Posts by merdenoms74

    So I have a pair of these. They sound okay but they are a bit 'boxy' sounding and can be a bit harsh. I was thinking about rehousing them in larger enclosures and replacing the woofers with actual guitar speakers. A Celestion Classic Lead 80 seems like a good option. Is this unlikely to yield good results? Would I need a different value crossover in the unit? Am I on to something thinking that it could provide the best of both worlds?

    Edit- ignore this. I guess it would be adding extra coloration that I wouldn't really want.

    Just curious, for those of you who use your Kemper live in performance mode with a floor controller, what's your approach to ordering your rigs and stomps on your footswitch?

    I use a FCB1010 and have fx in the top row and rigs on the bottom. From left to right with the rigs I try to order them in the same sequence they appear in the song, for example, Rig 1 would be the intro, Rig 2 would be the verse and so on. I always put my solo rig as Rig 5 so it's always in the same place and I'm less likely to stuff up my solo by standing on the wrong switch.

    The trouble with this approach, or any I can think of is that it can get really difficult to remember where each rig is, especially when different songs require different numbers of rigs and parts repeat throughout the song. Merge can be really handy, but again, it's difficult to use it for the same purpose (ie going from rhythm to lead) when some solos require the use of an entirely different rig.

    In the past (with other gear) I've gone from least gain on the left to highest gain on the right, but this always has its complications too. Other times I've tried to minimise the number of rigs/patches I use by switching the individual effects in and out- but that can be a recipe for disaster in a live situation, especially when multiple changes are needed.

    What system do you find works best?

    Weird. I tried to and it actually worked. Did you copy/paste the tremolo effect from one slot to the other?

    I would speculate that if you set the rate manually there is some accuracy outside of the numbers you see on the screen that will mess it up.

    Having more control of the tremolo waveform would be great for many reasons. Maybe raise a feature request for it? (or vote for one if it already exists).

    Hey thanks for the suggestion to copy it- it made all the difference even though I was sure they were set the same. I now have 4 tremolos in the rig! It still doesn't make it as choppy as I would like but it's definitely much closer!

    I couldn't find an existing request for this but it seems like an obvious one to me. Please let me know if it already exists!

    I use an FCB1010 to control the Kemper. It has two expression pedals that I have set up with one as a volume and the other for the wah. It would be really useful if I could (for example) assign the expression pedal I use for wah to control the pitch or morphing in some rigs. I guess this would involve making the Midi CC# numbers control different things in different rigs- is this possible?

    Because of this thread, tonight I bought the BE100 Pack. What you guys are saying is no exaggeration. With only a little bit of tweaking I have the best sounding profiles I have purchased to date! Big, fat and full of sweet tone- just like the real thing! Off to see what other profiles they have that might float my boat! Nice work, Motor City Mods!

    Update- the Mackie sounded like poo so I returned it. I've spent a bit more time tweaking patches and bought some Britt rigs which are much darker than the majority I've found- the results are really good. I no longer run any EQ in an fx slot. At band practice last night the IRTs sounded really clear and loud without actually being loud. Playing through them at home it's easy to get the impression that they are lacking something; however, in a band situation they're voiced perfectly and occupy the space in the mix that they should. I'm really impressed with them.

    This is seriously doing my head in! I am trying to save rigs in performance slots. I am loading the rig I want into a slot, making changes, then pressing store. It will ask me if I want to save the entire rig- I press yes, then store again. It will offer for me to change the performance name- I press store again. Everything looks hunky dory- all the slots are how I want. Until I go out and back in. Every time I go out of the performance and back in, none of my changes have taken effect and all my patches end up with the same rig in all the slots with the same effects on. So frustrating!

    Please help. I have a gig in a few days and have wasted so much time getting nowhere!

    Just dredging up an old thread in case anyone is interested. I'm using a pair of these with the Kemper. They sound great at low volume but get pretty harsh when you crank things up. In saying that, they cut through brilliantly in a band situation. I'm using the studio eq on the Kemper to take out a couple of nasty spikes but I'm far from content with them and have a Mackie DLM12 on the way.