Posts by teamjim

    I have a boost pedal in the fx loop of the Kemper (haunted mids boost > timeline > big sky). The boost isn’t much, maybe just 2-4db ... but unfortunately when I did in it starts to subtlety clip.

    I have tried to turn down the ‘fx loop level’ in the system settings, it’s on -6 and still clipping (turning up definitely makes it worse), also changing the volume of the ‘stereo loop’ (in the ‘x’ slot) doesn’t make a difference to the clipping...

    What can I do here? I know I can use the pure boost in the Kemper (which doesn’t clip) but I am using a dual footswitch for other things :(

    This might be super obvious - sorry if it comes across that way! But have you tried a different USB port? And I know you said "cables" but I've had lots of issues with bad USB cables, try as many different ones as you can. Maybe one of these ideas will help! Good luck.

    tried several cables, and every USB port, over and over. It NEVER does it first time and when I was writing the thread today I probably tried about 30 times with no success

    I'm so fed up of trying to plug my Kemper into my MacBook and Rig Manger not picking it up. It does SOMETIMES pick it up, but more often that not doesn't. Latest Kemper software, latest Rig Manger, latest OS on the Mac - but thats all irrelevant because its always been like this through various software, cables, even various Kemper. Its pretty pathetic and frustrating, just plugging it in, taking it out about 100 times just to see when it will decide to work

    Yes indeed, thanks @lonestargtr, great reply. 95% of the time I'm with a loud band, on in-ears. And in that situation the Kemper is very comparable (I think!). Smaller situations with a crappy PA and I may run into problems.

    Still running OD pedals into my main clean profile (either ftr 2.0 or one of these new vox ones) rather than switching to a different amp profile for higher gain sounds. I like to have relative EQ consistency in my tone throughout the gain range, and I still have some experimenting to do with finding higher gain sounds that I love and don't so 'different' to my cleans (if that makes sense!). Pedals in front do seem to react differently than pedals in front of an amp, again something to do with compression, but I've popped in a couple of foot switchable clean boosts 'post-stack' which I'm finding really helpful to pop out of the mix.

    Interested to know what your go-to cleans/od/lead sounds are?

    I bought the '65 ac30 amps a couple of days ago and gigged on 'B 1 6*' last night, with the gain dialed back I was both surprised and delighted how similar it sounded to the /13 FTR 2.0 (with less volume and a **tiny** bit brighter) which was my go-to clean before now.

    The FTR 2.0 has a lot of raw frequencies which I love, but seeing as they sound so similar, and the fact I LOVE my 1998 AC30tbx (which I will be eventually be keeping or selling vs the Kemper) I feel like using the ac30 profile makes more sense! Delighted these Ac30 profiles have been made.

    At some point I'm going to mic up my ac30 in my friends studio and A/B my fave sound and compare it to my fave clean sound on my Kemper (which might now be one of these '65 ac30 ones'). That will tell me once and for all whether I keep the Kemper or my beloved AC30tbx! @lonestargtr do you think the Kemper might win (as someone who regularly actually compares real amps to profiles)? I always suspect the Kemper is ALWAYS a little more compressed in a way you can't dial out

    So was gigging last night, running in stereo (also stereo in-ears for fun). I noticed that one 'side' was slightly louder than the other, this was confirmed by visual gain levels on the desk, next to me. The really bizarre bit was in the trouble shooting between sets....

    1. Switched L and R cables between my delay and reverb pedals in the effects loop. NO CHANGE.

    2. Switched the 2 cables going back into the Kemper (from delay in effects loop). NO CHANGE.

    3. Switched the XLRs at the kemper end. NO CHANGE....

    at this point you'd be thinking it's the desk right?..

    4. Switched those same XLR cables at the desk end - and the louder L side switched sides with the quieter R side, so the R was now louder

    Repeated multiple times, totally baffled, as was the sound guy. Same kemper, desk and exact same cables was fine the night before. Mental. For the whole 2nd set, the R side was now louder as a result of switching xlrs at the desk end, changed them mid-way through second set at the kemper end and it made no difference, still louder in R

    I'm looking for a rip-roaring lead/solo/'raaaawwwk' sound. Think 86-94 bon jovi, of maybe EVH. The sound in my head is actually captured quite well here (apologies for playing, wasn't intended for anyone else)

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    - this was just the sound I dialled up on 'Ampkit' on my phone using a virtual Peavy Valveking (!) and tube screamer. Its not exactly refined but it is SO fun to play and has sustain and harmonics bursting from it (and this is with reverb and delay etc off), solos are effortless and its chunky, but bright.

    I'd love to have a Kemper version of this sound. Generally, I am only really bonding with the mbritt profiles, they sound a cut above all the rest to my ears. Of the mbritt ones, I can only come close to this sound with the 5153 profiles and maybe the Diezel channel 3, but they are a bit dark for me, and not *quite* the firey growl/sustain in my head. I previously downloaded the 800 pack and '69 plexi pack and again to my ears they sound quite dark (and I'm using a strat!) and in the case of the plexi's, not quite enough 'wetness'. Of course i could bump up the definition / treble / gain, but i feel very reluctant to jurastically change any settings for some reason!

    If anyone can suggest any profiles, especially mbritt ones, or maybe how to dial them in to be like this (haven't even tried the virtual stomp boxes yet) then it would be appreciated!

    Quote from teamjim: “still find this surprising as at the end of the day, I'm used to going into a box ac30 and its fine, but just not fine an an ac30 Kemper”

    You just need to set Clean Sense so that going into overdrive gives you the boost you want <img src="" alt="8)" />

    i understand how this works for if you were switching to a higher gain profile, but doesn't seem to have much affect when using actual real overdrive pedals in front

    Cheers everyone, great input. Wasn't looking for a massive clean boost, was just used to those same pedals with my amp where I could get a little clean boost (for clean lead lines) and also maybe a small bump in volume when going to drive pedals (infront of amp) only to ensure it doesn't sound smaller/thinner than when it was off! General consensus is that that is quite difficult to achieve unless I put a boost after the amp section....

    still find this surprising as at the end of the day, I'm used to going into a box ac30 and its fine, but just not fine an an ac30 Kemper :)

    Hi, gigged the Kemper for the first time last night, replacing my (real) ac30 + various drive pedals combo. Got some good comments, enjoyed it. The only 'issue' I encountered was regarding headroom when using boost/od pedals...

    For now, I simply had the amp set to a standard clean mbritt Vox ac30 (brilliant) profile for the whole night and ran a couple of OD/boost/distortion pedals in front (similar to my old setup, I'd hoped).

    Time generally fine, problem is, with the clean boosts I wasn't really getting much volume boost at all. Rather, it just seemed to compress more and more. It's like there was a ceiling on how loud I could go, and could not go louder (least via pedals). This was the case in my in-ears, and also out FOH apparently

    The master volume and all other volumes and gains were all way below 1/2 way. The distortion pedals were a similar story - I like to normally set them with a little boost in volume to ensure ALL frequencies are louder than the clean sound (so there is no 'where did my mids go' vibe) - but again, it seemed I wasn't getting much louder than what I considered to be 'unity gain' (volume) with the clean sound.

    How can I resolve this?

    Extra info - fender strat, single coils, clean sens on 0.0.
    I didn't really notice this at home using headphones (glorious), only really on gig, and also the sound guy later said he had 'a little compression' on my channel at the desk - I would be surprised if it was causing such a difference.

    With my real ac30, I've got it set so that its clean, with a tiny little grind if you dig in, but defo still allowing for possible volume boosts. The Kemper (or at least this profile) seems to go from clean to totally compressed (I would even call it 'saturated') in the space of hardly any decibels...