Posts by domsch1988


    Kind regards,


    Maybe the main Problem is, that you're comparing apples and oranges? One is the Kemper Profile. It's intended to give a accurate representation of a ready to record signal chain. With Amp, Cab, and Mic. The other is a produced song. After recording there are EQ's, Effects and Post processing applied to make it sound good. Often, the guitar sound changes massively in post production from what the initial amp and Microphone produced.
    It's the same problem i have with al those people trying to get Jimi's tone. A big part of what we hear today is lossy recording techniques (Tape, LP) and years of degredation of playback medias. But that's only my opinion...

    Properly mixing 2 Les Pauls is a hard task. These guitars eat lots of frequencies and 2 of them eat lots of the same frequencies. the ballsiest wins and the other rages. I'd definitely suggest you and him share some equalization in the 400-1500 Hz area. where one boosts the other cuts and vice versa + @mikhailreeves comments, especially with regards to narrowing the global spectrum

    This is good advice in general when playing with two guitars. KSE is a prime example for this. They made some Tutorial videos where they play seperately and then combined. A classic example of two "not so great" sounds forming a massive wall of sound.

    Don't sccop your mids.

    Try a mid-boost frowny-face EQ settings, of which this is an example:

    While, yes, this does help, maybe it's not the sound he wants...
    I see this in hundreds of threads on different forums. Yes, boosting mids is ONE way of getting heared. But for some people it's not the sound they want (see dimebag). I also don't tell a Blues player to cut his mids to improve his sound.

    I do agree that you have to "find" your tone while playing at gigging volume. This is key to getting good tone. After that, it's up to taste. Generalizing that only boosted mids are a "proper" guitar tone is simply not true.

    Yes, you need to be carefull. If the speaker can handle 300W and at full blast your putting out 600W that can be a problem. But really, be sensible with the volume levels and listen for speaker distortion and you should be fine. Both Cabs are used by many people on this forum without any Problems.

    No, the Monitor out is for powered speakers. Your Kemper has a red Poweramp output on the back. This is for driving passive speakers.

    I'm sorry for everyone but I do agree with this. I'm not a tone master unfortunately.

    To me this is more understandable and easy follow.Though I don't understand that I have to increase Power amp boost. Does everyone have to do that to get through the mix? My other bandmember plays also a Les Paul but with a 1 speaker ENGL amp. He has no problem getting through..He sounds very balanced like a les Paul supposes to sound. I really wonder if my sound has something to do with my poor and old Marshall 2x12 with Goldback speakers. I wonder if a far better cab with ??? speakers would do magic and can make much eq or other tweaking redundant.

    It's easy. Either turn up the Volume or the Frequencys humans can hear well. So, either more Volume or more mids. Your choice.
    And yes, a different Cab can help. Either because of a more mid focused sound signature or because of more efficient speakers. If your speakers are very inefficient, they might suck power (you need more volume on the amp for the same output from the speaker).

    Problem is, for the profiling magic to work, the kemper needs a reference. It basically compares a known dry signal to an affected signal. With a Soundfile of a guitar performance, you have no reference at all.
    And in the end, what would be the fun if we could just throw any song into the kemper and get the perfect sound out of it? Figuring it out was always major fun for me and improved my understanding for gear massively :thumbup:

    To be honest, the most important thing is finding profiles you like. I personally don't like 85% of Profiles on Rig Exchange. But there are some, that are magic! I made two Profiles of a VHT Pitbull myself the i really dig. And a JTM45 Profile from RE that is epic too.

    Generally: Try to stick to EQ and Gain settings close to the profiles original values. I find that, especially with gain, going far from that starts to sound "digital". Have a look at the Pure Cab Option. This made a real difference for me.
    Also, i wouldn't straight away buy profiles. Since they are the integral part of your sound, i'd spend some time on RE and try the free uploaded ones. Get an idea of what you want a profile to sound like. After that you can look around for comercial profiles that suit your likings. I, for example, don't really like the M Britt Profiles. Most people think they are really great. They might be, but they are just not to my liking.

    I got my bag yesterday. I must say that, for 39€, i'm really impressed with the quality. The Bag is really well padded, fits snuggly without to much wiggle room. The shoulder Strap is a weak point, as with most budget bags.

    I'm planning to mount two Dunplop Straplocks to the bag. I can then use my Sandberg Flexstrap as a shoulder strap for the Bag :thumbup:

    I'm not sure if this is the right section of the Forum, but here goes:

    At the day i bought my kemper, i also had a Tube Amp in the shootout. Ultimately, since i'm living in a flat, the Kemper won for Versatility and being able to play it at home. None the less this amp just got stuck in my head ;(

    I'm talking about a Brunetti 059. It's been sitting in the guitar store for years at the top shelf as a one off and no one wants to buy it. If i can scrap the 1500€ together one day, i'll buy it. Until then, i''m searching for a profile or pack. Free or paid, doesn't matter. Rig Exchange just has nothing... I get that Brunetti isn't really popular, but this amp has one of the best High Gainish Marshall sounds i've ever played. Does anyone know of profiles that are available of this amp?

    I personally record in Mono. Since i double/quadruple track my guitars and pan them afterwards, stereo Effects get lost anyways. I just set my sounds up with that in mind. If i need ping-pong delay or Roto Sounds for something specifically, i change to stereo recording.

    Hello everyone,

    i'm not sure if there's someone here who can help me. None the less, when it comes to I/O of the kemper, there are no more knowledgeable people then this forum.

    So, after trying to get decent latency over the Rocksmith included cable i just gave up. It might be usable for most people, but having played quality interfaces and the kemper, the 20ms Latency just throws me off completely. So i figured, i just skip the in game guitar sounds and use my kemper for that.
    The Game allows me to turn off the Guitar sound and just plays back the track.

    What i now need to do: The PC needs to get a DI Signal of the guitar. This will go over the Realtone Cable (included with the game). It will only be used for note recognition. The PC outputs over onboard audio. I'll somehow need to take this, plus my Kemper Sound and mix that on Headphones. My Initial idea was:
    Guitar -> Kemper Input
    Kemper Direct Out -> Realtone Cable
    PC Audio Out -> Kemper Aux In
    Headphones -> Kemper Headphone out

    That way, the Kemper would mix the audio Levels. Also, it shouldn't introduce more latency to the note recognition for the game, but should eliminate the latency between playing and Guitar Sound.
    Would this work/Is there a easier/better way to accomplish what i want?

    I just don't get how bug fixing is something negative?
    As i Software developer myself, let me tell you one thing: Creating provably correct software is not an easy task. So much so, that only recently, the US Navy release the first ever provably correct software (some controller for a drone).
    Every single piece of software that exceeds a few hundred lines of code will have bugs. There is no way around it. The fact that the Kemper team releases updates with bug fixes frequently is a huge plus in my book.

    TL,DR: If you want 100% proven bug free software, buy a tube amp.

    Not gonna happen IMO. Having a VST as a software editor/remote to the device, yes/maybe.Things get cracked on the Internet, so developing VST Kemper able to work without device is like - "hey, we've developed kick a** technology, please do not try to crack it, we've spent so much time working on it".

    100% True. Since Kemper is making a living of the hardware, i can see why they wouldn't want to give the technology away in software form. But one can dream ;)

    I don't mean to pile it on, but the last thing anyone would expect is a musical device not to have some external editor, in this day and age when Mixer's have wifi and are completely controlled by an APP, I don't think it's even too much to expect ability to control this stuff using any smart phone never mind a computer editor.

    Frankly, I also think Kemper would sell more so it's not just a minority that use editors, probably the majority of Kemper users have used modelers before and I can't name one that didn't come with an editor (even if I could name one, that's just one :D ). It's almost the equivalent of buying a car that has no radio or mp3 or music player of some sort., but in that case you can go to some local shop and buy a stereo and have it installed.

    My advice for all the companies that make musical instruments, specifically those that are intended to be used in recording, don't just make an editor, make an editor with some sort VST or any connection to DAWS so that users can call patches from their recording software sessions and edit right then and there Plus saving the preset inside the session.. Eleven RAck inside of pro tools was a great feature, so it can be done inside some sort of VST or AU. Don't just settle for a basic editor.

    This is not fictional stuff, POD Farm, had a dongle in the audio interface and processing was done inside the computer 15 years ago. I don't mind if my whole Kemper hardware turned into some big dongle and I can run triple profiles on three different tracks just like using a plugin . Why not, it can't be hacked, ask line 6 how they did pod farm and linked it to the audio interface...

    I initially didn't want to ask to much, but i 100% agree. I can see where the K Team originally came from. They didn't see the device as a modeler or tinkering device as much, but more like a musical camera. In that sense, not having a editor is passable (maybe). But the reality has shown, that studios (home or pro) around the world use this product in a completely different way and it's time to acknowledge that.
    Having a VST Version (even paid) of a kemper is like a wet dream come true. But since most home studios would skip the hardware altogether with the existence of such a plug in, i don't see it happening. I'd really like changing profiles after recording without having to reamp, but i just settled with the workflow of handling the kemper more like a real amp in that sense.

    I honestly don't think that's the reason, they can limit the amps and the cabs to what resides inside the Kemper Hardware, could they not?

    Not even that. Just a "Remote Control" for the Kemper would be fine. I don't need the Rig Manager Part integrated (but i'd take it). I'd just like to be able to adjust amp settings, add effects and edit their settings and and maybe some of the system settings. I just hate that i have to use the small display and nested menus for testing all the new and shiny delays we got with 5.0...

    I too was baffled to find that such an option doesn't exist. I just can't express how weird it feels to spend 2hrs fiddling with parameters on this tiny display, scrolling through pages of settings while i have two 2560x1440 Monitors in front of me doing nothing.
    Every other major contender in the market has a editor of some sorts. It nearly made me buy the helix, but the kemper just sounds to good ;) I'm really hoping, that there's something coming...