My first Profile! Not as easy as expected! Help me with "loudness";)

  • Hi there,

    first profile, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III in my home flat, so neighbours might complain, since wow, profiling is so loud:/ i even thought it may destroy my amp?
    i have the Fender for my Telecaster, crunchy Indie (rock) sound, nice and warm twang distortion. I am profiling without any pedals in front.

    - I use a Shure SM7B (which might have not the highest output level?) and let the "Return Level" during profiling at 0db. ist that fine? how shall I set it? i go straight in my studio monitor speakers, which wont tell me that much about how good the sound is, do they?
    - the "gain" LEDs on the Kemper are already around 40% when I go to the first profiling screen. shall I leave it like it is or set to 0?
    - how shall I position my Shure Sm7B and shall I leave it flat or low cut/pres boost it? i know, it depends on the taste, but anyway...crunchy sound, bit bass is always fine i think.

    so in total, here the big issues:
    - can i break my amp with profiling? these test signals are really loud, especially that last "bass-signal". Should i always use the "clean-test-signals" then to have it not as loud?
    - what shall I do with that return level, leave it at 0?
    - on stage i play my fender about level 2,5/10, that is very loud, but nice distorted. in my flat i could only do 2-2,2 due to loudness...which makes a big difference in sound, but otherwise, test signals might be too loud.
    - also, while profiling, shall i set "no cabinet"? my fender is obviously a Combo Amp, so no cabinet, right? or do I misunderstand the quastion?

    thanks guys for any help!!

    maz :)

    p.s.: by the way i found no instructions on profiling in the manual book.

  • You need the profiling guide: Download

    danke schon mal..
    wie siehts aus mit "amp kaputt machen"?
    kann das übers test signal passieren, selbst wenn mein fender auf 2,5/10 aufgedreht ist?
    und return level ist klar, aber wenn der amp im gleichen raum steht, kann ich schwer sagen, ob es gleich laut ist zwischen reference und kemper?