Posts by mnewse614

    They were making us a promo video, it looks like a kemper promo

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    Okay I have an update from my first post of this noise issue I had. People kept posting about my gain settings saying they were insane levels but they weren't high gain to me. I had this horrible digital noise and couldn't find a solution but adding 2 noise gates on top of the input gate.

    Well here's the update, it was my power amp I was using the whole time. I just upgraded to a class ab carvin dcm3000l and the difference is night and day. There was so much my poweramp was killing in my tone. Even the fx are incredibly better.It was never a kemper issue but a hardware issue. I also found I like an external ts rather than the internal green scream.

    I just wanted to share this as others had the same issue. The carvin really unlocked the whole thing.

    I was using a Crown xls2000 and just switched this weekend to a Carvin DCM 3000L. The Crown was great had enough power but always felt it wasent giving me something in the top end. The Carvin has definitely been an upgrade, theres allot in the overall tone I was missing and its much more 3D. I haven't played on it but for like 20 minutes so still needing to get back to it, but initial thoughts are great.

    I am a complete newb to recording my own and profiling, but as you I profiled my VHT Pitbull and tried doing a studio profile, I just couldnt get it to sound right, but I then DI and just profiled my head then added an ownhammer IR in the cab and it sounded amazing. I started noticing most people that are getting good studio or full amp and cab profiles to work are going mic to preamp to kemper and not just mic to kemper. The only issue I see there is adding the preamp is just one more thing to color the sound. I think a di into a good impusle is where im happy now

    Thanks guys, well I didn't want to clog RE with a bunch of junk so I was going to direct email whoever would of been interested. It's weird cause even when I took the grill off my front loaded cab and knew my placement it still sounded distant and lower output.

    Thank you for the feedback and sorry for my frustration, I'm just used to other groups. I since found my perfect profile from petes Cameron moded Marshall pack and traded the vht head for 98 mike Shannon custom shop soloist. So bye bye tubes

    thank you Monkey_Man, well I was hoping someone would of helped out, it would seem if anyone had an interest they would of replied and asked what I need or what not. This community seems like it needs some help. I mean when I had issues and was looking to get rid of my Kemper I had plenty of people trying to help then, but I look around the board and new users posts and questions just sit with no replies, but you can see other threads recently updated. It just seems to be a lack of community assistance, "us" the new users do need veteran advice, granted I know you guys bought into Kemper years ago and maybe the questions seem elementary to a long time user but new users need a little more attention.

    Since you have replied Monkey_Man, the main issue I have had whether it be a DI profile or studio is volume of the profile doesent seem as loud on my profile compared to others. I had the amp cranked so I know its feeding a strong signal and of course not clipping. Any idea? I know you said on my last profile you had to bring the volume up to match others on RE, I dont know what could cause that.

    So last night my band had to play as a 4 piece, our bass player had surgery on his hand, so our rythem guitarist had to pull bass duty. I figured this would be the perfect time to experiment and run my kemper direct for the first time, and just first time at a show in general. I brought my vht 4x12 and poweramp set up just in case it didn't work out right. I had allot of my tube snob friends there to come and judge me, hahaha. The PA system wasent the best, I mean it's a hardcore show, no monitors really and mains was older carvin stuff. It sounded fantastic, the sound guy said we were the easiest band to work with and the kemper was plug and play. Everyone was convinced last night of the kemper ability and were amazed. My next step is to get a dxr10 if I had that I wouldn't of needed my backline. Sunday my last amp, my beloved pitbull goes and I'm 100% Kemper, after I profile the shit out of it today of course.

    I just wanted to share my experience, I am very picky with these computer devices. The kemper is the easiest and best sounding unit I have ever had the pleasure to use.

    Yeah I found several issues that came into play, the sm7b sits like 3-4 inches off the cab, I should removed the grill, so then the room came into play more, also it's not as hot as a 57 and I didn't even set the return or watch the output. I'm going to redo it, I really want several profiles of my cab so I can use other di profiles with it. After this I have my 70s straight Marshall with Rola 65s in it

    I just my first di of my pitbull and I used a behringer ultra 600di, I set return to 0 and it seemed the kemper matched what I needed automatically. I'm sure it could be better more I try but right now I have a/b my amp and profile and it's dead on. I was trying to find something wrong and couldn't

    Monkey_Man you rule, I appreciate it, I didn't know the cab was disabled that must of been why I couldn't update cab info just amp. I'll also pay attention going forward to eliminate unneeded fx chains. I have a 57 coming by Friday so I can do multiple profiles. I am now learning to work the kemper with my daw. I am trying to learn it all in baby steps so I don't get frustrated. Thank you for you guidance in this new venture.

    I just tried for the first time yesterday to do profiles, my DI profile is sweet dead on my amp played back through my cab and poweramp. However my full amp profile definitely lacks in any comparison to the commercial profiles I have, I do need to spend more time and experiment more but its just like trying to record your amp at home vs a studio, the equipment, mic placement, and room do come into play. It would seem the majority of profiles I have or love for frfr or full amp use have allot more behind them than just sticking a 57 in front of the cab and hitting profile, they have high end multi mics, preamps and allot of time in either recording or classes on recording.