Posts by matej.bludsky

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    možná jde spíše o efekty, které patří do efektové smyčky jako třeba delay reverb atd, když je dáš za kytarou přímo do kemperu tak to nebude znít dobře ani na reálném zesilovači, ale nejsem si jistej co přesně tím mysleli.

    FRFR full range flat response, je to defacto odposlech passivní nebo aktivní často bývají aktivní, ty reproduktory nemají guitar voicing, je to podobné jako PA třeba.

    1 : tady asi myslejí krabičky vs rack processory jako třeba TC electronic G major atd.
    2 : rozhodně nechceš instrument kabel, je potřeba pořádnej kabel, těch 600W tam dokáže vytvořit pořádny horko v tom kabelu
    3 : je to standartně 8 a 16OHM u solid state je to v celku jedno, je jenom duležité nepoužívat menší impedance, něco jako 2OHM by nebylo nic moc, protože kemper by neměl moc odporu a drtil by tam teoreticky mnohem víc něž 600W a to by mohl byt problem.

    Co se týče Kemper a kytarové bedny, to je topic na cely další článek.

    Doporučuju používat merged profily a ne not merged, protože kemper nedokáže věruhodně napodobit kytarový box přes jiný kytarový box.

    Je to jak když vezmeš motor z jednoho auto a dáš do do druhého, asi to pojede ale kdo ví jak..

    Nejlepší řešení je pořídit FRFR cabinet, ale ty jsou ošklivě drahé, pokud nelze jinak než kytarový box, používat direct profily zasilovačů bez boxu nebo merged profily, hlavně na zkoušky je to obrovsky rozdíl, nemerged profily nemají koule a musí se hrát obrovsky nahlas, aby se to probilo do mixu vs merged a direct profily jsou věruhodné napodobeniny reálného zesilovače přes ten box co člověk má, tzn kemper napodobí pouze output sekci a bedna tam dodá svůj díl až za kemperem.

    I got some merged profiles that i use with my 2x12 and i must say that this is like a water and dirt, the merged profiles are just 10 times bigger and better sounding using a guitar cab, i would be interested if the FRFR cabinet would sound better and maybe solve my issue for the not merged profiles or not.

    I got JP2C and it sounds huuuuuugeee

    Do you maybe have some example profile somewhere i could use to try it out ?

    Not sure about the merged profiles, i always used just the free/paid usually M Britt or others, those sounded good at low volume.. if i play loud, they dont cut.. having the problems described above..

    With mids on 5 it works pretty good even at lower volumes, but honestly saying, it sounds like shit.

    i am running cab sim off, I think the issue is cut and fullness of the tone, basically need to increase volume so I can hear myself.

    I think the problem is more in the 600w solid state power amp, it sounds thin and weak in the mix, I tried Marshall el35 monoblock 2x50w all tube power amp, feeding monitor out, that thing actually sounded much much better and I could hear myself..

    The problem with digital is, that it's missing some frequencies that a real tube amp would have, not sure if you can get that fat tone you need to get in the mix with digital at rehearsal...

    The old problem of finding profiles that work at performance volume. If there's any phase-cancellation inherent in the profile, that will make the matter worse in the room, although that ought to be moot, if you're using DI/DA/Merged profiles with your cab. The only way of really getting around this is to spend time searching for profiles that work loud, in the environment that you're wishing to run them. I wouldn't be too worried about the volume value on the Profiler. If your Mesa is louder using the same cab, just turn up your Profiler to match it. The speakers should be able to handle the same output, no?

    I think the speakers are ok, if i go on the mesa on 7, it is so loud that it will break window, the 50W of tube power is still much much more than the 500W of kemper power, at least thru this cab.

    On the mesa i maybe hit like 20W if so.. thats like 500W on kemper for me.

    Please check the volume settings for the monitor output in the output menu. The factory defaut value for that is -12 dB.

    Yeah, i know about this i was actually using main output fixed to minus 10 db and monitor output connected to the knob, i play with 10 db boost as well so basically settings are -10 for main 8.6 for monitor output and on top of that 10 db boost for the power amp..

    It is incredibly loud, but gets lost with drums bass and vocals, i do not hear myself if i go any lower than 8

    Well i tried around 50 plus profiles already.. i cannot really make the volume any louder, at this point i am already around 500W of power for sure, if i go to 10 and 10 i would be worried about the kemper to survive that..

    Basically the only thing that helped was putting mids on 5 but that would produce ugly sound.. don't want to do that :(
    I think i am going to stick with mesa for practice and kemper for live use.. Kemper is just not good for practice i think after using it around half year.. trust me i tried everything before posting here, read the forum.. maybe its an issue with my ears.. not sure.

    Hey guys,
    I am using mostly mesa mark V presets, but tried paid, free.. you name it profiles.

    My problem is, that the kemper is just not big enough, I need to play on 8 with 10db boost so I can hear myself properly and feel the sound, I also got mesa TC 50, I use that on 3 from 10 and it's so big and loud that it makes me think about selling Kemper.

    I am sure I am doing something wrong here, maybe eq, preset configuration etc any advise ?
    The tone is ok, it's just weak, I added post eq to add mids, helped little but still weak, not full and rich.

    Maybe, can you share preset that works for you ?

    I am running 2x12 celestion v30 60w, using earplugs for protection, perhaps that could play role, but can hear tc50 much much better with earplugs..

    Here is my application :

    I am running power amp rack kemper and torpedo live to create stereo sound with 2 different cabinets (simulated), kemper has fixed -10db main output using xlr to the in front of house left, then monitor out from kemper into torpedo input, from torpedo output jack to xlr to in front of house right.

    Downside of not having option to disable cab simulation on kemper is that i also play thru real cab, i would like to set fixed volume -10db for the torpedo so i dont have to adjust the input gain on torpedo all the time when i need louder sound out quitter.

    Kemper delivers -10db constant and depending on volume for the real cab on stage for monitoring only (no mic) i need to adjust the input gain on torpedo all the time to set proper level.. annoying but can live with it..

    It would be very nice to include the option to disable cab sim for direct output, that would solve my problem.

    I also agree, here is my application :

    I am running power amp rack kemper and torpedo live to create stereo sound with 2 different cabinets (simulated), kemper has fixed -10db main output using xlr to the in front of house left, then monitor out from kemper into torpedo input, from torpedo output jack to xlr to in front of house right.

    Downside of not having option to disable cab simulation on kemper is that i also play thru real cab, i would like to set fixed volume -10db for the torpedo so i dont have to adjust the input gain on torpedo all the time when i need louder sound out quitter.

    Kemper delivers -10db constant and depending on volume for the real cab on stage for monitoring only (no mic) i need to adjust the input gain on torpedo all the time to set proper level.. annoying but can live with it..

    It would be very nice to include the option to disable cab sim for direct output, that would solve my problem.