for Garage Band!

    I'm limited to a Mac tower's built-in speaker at the moment; this 2012 model literally gives me no bass at all. Cannot hear even a single note, much as I tried.

    I'm sure it sounds great 'though, given our discussion. Well done, Kurt.

    thank you very much! i wish it was serious! hard to find reliable people to jam with now-a-days that are on the same musical influence you are. Im in another band, Metal/Hardcore band but they are pretty close minded when it comes go other genres, which is why ive been doing this just myself hahaah

    Awesome! Well done, Kurt.

    Yeah, if what I've heard through headphones plugged directly into the Kemper are anything to go by, I'm not surprised at all.

    So detailed, organic and alive, IMHO.

    it sounds wonderful! i previously recorded a song using just garage band and some whack ass amp on there. last night i redid the bass and guitar with my kemper and here is the result.. lemme know what you think...

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    so the other day i filled in for my friends band on bass. not having any bass equipment I went online and found an Amped SVT bass profile. restrung an old ESP bass, borrowed an 8x10 and set up the KPA. IT WAS FREAKING INSANEEEE! never in my life did experience such an awesome bass tone and sound. it was beyond heavy,clear and the power that came from it was insane. i had it running into an 8x10 on stage and the FOH. everyone in the crowd (it was a metal/hardcore show. Sheer Terror/Billyclub Sandwich) was blown away by the sound of the bass and were coming up to me like "what is that thing?! it sounds amazing!" i've had this same reaction with my guitar settings but i run it through a Line 6 Firehawn 1500.

    just wanted to let bass players out there know.

    [Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:]

    Does this help?

    You can sort by Author in the KPA.

    You can search by the Author name in Rig Manager.

    hey yes i do know that you can sort by authors but lets say theres an author at the end that i want, but im on the first author.. i'll have to scroll all the way through (depending on how many you actually have).. BUT if it were folders, i could hit EXIT, back to the folders and scroll through the folders to the desired author..

    Browsing by folder/author.

    if you have like 150 rigs but only 5 authors, it gets a little much to scroll all around. this may have been suggested already but it would be great to be able to scroll through only 5 folders and select that author and all the rigs inside that folder. like an iTunes library for but rigs/authors.

    Looks damn pretty, would have been a shame to beat that thing up. What pups are those? Stock, or did you mod it?

    I was really gassing for a Jackson USA 8-string model, but I think I have narrowed down on something I like more. If I do pick it up, I'll make sure to put up some pictures... Otherwise it didn't happen!

    all pick ups have EMG81 in them (esp 7 string has an EMG817). the Jackson has the stock Jackson pick ups and not gonna lie, they sound fantastic! i was gonna switch them out for some duncan invaders but decided to keep them because they sound THAT good.