Posts by Job Posthuma

    It seems that the Halo does not feature a second delay tap or a crossfeedback.

    Possibly similar to our Single Delay?

    Not sure it does in the parameters of the unit…but it sure does under the hood. It’s a dotted 8 + 1/4 delay, feeding back in oneanother. So single delay will not work in my mind…

    It’s a populair delay, (Andy Timmons signature preset) maybe worth making a kemper version ;). The current dual delay can get very very close to my ears…at least good enough for me to ditch the Halo from my “analog board” if the Player can do that ;)

    I've recently been doing the same with the dual delay using crossfeedback. That control works great for achieving that specific rhythm. But I will likely just use the Halo with the player instead of the internal delays. Or...... I may decide to forgo that setting altogether to use the player without a pedalboard. Either way I'm not "bestricken" or even grief struck in any way. Lols

    Was curious if you are using the crossfeedback setting @ 10 or some other setting that works better? Thanks

    I get close enough to the Halo (on my analog board) using the dual delay on the toaster, crossfeedback between 5 and 10 to taste ;)

    As far as I can tell, the Player atm doesn’t come with a delay that allows getting close, there’s no loop to incorporate the Halo pedal, so I’m afraid the Player isn’t for me.

    I really anticipated on a 3 knob kemper unit hitting the market, and prefer to stick to one ecosystem…but the above plus absence of a global eq keeps a competitors 3 knob unit on my analogboard..and in my gigbag.

    If the “complete enchilada” of efx would come available I’d probably go for it…so here’s a push from one potential buyer to make that happen ;) If it’s written in stone that that will be the case…I wouldn’t mind confirmation that that would also include a global eq.

    And while I’m at this lobby quest with personal preferences, I wouldn’t mind a poly octaver to kick one more pedal of my board ;)

    Im trying to wrap my mind on wether the delays would work for me. I use “Andy timmonish” delays..2 delays, analog typ, modulated, and crossfeedback.

    The manual suggests that all delays have generic parameters, which include crossfeedback.

    But..the only “2 delays type” seems to be the “Two tap”…the one in my current Kemper doesn’t have cross feedback.

    Does the “Player” include a delaytype that isn’t in my toaster?…or is the delay type I look for just not in the box atm?

    It plays full Rigs …

    We are aware that the Profiler Player has the potential to serve the needs of very different users. On the one side there is the connaisseurs of pure amp tones, without the need for sprawling effect arrangements. On the other side there is the wish to play complex Rigs taken 1:1 from the big brother Profiler units. The Profiler Player has the theoretical potential to play full-blown Rigs. But I think it is understandable that we have not drawn a Profiler at half the price of a Profiler Stage but 85%-ish of it‘s featues.

    Thus we consider since quit a while to offer one or two software upgrade (with costs), that will boost the Players features towards the Head, Rack and Stage.

    The ability to create Profiles on the Player is also a story discussed by our team. There is a few issues to be solved, such as how to use the sole input of the Player for the return path and provide an A/B comparison.

    Would that include global EQ on the monitor output? That particular feature is very helpful (essential even) when you use the device into returns of different venues amps….

    And may I suggest to consider owners of one of the other models to be considered as “licensed for the full feature pack” ;)

    I’m having a hard time describing it actually. It’s def not dull and is kind of like when you’re plugged into your DAW with the cab sim off. But even that description is over-describing it. But you know how it feels/sounds when plugged in like that….buzzy and brittle? sort of like that. It lacks any of the smoothness and character it is supposed to have.

    sorry, it’s tough to describe.

    Id expect the combination of an unchecked “monitor cab off”, and a checked “Kone” to give results you describe. That triggers the kpa to setting that gets Kone speaker into fullrange mode....but you don’t have one connected.

    A regular cab hooked to your monitoring output...requires “monitor cab off” checked, Kone unchecked.
    In many cases a poweramp adds high that need compensation from the global EQ...don’t be afraid to dial it ;)

    can't open the picture.. but as you describe that there seems some contacts are bent, this could very well be the culprit.

    maybe you can try to bent them back (*very carefully* of course).. with a needle or a small pincet?

    of course don't do this if you're not sure that you won't break something (!)

    the “guilty” contact snapped back into place upon touching it.

    All seems well now.

    Any experience from your side how future proof this fix will be?

    Tbh...a wee bit uncomfortable gigging dodgy connections..(although it seems solid now...a decent wiggle didn’t interupt connection)

    things to check:

    - what kind of cable are you using? is it the original Kemper cable ? -> be sure NOT to use a too long cable, and NOT use a cable with thin wires inside

    - is the cable broken? -> can you exchange it with a spare short network cable?

    - is the network connector on your PROFILER somehow broken? -> visual inspection: post a hi-res close-up picture of your PROFILER's network port?

    on close inspection of the Ethernet port...the connections in the Ethernet port are not alligned. one is clearly is not flush with the rest...may be even shorted to the one next to it.

    My picture is to big to upload, heres a link to it:…ew?usp=drivesdk

    fyi, the Ethernet port was never used since purchased new.

    things to check:

    - what kind of cable are you using? is it the original Kemper cable ? -> be sure NOT to use a too long cable, and NOT use a cable with thin wires inside

    - is the cable broken? -> can you exchange it with a spare short network cable?

    - is the network connector on your PROFILER somehow broken? -> visual inspection: post a hi-res close-up picture of your PROFILER's network port?

    I used the cable that came with the remote....and I tried another one...same behaviour.

    The network connector in my profiler has never been used before....nor does it look broken.

    Im off as we speak to make a picture!

    Im having the exact same issue.

    Just got me a remote....hooked it up to the toaster I used for years. (But never with a remote)

    Here’s hoping kemper will sort this one out for me...passed the warranty.

    Gig agenda is filling fast (#postcovid) I’m keeping fingers crossed.

    Different output volumes are for different outputs. You can deactivate Monitor Stereo and then use the MONITOR OUT and the DIRECT OUT as two different outputs with different output sources (Master Left and Master Right) and different output volume levels. However, you cannot suppress the cabinet simulation for both and leave it active for the MAIN OUTPUT.

    That will not work for the aimed application cause I’d need cabsims to foh.

    I run a stereo rig using returns of combos, using the monitor output(S)

    Id appreciate the ability control both output volume and global eq to l/r outputs individually.

    I imagine the option to switch “stereo link off” in the global eq at the output menu which triggers a 2nd page to accomodate the extra channel....icw a “balance knob” in the output menu for both the mains as well as the monitor.