Posts by evh0u812

    The only way I can see that being possible now is this...

    Guitar > JCM800 AMP > Reactive load/Line out > Kemper (with the amp block turned off) > Clean Poweramp (or powered Kemper) > 4x12 Kone Cabinet.

    I sort of get why you would ask, having a Kone in a cab makes the cab a one trick pony. Especially if you have other gear you would like to use with the cab.

    I have a non-powered KPA and I'm aware that Kone Imprints are controlled from the Kemper DSP only. I was wondering if i can use them externally for my tube amp. Will this work or anyone might think of a better idea ?

    I was hopping that Kemper can sell A DSP box that does the imprints for external gears :)

    Method 1:
    Guitar > KPA > KPA ( Amplifier & EQ are off ) > Monitor Out > Tube AMP input > Speaker out > 4x12 Kone

    Method 2:

    Guitar > Tube AMP > tube amp FX Send > Kemper input > KPA ( Amplifier & EQ are off) > Monitor Out > Tube AMP FX Return > Speaker out > 4x12 Kone

    It probably wont sound great. The imprints are designed to impart their own eq curve on the signal to be played back by a flat amp. A tube amp imparts ALOT of colouration into the tone due to the way it reacts with the speakers. Try it by all means but I wouldnt be hopeful of a good result.

    At the moment(31 May 2020) only the loudspeaker is available for ordering, the cabinet requires some more patience.

    As alternative I want to mount the Kone loudspeaker in the FRFR cabinet I am actually using (ElectroVoice ELX112). This cabinet one has also a 1.5" tweet speaker.

    My question: Will this replacement work or I have to remove the 1.5 inch speaker or disconnect it?

    If you connect only the Kone speaker to the input jack then technically yes it will work but it will sound terrible. You wouldnt put a Greenback or V30 into a PA cab and expect it to sound good. It needs a guitar cab designed for guitar speakers.

    Bit of an update, the Kone I ordered arrived. Looks like I need not have bothered buying it. Lol. Yes the whizzer cone is a different size to the K12H 200TC and the Kone has a softer front foam gasket, but the tones I get out of them are as close as any two of the same speaker from a different batch. I couldn't tell which was which in a blind test. If anything I think I prefer the K12H because it seems to have less of the beamy top end. It seems to keep its tone more constant as you move off axis with less of a tonal shift. I know Kemper would say the tone imprints were designed for their speaker only and results with anything else cant be verified but I cannot hear the difference.

    Overall Id say if you have to have a 4 ohm speaker, the green paint and the stencil in the box buy the Kone.

    If 8 ohms if suitable, save a good chunk of cash and just buy the K12H-200TC. Ive kept the K12H and re sold the Kone. Interesting experiment.

    This has been discussed previously and it's definitely not the same speaker. The wizzer cone is differently sized and the ohms are different if i recall. The size of the wizzer is directly relevant to how the dispersion characteristics have been designed.

    There's nothing to say that the TC will sound bad and there are plenty of people here saying they've tried them but it will definitely not respond as Kemper intend the Kone to.

    Im running the K12H-200TC and its amazing. Ive actually just bought the Kone speaker to do a direct comparison, but Im expecting the results to be incredibly close if Im honnest. For Kemper to sell their own branded celestion speaker they would have to make some sort of change to a stock design as you see in the slightly smaller wizzer cone. I have no bias either way as Ive ponied up the cash for both speakers. Will be interesting to see when it arrives.

    I made a long post a few pages back about my new DIY cab and the Celestion K12H-200TC speaker I decided to use instead of the Kone based on the price. It sounds amazing, dare I say it perfect to my ears. Well I couldnt resist and I found a cheaper source (for me here in Australia) for the Kone speaker so I pulled the trigger and bought one. Ill do an A/B when it gets here so I'll at least know if there really is any tangible difference between the two speakers. If it does indeed sound better than the K12H, Ill be shocked as I couldnt imagine the sound improving. The waiting begins.

    Yeah I realise this. The plan now is to run the powered out to the centre cab stack only with imprint. Then run the monitor out in stereo stack only to a Helix hx fx for pitch detune and delay in parallel driving a stereo amp and two more kones. Shame I can't use the Kemper for the FX but it is what it is.

    Thanks, this is what I suspected.

    I wanted to run wet/dry/wet with the dry center speaker being a Kone cab. Looks like the only way to do it is run 2 more kone cabs as wets (from the monitor out) or run FRFR speaker as wets ( from the main outs). No way to use 2 regular 1 x 12 guitar cabs. Bummer.

    Can someone tell me if I'm using my powered Kemper to drive my Kone cab with the imprints turned on, what are my options for the other outputs? Can I get just my amp sound out of the monitor or main outs without the cab block or imprints? To run real guitar speaker loaded cabs via a poweramp.

    Do the monitor outs left and right mirror the Poweramp inputs? Meaning they also have the imprints running? If so is this set in stone?

    I don't have another Poweramp here at the moment so I can't experiment and i couldn't really make sense of the manual.



    Just received my Kone. I'm going to try swapping out the speaker in my Matrix NL12, but I have to wait a few days before I can test it, as I ordered a TC Bam200 to power it.

    Id be interested to see what the results are. Those NL12 cabs have a massive bottom end from memory.

    I suppose the only thing to bare in mind is that the imprints were designed specifically around the the frequency response of the kone, so while I'm sure it sounds great (and that's what really matters at the end of the day), it won't be exactly the same as using the kone

    Looking at the specs for both and the only difference I can tell (Based on something Mr Kemper said) is the tweaked whizzer cone which Im guessing alters the hf dispersion. Im sure curiosity will get the better of me and Ill get my hands on a Kone one day to try out but for now, know that the imprints sound pretty amazing on the stock K12H.

    I havent had a chance to really try FRFR on this speaker so it might fall down there, but Ill never use it that way personally so its a mute point for me.

    Im so impressed with the imprints vs FRFR. Finally feels like an amp and cab. Im now lusting after a quad of these in an a nice 4x12. Damn you Kemper!

    Almost finished my 1x12 cab loaded with a Celestion K12H-200TC. It sounds massive with the Kone imprints. I took a gamble on the K12H rather than the Kemper Kone version of that speaker as its literally almost 1/3 the price here in Australia. Couldnt be happier with the sound, I finally have the amp in the room sound with the flexibility of imprints for different tonal flavours. I seriously cant imagine the Kone sounding 3 times better for the price.