Posts by mazemania

    hi there,

    i wanna profile my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III for a perfect result...since there is not many profiles online.

    -> which mics and which positions would you recommend? right here i just have a Neumann TLM102 and maybe a SM57...however I could profile in the store as well, where they have all mics.

    out of the box, how would you position and what mics?

    I play a crunchy clean/gain on level 2,5/10, already pretty loud then...rhythm guitar, style indie rock.

    here the amp if u dont know it:)

    [Blocked Image:]

    actually now it works, so sorry for that.

    however: again, a controllable insert effect, maybe even with controlling effects within my rig in Cubase would be very aweseom.
    basically a "guitar rig" (like the native instruments one;)) for my own Kemper.

    that would make recording, working out so easy...

    to be even more precise;

    imagine your NEW KEMPER is a floorboard with all your profiles, and a volume/effect pedal and some stomps. you go on stage and play it straight thru the PA or in a speaker, coz the ideal KEMPER floor board will have a power amp as well obviously.
    then after the rehearsal or gig u go home, switch it to your computer and from there, all you manage and control will be on ur computer...including my desired control software for DAWs.

    coz the rack is too much for me, and the "toaster" is not for stage if u dont bring ur speaker to have it stand on it anyway?;) and also u always want a floor board in front of u anyway to control effects etc. so why not do it one thing in all?

    do I get the job?;)

    hi there,

    once i open Cubase 9, obviously i cannot use rig manager anymore for "MY PROFILES". so i cannot switch between rigs to see what sound i want. this is the first thing to not be good.
    thats why i like to have a RIG manager as VST? Insert effect like Guitar Rig that I can control in Cubase.
    also, it would save the actualy rig that im playing in a particular song, where i (when i re-open the project) maybe dont remember which rig I used on my KPA.
    remember, guitar rig obviously saves that particular sound on that track. my KEMPER would not. i would have to remember myself.

    so i need a VST/internal software for my DAW to have better controls over my jamms/projects etc.

    definitely a must as a next step!

    thanks for input.


    I blew up my 6505 today profiling, but it was my fault. Somewhere last night I forgot I used the speaker cable on another of my setups and when I turned it on and cranked it up ... pop! lol.

    Well guys, thanks for the discussion so far, however, it just happened during a gig that my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III just died.

    What it is? I have no clue. I cannot switch it on anymore. Fuse looks absolutely fine to me. I have guarantee, but in the end I really wonder, if Kemper profiling has to do sth with it.
    Transistors/Platine looks fine, nothing burned.

    Tubse? Shd be fine, and also at least the amp would switch on then?

    thanks for even more help now...

    IIRC @Armin killed the speaker of an old Fender Deluxe once.
    Very old speakers could potentially be in danger, not the amps.

    Well its a new hot rod deluxe and also just 2,5/ it shd be fine...even tho the signals make an AMP shake quiet a sounds like the weirdest psycho movie;)

    anyway, will use a SM57 then...

    I will also profile it with my Tech21 gain pedal, but i shd not use a noise gate while profiling? even if its just a little bit switched on?


    I'd try with the sm57 first. The sm7b is notoriously low-output.
    The Kemper doesn't have phantom power, so you need to run it through a mixer or something like that.

    so u think, the SM57 might have a "brigther" clearer result?
    the SM7B i guess I use more for vocals...not sure if ill keep the SM7B.
    anyway, i shd try a SM57 then for my fender. i want a crispy result like the real amp is;)
    but i still hope, my amp doesnt break when i profile with my desired amp volume (which is still little)
    but a hot rod deluxe as a lot of watt...40? or even it gets loud;) and kemper will not guarantee a broken amp im sure :p

    You can't profile the spring reverb in any case - the kemper does not profile time-dependent effects (though it should be able to profile the general TONE - but if the amp actually shakes, it would probably muck it up, since it's a spring verb).

    Which mic are you using?

    I´m using a Shure SM7B...with no low cut, but Pres Boost...thought that might be nice.
    im ok happy with the result, not perfect tho.
    maybe i shd use my Neumann TLM102? do i need to switch on phantom power on the KPA somewhere?
    or i could use a shure sm57 instead.
    thanks for help:)
    i wonder, if i really CANNOT damage my amp;) can u confirm that these signals are crazy loud?
    cheers, maz:)

    Nah. The amp will deliver whatever clean power it's capable of, and beyond that just go into distortion, which is how we guitarists like it. The speaker in a tube combo should handle whatever its amp throws at it 8)

    hope u understood tho?
    during these signals the amp gets veeeeeery loud and even shakes a bit. u´re sure, i cannot break it with the Kemper test signal?
    thats my main concern...that the tubes or the speakers or anything in my fender breaks...
    during profiling the amp gets very loud..: and its just 2,5/10...which is my favourite postion of gain tho...

    its so bad, i cannot profile the nice spring reverb of my fender...and there is no internal spring reverb in the kemper, right?

    hi there...

    i had my fender hot rod deluxe III only on 2,5/10, but the "clean" (lower) test signal was already very loud...hope my neighbours dont complain;)

    anyway, i dont care bout my neighbours, but my amp. can it break, it was even a bit shakin? these signals are very basey, especially the last one. or did i do anything wrong?

    i said "cabinet", because its a combo amp, right?

    then also...if i leave my fender just 1/10, it does not sound nice, no real warm crunch -> if i profile it at 1/10 and use the KEMPER internal gain afterwards, this will NOT be the same gain tweakin effect as if i profile it at 2,5/10, right? thats at least how I figure it out.

    cheers, maz :)

    Hi there,

    first profile, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III in my home flat, so neighbours might complain, since wow, profiling is so loud:/ i even thought it may destroy my amp?
    i have the Fender for my Telecaster, crunchy Indie (rock) sound, nice and warm twang distortion. I am profiling without any pedals in front.

    - I use a Shure SM7B (which might have not the highest output level?) and let the "Return Level" during profiling at 0db. ist that fine? how shall I set it? i go straight in my studio monitor speakers, which wont tell me that much about how good the sound is, do they?
    - the "gain" LEDs on the Kemper are already around 40% when I go to the first profiling screen. shall I leave it like it is or set to 0?
    - how shall I position my Shure Sm7B and shall I leave it flat or low cut/pres boost it? i know, it depends on the taste, but anyway...crunchy sound, bit bass is always fine i think.

    so in total, here the big issues:
    - can i break my amp with profiling? these test signals are really loud, especially that last "bass-signal". Should i always use the "clean-test-signals" then to have it not as loud?
    - what shall I do with that return level, leave it at 0?
    - on stage i play my fender about level 2,5/10, that is very loud, but nice distorted. in my flat i could only do 2-2,2 due to loudness...which makes a big difference in sound, but otherwise, test signals might be too loud.
    - also, while profiling, shall i set "no cabinet"? my fender is obviously a Combo Amp, so no cabinet, right? or do I misunderstand the quastion?

    thanks guys for any help!!

    maz :)

    p.s.: by the way i found no instructions on profiling in the manual book.