Posts by Roeffel

    Hey guys, here's the thing, I always wanted to have a backup in case of my kemper would fail. This never happened and probably never will ;-).

    Anyway I had a powerrack first and a stage as backup ... this was overkill for me so I got rid of the powerrack. Also when something would happen to the rack I needed a backup poweramp as well. So the stage would make more sense anyway ... So I got a SD powerstage 700 ! Now with the player I thought this would be perfect ! but I fear that it will not be used and thinking it would be to expensive to use a backup. And that after a while that would be the main rig and ditch the stage :) ... No no the stage is perfect and still portable !

    So I decided to get a mooer P2 and controller (battery powered and only negative thing is that I can't use a pedal for wah with it) ...

    First rehearsal was a disaster :) , I did not no that the F4 controller used 2.4 Ghz to communicate with the P2, so our wireless systems screwed up the controller and I was not able to switch presets.

    So now I ordered the new mooer prime S1 ... same thing only all in one instead of 2 seperate things. Same issue with wah, but I guess as a throw in the bag solution battery powered it's the best option out there.

    There are still some things missing (exp pedal) but hope I made the right decision :)

    How do you guy deal with a "emergency" situation that will never occure ?


    ps : at some point i'll get the player as well (but I need the morph function) otherwise the 3 switches are not enough. adding axtra stuff like extra switches, exp pedals would end up as expensive as a used stage as well :)

    Hey guys,

    I always struggled to get a decent clean tone with my kemper. For some reason I always thought that it could not handle the dynamics from picking clean with a hard pick and high gain humbucker.

    In the weekend I finally figured out whta was the "issue" ... at least I think it is !

    Headphone in the kemper and no issues (I did lower all my "normal" rig to - 5dB, leaving plenty of room for the cleans) ... with the spdif almost maxed out to my focusrite 8i6, I guess the signal was to hot for the scarlett to handle ? It was not clipping the signal leds, but I felt it did like it at all .. compressing the signal ?

    I then connected my normal main out with jacks to the scarlett and it was much better ... not nearly from what I hear from the headphone out from the kemper, which sounds insane good !

    Am I right that the analog outs have a higher dB level ? that it can handle compared to digital ?



    Hi guys,

    Stupid question,

    I want to use the stage as my main usb audio interface for windows ... both in and output are selected as being the digital device ...

    I thought that I would hear al my windows programs thru the headphones from the kemper (winamp, youtube,...)

    Or am I completely wrong and this is not possible ? only in DAW's ?



    9V indeed makes sense for a board ....


    Yes, I can't believe guys that work on large stages with lots of lights aren't Also constantly begging for this. With each new update, I hope...and...Nope, Not this one either. Layout C shows us it CAN be done. Kemper Guys Please make a Layout D with the big fonts for "Rigs" So we can see what we are doing during a show. I and I'm sure many others use the Kemper like I do, and Need this. I'll pay you, really. Let me know what you want. (I won't tell anyone. I promise)

    I also one suggested to change the display colour when in morph state instead of just the lit button :) ... should be easy peasy to implement (not for remote)


    So, how do you use liquid profiles with the Kemper Stage? There’s no burn feature on the Stage. At least I don’t see one. So…? :huh:

    When on the latest firmware, selecting the AMP block will show the tone stack that was used ... older profiles will state "Kemper Generic" , clicking on it will pop up all tonestacks from the original amps currently available ..

    With a liquid profile this is already labeled in that field !


    Tried mostly Mbritt,Topjimi,Bungenstock and BMEU ... now I only kept the ones from Mattfig

    To be honnest, you'll probably find gems with all of them ...

    For me the mattfig sounded more "alive" so decided to delete the rest

    Now with the whole liquid profiling it's actualy a pre and post profile era ... I would'nt even consider getting older ones.

    For some reason I never touched any knobs (except definition) on older profiles, I just moved on to the next if I didn't like it.

    With the liquids I am more comfortable playing with the tonestack ... I could easily live with just Mattfig's SLO pack, just that nothing else !

    Some amp channel turning the gain and voila a crunch sound, ....

    I'll buy probably a future bogner pack, maybe one clean ... I do hope that all profilers will add performances, nice lush leads etc ... They do have "less" work now due to the liquids !
