Posts by Chalice

    Don't know if I'm missing something, but is there a way to have browser mode function like performance from the remote... in performance if you have autoload unselected, you can move up and down in the banks and until you select the number, nothing loads. In browser mode, everytime you hit the bank up or down, a preset loads instantly. It would be nice to have it wait until you select the number before loading. Is this possible? and if it is, how do you set it up. Thanks:/

    Don't know if I'm missing something, but is there a way to have browser mode function like performance from the remote... in performance if you have autoload unselected, you can move up and down in the banks and until you select the number, nothing loads. In browser mode, everytime you hit the bank up or down, a preset loads instantly. It would be nice to have it wait until you select the number before loading. Is this possible? and if it is, how do you set it up. Thanks

    I can't understand why they didn't address this years ago.... should just be a software fix. If you get a Trower univibe sound set up , and then you tap tempo to change delay, you just destroyed your well tweaked trower setting. That is crazy and cheesy. Not something I would expect from Kemper. :/:/

    Are they ever going to address the tap tempo effect on modulation speed? you can choose to follow tap or not with the delays, why in the world have they still not created that option for modulations as well? Totally insane! You set up for ex a Van Halen phase at correct speed and as soon as you hit tap to change delay time, you are screwed. Fractal took care of this years ago. C'mon guys! This feature should be a no brainer!

    Would be great to choose what is assigned to tap tempo. For example, you've got a Trower univibe sound setup and the rate is just right. If you hit the tap tempo it impacts your modulation effects. would be great to have option of selecting what is affected by tap :thumbup:

    I have always used a tap tempo for my delays when playing live. The problem I have with the Kemper, is it also messes with my modulation effects such as the vibe or a VH style phase. I set those up at a particular speed but when I use the tap tempo, it impacts them as well. Sort of makes it fairly useless. Is there any way to keep the tap tempo from affecting the mod effects?. If not, that would certainly be a great feature to add. Having the option to decide what is and what is not affected, hopefully on a patch by patch basis.
    Maybe this has already been addressed, but I didn't see it. Help me out guys!

    I sent an email to support explaining the problem this morning and I got an unbelievably fast response from them acknowledging that they are aware of the problem using analog switches and are working on a fix. Great support response!!!!

    I have been trying to use the looper via the switch inputs on the kpa. I set one for loop start and one for stop. According to what I have read, it says push start and record, when you push it again, it starts playback...... So far, so good that part works. However, it is also in overdub mode. I have to click the switch twice at the end of recording to shut off overdub.then when I hit it again, it turns overdub on and again to stop overdub means to hits on switch.
    Okay...... now the stop switch does not stop it. I have to hit the stop switch and then hit the start which then ends playback. I am confused because this is not what I am understanding from the manual. Help me out guys!!!

    I'm sure this has probably been answered before, but is there anyway to have tap temp enabled without it affecting anything but delay? I don't want it to alter the other time based fx like chorus, etc. Thanks guys

    Allow an old man to share his experience. I have both the Kemper and the Helix at the moment. Started playing out in 1973. Rock, country, metal, etc. lots of bands. I've managed a music store and i always been a tone tech junkie.
    I started running things line direct back in late 80's, experimenting with various speaker sims, eq's, etc. I finally hit upon what for me was a combination that sounded like a really good miced up amp. For many years now i have been using a Rocktron progap version 1 & 2.... both of which are digitally controlled analog preamps running their full range output into digitech gsp21's for their eq, effects and speaker sim, plus having a foot controller that allows you to store patches and still stomp box fx on/off with settings for that patch. What I achieved and what i always hated about every other thing I tried; and believe me, I have tried everything from prophecy to everything line 6 , Roland, boss, etc was that while all were capable of making some decent clean tones, the distorted ones always had a fizz. You could eq it out, but something was missing from the tone.
    This gear I run is almost as old as me and, make no mistake, it IS going to die. I have always looked for that one piece to replace all of it, I had an AxeFx ultra and II. Good but still not any better tonewise than my old gear when ran through the pa. They left the premises. I started picking up extra pieces of my gear off EBay as backups.
    I saw demos online of the kemper years ago and never followed up.
    Fast forward to Helix. i watched everything i could and thought it was worth a try. Overall, the Helix is truly everything they say. I use effects extensively according to what I am playing and for my ears, the helix, in my opinion, is head and shoulders above kemper in that department, especially in things like the univibe, etc. having owned all the originals back in the day. in ease of use, it is unbelievably well thought out. A lot of thought went into all the different ways it might be used and it is extremely flexible. The amps 'feel" good and respond the way they should. Assigning pedals is beyond easy and routing capabilities are huge.
    Now for the but...... for me in terms of ease of use, routing, effects, etc the Helix is great, and for a lot of players out there, the sounds definitely work. For me however, I have a very specific kind of sound that I want and it's not in there. It would be a simple enough matter to use one of the stereo effects loops in the helix and put my entire rig in there....even control all the on/offs patches etc, from the Helix. I did do that and it works great, but the goal for me was to find a replacement for my old gear that will die sooner or later. Not haul even more gear around.
    Enter the Kemper. I decided to give it a try and I can tell you I won't look back. I did a quick profile of a few of my sounds and to my delight, it exceeded my expectations. Th sounds were dead on as well as the feel. Didn't even refine the profiles. As I said, they were just quick takes, not careful ones and if anything, they sound even better due to the eq, etc that is there. The other profiles are a mixed basket.... some excellent, some not so good, but again they are profiles and the capability of the Kemper is obvious. Don't get me wrong, the effects in the Kemper are still good, Helix is just better, but Kemper continues to refine so I'm sure they will continue to improve.
    Bottom line for me is that the Kemper really delivers the tones I want when I'm gigging. Being able to have my old sounds along with other great profiles in one little box is priceless. It's something I used to say in jest that I wish there was one little box that had everything in it for all your sounds. Guess what?/ This is it! Kudos to Kemper on this one!!!! 8o8o

    i have been going through the profiles in my kemper through the system we play out with. There are a number of profiles i want to delete. Is there an easy way to do this from the Kemper without using rig manager? I read a old thread that talked about a soft button delete when you browsed, but i don't see it in 4.04.

    This is probably a stupid question, but being a newbie, i'll ask it anyway. is the looper in the KPA or is it in the remote? If its in the KPA, where is it and can i control it with something besides the kemper remote. Thanks, guys