Posts by ThrashFlesh

    For example, say I'm tuning a string, the tuner with flit/fly all all over the place and it's very hard to get it to settle to 0.

    It might also be your picking technique. Generally such thing happens, when you're "pushing" your pick too deep into strings or pulling string instead of striking it. You can lower this wobble effect by playing with the tip of the pick and by striking the string.

    what I know they should be passive high output humbuckers (the original one are humbuckers too) for rock and metal from the producer Seymour Ducan or DiMarzio

    For rock and metal you can start your search from Seymour Duncan sets JB/Jazz, JB/59, and Distortion. The first two are the most popular and versatile sets (blues, jazz, rock, metal). I love cleans and crunch on both Jazz and 59 (neck) and distorted on JB (bridge). Haven't tried Distortion models, but they must suit better for metal and less for lighter genres.

    Those pickups could be your starting point. Google for DiMarzio alternatives to those Seymour Duncan sets. Then you can try guitars with those pickups in a music store. You can aim for X and Pro model Jacksons with passive humbuckers for JB/59 and Distortion, and Ibanezes for DiMarzio pickups.

    And I need new potentio meters aswell? is that correct?

    I don't think that would be a problem for you, as for passive humbuckers same kind of potentiometers are generally used – 500K. So check if your guitar have those.

    So what should I do? try the first time in my life to change the pickups? or send the guitar back that I searched for a long time to find a good guitar that I like...

    I would try new pickups, because it is easier to change sound of the guitar than ergonomics (in terms of neck and body) or looks.

    Thanks, any chance you could provide a link to the type of thunderbolt dock you are using?

    I'm using this one – Dell Thunderbolt Dock WD19TB. It's pricey, but now I can connect audio interface, Kemper and charge macbook with one cable. Also it can handle a couple of external monitors. And, at least for me, it solved Kemper connection problem.

    I was also considering CalDigit TS3 Plus, but it is not sold in my country, and I don't know if this one would solve Kemper connection problem. This priced a little higher, than Dell.

    Same here. If I connect Kemper to macbook directly, then I need to restart Kemper or disconnect and connect USB cable on Kemper side (doing same thing on macbook side does not work).

    But when I'm connecting Kemper through powered thunderbolt dock, then Kemper gets connected all the time, no matter what I do – I can reconnect USB cable on both sides (dock and Kemper), I can reconnect dock to macbook itself, etc.

    So how much can you tweak the tone stack on a direct profile before you lose the authentic sound of the real amp profiled?

    Don't worry about authenticity of the sound. As paults said, if it sounds good – it is good. In the end of the day the only thing you are looking for is the sound, and it doesn't matter what name was written on the box. Kemper gives you ability to capture the sound you like and adjust it to your needs and taste. So look at tone stack (and other knobs) not as "going further from authenticity", but as "going towards to what I like and what I need". With all that, don't be afraid to adjust profile settings, they are there to help you balance profile sound with guitar/cab/frfr/etc.

    Hi everyone

    I'm playing Kemper through an active cab with 8" speaker (which is actually Marshall MG15 "converted" to an active cab by removing preamp) which sounds good. Recently I was wondering can I make it sound better by replacing the speaker. Search on the web showed that Celestion Eight 15 is a good candidate, but there's not so much comparison videos on YouTube, and the ones that are there do not sound convincing to me.

    So does anyone have any experience with 8" speakers, and specifically with Celestion Eight 15? I'd appreciate any information. I'm playing clean, crunchy and high gain (no downtune).

    Disclaimer: I know, that the best option here would be to buy some 1x12, and in that case I would definitely wait for a Kemper Kabinet. But, since my Kemper is unpowered, I would need either upgrade to a powered one or to buy an external power amp, which in both cases is a hassle I currently don't want to deal with.

    Hey there, Hudson.

    I have the same struggles with high gain profiles, and I find that these parameters have the most effect on lowering the harshness (in the order of decreasing the effectiveness):

    1. Pure Cab (which you've already did, but I'd recommend you to adjust that parameter not in the output section, but in the cabinet section, because it seems that every profile has a little bit different sweet spot, so you want that sweet spot be individual for every profile)

    2. Character in the cabinet section

    3. Definition in the amplifier section

    4. High shift in the cabinet section (I use this more as a final touch, as with removing harshness this one makes profile sound dull).

    Usually the values that I'm sticking to are:

    Pure Cab: anything higher than 1.0

    Character: -1 to -2

    Definition: 4.5 to 5.5

    High shift: -0.5 to -1.0

    But your milage will vary :)

    If none of those helps – try to switch cabinet preset (browse knob) and repeat the adjustments.

    I must admit, that I'm still not 100% happy with these adjustments, palm mutes still retain some "metallic" or "grainy" sound (may be pick parameter in the amplifier section can help with this), but overall profile definitely becomes more pleasant.

    Considering the topic of the OP.

    To see where the KPA should develop further, at first we need to point out where KPA still holds back against its main rivals: AxeFx and Helix. There are three main points of comparison: sound, software and hardware.

    1. Considering sound – there's no apparent winner, as it's subjective and people still can't agree which unit sounds the best. But Kemper does not have synth simulation and AxeFx does.
    2. Considering software – KPA loses to AxeFx and Helix, as it lacks parallel signal chains (though there are I/O for at least two parallel signal chains).
    3. Considering hardware – Kemper loses to AxeFx and Helix, as it lacks routing options and built-in USB audio interface (which is also a software capability).

    So, to fully get up to AxeFx and Helix, KPA must have at least parallel signal chains, more routing options, have polyphonic synth simulation, USB audio interface, enough processing power to support all that, and maybe profiling not only amps, but also effects and, if possible, mics (may be possible with launch of the Kemper Kone, which can be used as a reference speaker).

    But, the main thing that every guitarist looks for – is the sound that inspires to play music and it should not matter what tubes were involved, how many gain stages, how many pedals in front, what combination of speakers, etc. And so the main product every guitarist wants is NOT a tube amp, solid state amp, digital amp or pedals. It is the sound itself, not the gear. But, a lot of people miss that point and want a feature for profiling the whole amp (with tone stack) or overdrive pedals. Those people are looking for a gear, but what they really need – is the sound. And they start to have misunderstanding KPA's main conception – a profiling guitar amplifier with onboard effects ("profiling" means – "don't care about hardware"). KPA's hardware interface states that it is a guitar amp: it has standard gain, tone stack and effect knobs, and a profiling mode. Software interface states that it is abstract amp: amp settings do not have anything about types of tubes or gain stages, but there's "Definition", "Clarity", "Tube Shape", "Tube Bias"; cabinet settings do not have speaker size, cab size or mic placement, but there's "Character", "Low Shift", "High Shift" and "Pure Cab". All those settings describe sound, and not the gear. And that is the main point of the KPA itself – abstract from gear and work with the sound itself.

    And so we have the product that serves the main single purpose – being an abstract guitar amplifier, but the changes, that a lot of people want, would place such unit closer to a multi effect processor and thus at the same category as AxeFx and Helix.

    At this point there is no clear answer to the OP's question, as people still do not know what they really need (probably never will, as newer guitarists are born every day :) ) and for Kemper it is hard to lead every lost soul. So maybe someday KPA-II will fully surpass AxeFx-IV...

    I can't look at those guitars as studio tools or concert instruments. Those are mostly part of Mustaines's history. And if I buy them, I'd do that not because I want to play them, but because I want to appreciate the history or people behind those guitars, or keep them as an investment to sell to someone who would appreciate them more than I do (and that's why the price raises at resell sometimes). I think I'm not alone in that. So, even if those guitars were bought by some other people, I think that they still will be flipped for 3 times the price.

    Also, that guy (from his own words at least) doesn't have bad intensions at all. He just wants his studio keep going, and he doesn't mind people who come into studio to try those guitars.

    Started 11 years ago with a classic guitar. After two years bought myself an electric. From day one decided to learn by myself using Internet and denied to take lessons. Didn't have consistent practice and didn't know the proper way learn guitar. Half a year ago (or so), decided to take it more seriously and started to practice "Rock Discipline" stuff with metronome. Had some results but not much and started to think that I need someone to show me my mistakes and correct them. Three months ago started taking lessons for complete beginners. Had some errors corrected with hand position and basic techniques. It feels that consistent practice with someone who can put me on the right track works better for me than trying to learn by myself.

    And I'm not saying that "Rock Discipline" is bad. I just used it at the wrong time :)

    As for music theory, I think I can learn it by myself, as it appeared not that hard as I thought it would be, especially with the right book in hands and googling when needed. But also practice should go along, like ear training and song analyzing.

    Hello smoore

    I’m using Komplete Audio 6 with Mac. Tell more about your setup, that would help tracing your issue.

    But making assumptions from what you’ve provided:

    1. I had problems using S/PDIF with Cubase. It sees S/PDIF in/out, but produces no sound. There are people who have same problem with Cubase and Komplete Audio 6, but it seems, that nothing can be done about it. I had no problems with Logic X, Garage Band, Studio One and Reaper, so you can try one of those, if you have this problem with Cubase.

    2. Since Kemper can operate only as clock source, you should switch Komplete Audio 6 to use external clock. You can do this with built in mac app “Audio MIDI Setup”.

    3. S/PDIF channels 5 and 6 operate as both input and output. So maybe you got that somewhere wrong.

    P.S. Some of this stuff might be obvious, but I’m just throwing ideas of what might be wrong based on my experience :)